30DS Sadness

I was supposed to do L1D3 today, but I was only able to get thru the warm up & the first round of strength moves. I wasn't even able to complete all of those sets. I am so sore from the previous days & it's like I have no energy.

I was able to walk on the treadmill for 16 minutes, but that was killing me also.

I don't want to give up, but I can't believe how out of shape I am. :cry:


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    If it is any costellation I am in ok shape. I have been working out since jan and doing the c25k (completed it) and 30ds killed me the first - fifth day. I will say that the first set is the hardest. If you make it through that the rest gets easier. It was really 5 days before my legs stopped burning just to get up and walk to the bathroom.

    Hang in there and keep on going. If you have to spend 15 days on level 1 so be it.
  • Nataliethin81
    Push through the soreness, sometimes working out helps with ease it. You can do it, don't give up!!!
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    Take note of how it made you feel today, keep up the work out, and make sure you pay attention how much easier it gets time after time! Bet you if you keep it up for 2 weeks, you'll be saying to yourself psshtt that's nothing, I'm going to add 20 more minutes to my treadmill and do some jumping jacks!!! Don't give up!!!!!
  • mazg61
    mazg61 Posts: 4
    I really suffered the first few days as well, my legs especially but it does get easier so just do what you can and keep going. I don't do it everyday but try to do it 4/5 days a week. I've just done L3 D1 this morning and seriously got my butt kicked :-) BUT I wasn't doing any exercise at all before I started so I'm really proud of myself for managing to get this far :D
    I've lost 7 pounds in about 5 weeks but know that I've lost inches as well & am getting toned because of the fit of my clothes - saving a remeasurement till I've finished 30 DS so watch this space
    M x
  • nachoqtpie
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Pain is a sign that your muscles are building (well, that sore of pain, anything severe should be seen by a doctor, of course).

    And every day you'll get stronger, fitter, leaner, better....
  • mandycox1301
    I had the same issue and Im on day 5 day and it is definitley a lot easier. I didnt think I would be able to make it through day to, but I pushed through then soaked in a VERY HOT tub for awhile. That helped me alot! I hate to keep saying what everyone is telling u and what I was told but they are so true. It really does get easier!!!! Good luck!!:wink:
  • EllyK09
    EllyK09 Posts: 75
    I agree sometimes you just have to push through it. I alternate 30ds with c25k. If you absolutely can't do a certain part make something up yourself that you can do. The jump rope kills me so on those days I feel like I can't do it I just walk in place. As long as you keep moving and keep your heart rate up you are doing something great for your body!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I can't find this anywhere who is done with theirs and wants to send it to me??
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I remember what that first week of The 30-Day Shred was like. I was so sore I couldn't sit down or get up like a normal person. I even hated going to the bathroom because that meant I had to sit down and get back up, lol. But I did push through. Don't give up! You can do this!! Remember why you bought the DVD (do I sound like Jillian!?) and push yourself to find out what you really can do--it's a lot more than you think!

    But don't hurt yourself. A break today is fine...but get back at it tomorrow. You will be so proud of yourself when you do! :D
  • olpbabe
    olpbabe Posts: 89
    I have done through L1D4 and let me tell you, I do understand your pain!! It's so hard and I'm dying. It hurts to walk, my knee is killing me, it hurts to laugh...HOWEVER, it is worth it!! I know that this is something I need, so I am keeping with it. In a week, this will be a breeze, I'm confident! Don't give up, think about how amazing you'll feel and look at the end! And even if you can't do what the DVD is saying perfectly, do something. At the end of the video, I simply CANNOT do more than 4 or 5 bicycle crunches. I just collapse. So I do a few and then just do regular crunches. But I know I'll get there, and so will you!
  • weaziemand
    weaziemand Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the support. I don't want to give up. I'm going to try again tomorrow and push myself for as long as I can. It might take me a while to get thru the whole DVD, but I know I will. It makes me feel better that I'm not alone in feeling this way. Should I count tomorrow as L1D1 again or L1D3? I don't know if I'll be able to advance to L2 in 10 days.:frown:
  • olpbabe
    olpbabe Posts: 89
    Just call it L1D3. Who says you have to advance in 10 days? If I don't feel confident enough to move on after the 10th day, I'm staying at L1. If it takes me longer than 30 days, so be it! At least I'm working out. Good luck!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I've just done day6 of L1 and I completely understand your pain! I had long soaks in the bath most days afterwards, and although it was like pins going through my thighs, I kept moving throughout the day - went for a walk, whatever. It hurt, but was less painful than sitting down and trying to move.

    I nearly flaked it yesterday- I find the 1st circuit so tough, but as someone said, once you're through that, it feels easier.

    Just start tomoro as D3, I'm missing tomoros as I have to go to a conference and have an early start, but will recommence with D7 on Sunday!

    Stick at it :-)
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    I actually wasn't sore up until level 3. I guess maybe I wasn't working hard enough. :tongue:
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I can't find this anywhere who is done with theirs and wants to send it to me??
    I got mine at walmart. Can you order it online and do a site to store delliver?
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    In her new DVD, Ripped in 30, Jillian says, "No one ever died from being uncomfortable!" When you want to quit just keep on.. because it does come to an end and you'll be proud for giving it your all.

    If you can't do a particular move, do something else. Don't stop, keep moving constantly. Or if you have to stop, take a breather for five seconds and then push on! You can do it... maybe do each level for two weeks rather than one.
  • Coyotemama
    Coyotemama Posts: 206 Member
    Stick with it because it is so worth it. Like many others have said it does get easier. I did the 30ds in February and I had not been exercising at all when I started. The first few days were the worst but it does get easier. By the time I got to level 3, I was amazed at what my body was able to do that I know I couldn't have done weeks earlier. Jillian is tough but she gets results if you stick with her.