Almost Ready to Quit



  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Yeah, you are probably in starvation mode.

    I can empathize with you. I have a hard time getting my 1290 calories in each day let alone try to eat back my exercise calories. I am a very picky eater too (if I listed my food rules, you all would try to have me committed i'm sure.) On those days when I just cant bear the thought of eating more, I try to add healthy higher calorie foods like guacamole, bananas and almonds. I never liked almonds but I just kept eating them anyway. I found these dark chocolate roasted almonds that come in 100 calorie packs. They are a lifesaver!

    Up your intake in a healthy way and you will be ok. good luck!
  • isaiahxoxoender
    In the book the Glycemic Index it says, "If you are currently eating healthy foods most of the time,with an occasional indulgence, and do physical activity for at least thirty minutes four to five times a week, then your present shape and size might be right for you." I usually go by that rule since it seems the most accurate. I mean whats the point in losing all of that weight just for it to come back again once you reach your goal? Something to think about...
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I do also exercise for an hour 3 times a week, maybe I should up that also. Looks like I am going to have to face my fear and eat more and see what happens

    Don't let the fear take over. Eat more make sure it's healthy. Don't panic if you gain the 1st week or two of eating more. Your body might feel it needs to hold on to it at first. It will go the other way, just have patience. I don't want you to eat more and gain and say that eating more isn't working, because it is probably your body just being confused. 800 is very low to have maintianed.

    Best wishes. FYI my diary is open if you want to get some meal or snack ideas.
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    I always say "losing" is like maintaining - so STAY THE COURSE. Results will come.

    Besides, almost ready to quit, quit and do what? Start to gain? No.

    Just say you're going to take a break and just maintain - and believe it or not, you'll start to see results.

    I had a period where I wanted to maintain and was surprised when I lost 2 pounds during that maintenance.
  • evedavies
    evedavies Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all so much guys, you really are a big help.

    I also am sure that i dont drink enough water so I will change this as well.

    I guess the reason I am scared to eat more is that I dont trust myself to be sensible and I will just rubbish again in order to get the extra calories.

    I will take all of your advice on board and report back :)