Any Type 1 Diabetics Here?

Hey, I'm not new to MFP but new to the boards. I was wondering if there were any other T1s out there trying to lose weight or have lost weight? I am on the MM 522 pump and a Dexcom CGM.

I feel like we struggle a little more to lose weight because we have to deal with lows that eat up our caloric intake. And as we lose weight, our insulin needs decrease which leads to more lows unless you're constantly adjusting your basals.

I gained 10 lbs after my diagnosis 4 years ago, but I think that's because I was over-Lantused. Once I got on the pump I lost the diagnosis 10, but I've slowly gained it back from having a pretty sedentary job and more stress in my life.


  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    I am a type 1 diabetic and I have lost up to 35 pounds on MFP but I am up since the holidays. I have been diabetic for 22 years. I normally don't count the calories I use for getting my blood sugar back up since I figure that I am using them up by just getting back to a normal blood sugar. It could be hindering my weight loss but I it is working so far. Make sure that your endocrinologist is aware that you are losing weight (she/he will probably be happy like mine was) and they may give you some guidelines like lower your basal a certain amount for every 5 to 10 pounds lost. Bolus should theoretically stay the same; but may not, mine changed a little at first 1 unit/10 grams to 1/12 but thats about it. Like everything else it is a lot of trial and error. If you would like to friend me please go ahead and I will be happy to try to encourage you and help you along the way.
  • WeatherGurl1129
    WeatherGurl1129 Posts: 36 Member
    Well after 3 weeks at the same weight and countlessly correcting lows, I've decided to lower my basal rate by one full unit. I'm hoping this will help me contain some of these lows because I'm pretty much ruining my exercise calories in glucose tabs, which are not very tasty IMO.

    I'm also just plain frustrated for being at the same weight for 3 weeks, but I know there are things I can do better like drinking more water and eating more variety of foods. I always stay within my calories by 100 or so, but I eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast every morning. And I've heard that you need to keep your body guessing to lose weight.