Here is what I ate yesterday...............

Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
Eggs - Fried (whole egg), 2 large 185 1 14 13 188 1
Bread - Whole Wheat/Grain, 2 slice 170 28 3 9 268 4

Grapes - Raw, 1 cup 62 16 0 1 2 15
Best Life Flat Bread, 1 flat bread 100 17 3 9 380 1
Heb - Peppercorn Turkey Breast, 2 oz 60 4 0 11 570 1
Laughing Cow - Light Original Swiss Cheese Wedges, 1 wedge (21g) 35 1 2 2 210 1
Sargento - Reduced Sodium String Cheese, 1 Piece 60 1 4 6 110 0

Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers - Broccoli, Carrots, Cauliflower & Cheese Sauce, 1 cup cooked 90 16 2 4 580 8
Pan Fried With Olive Oil Breast Boneless Skinless - Grilled Skinless Chicken Breast , 6 oz 77 0 10 40 36 0

Blue Diamond - Almonds - Whole Natural , 0.75 oz (28g) 28 nuts 160 6 14 6 0 1
vegatable plate, 1 serving(s) 88 14 6 3 560 8
Silk - Pure Almond Milk Original, 1 cup 60 8 3 1 150 7
General Mills - Cheerios-Mulitgrain, 1 cup 120 24 2 2 160 6

Totals 1,267 136 63 107 3,214 53
Your Daily Goal 1,628 224 53 61 2,500 33
Remaining 361 88 -10 -46 -714 -20
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
*You've earned 298 extra calories from exercise today

After all that....I am still under my calories for the day......BUT the problem I am having....Is I am in the RED in Protein, Sodium and Sugar.....

Please give me some pointers on what you would change or add....delete....any suggestions would be wonderful!!!


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Your sugar isn't from bad things, its from good sources. Just watch white bread and such. So you're good there. Their protein is low... so you're good there. Sodium will come from the prepackaged meats, and prepackaged in general.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    meat is high in protein and u gt 2 lots on there and your cheese try meat once a day rather than 2,, :smile:
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    Being over in protein is alright, although you don't want to eat TOO much. To eat less sodium, which I would recommend you would eat less packaged/processed food. Processed cheeses have a lot of sodium, along with your packaged veggies. If you had these veggies fresh, there would be nearly nothing for sodium. Hitting your sugar goals are tough if you eat fruit, which you should. That being said, I don't even have my diary set to show me sugar. I know that I don't eat chocolate, candy, cookies ect and that all of my sugar is healthy sugar. I wouldn't worry too much about that unless you are having a hard time keeping your refined sugar intake under control.
  • Cherls123
    Looks like the processed cheese to me, salted up to the eyeballs! Don't stress about the protein too much
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I had a weak moment at HEB.....and bought the deli peppercorn turkey.......and that was something I just did this weekend....I should use up the last two slices today for lunch....and then i will have to do something for different for lunch......

    I love the laughing cow is like a treat for me.....and I use it in place of any kind of dressing......

    The packaged vegatables....were my husband's idea for dinner for me....since he cooked last night...and cook the family instant mashed potatoes and baked I chose the lesser of two evils.....

    I am still learning....and really do thank each of you for the advice......
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    I would not worry about sugar that much as long as you are not eating a bunch of unhealthy foods. natural sugars are okay!!
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    Honestly your overall diet there looks decent TO ME. I'm not a doc or a professional. I have high sodium days a couple times a week and I try not to worry too much about it. When it comes to sugar, as long as its not processed I wouldn't worry too much about that either. To scale down the sodium, like everyone else has said, less prepackaged items or look for "low sodium" or "made with sea salt" options. Sea salt naturally has around 100mg less of sodium per serving than table salt. I like Boar's Head reduced sodium turkey breast on my sandwhiches but I am not sure how it compares in sodium with what you are using...maybe just look into swapping some things up. I also wouldn't worry to much about going over on protein--especially if you are on any kind of exercise regime. Maybe try some unsalted nuts for a snack to add some cals w/out adding too much other stuff...or a trail mix with nuts berries granola etc. Fresh veggies...carrot sticks maybe dipped in peanut butter...? Having a low day in cals once in awhile probably won't hurt you that much either as long as you are hitting your daily cals more often than you're not :) Best of luck to you!
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    I had a weak moment at HEB.....and bought the deli peppercorn turkey.......and that was something I just did this weekend....I should use up the last two slices today for lunch....and then i will have to do something for different for lunch......

    I love the laughing cow is like a treat for me.....and I use it in place of any kind of dressing......

    The packaged vegatables....were my husband's idea for dinner for me....since he cooked last night...and cook the family instant mashed potatoes and baked I chose the lesser of two evils.....

    I am still learning....and really do thank each of you for the advice......

    I love laughing cow cheese too! I replace cream cheese with it and eat on mini bagels and crackers...mmm.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm not an expert, but it looks like you're doing fine. Unless you stall for a couple weeks, I would do what you're doing. Don't worry so much about all of that stuff. You're not going to monitor all of those things the rest of your life, more than likely. Keep it simple and be nice to yourself.

    Monica : )

    Ps. You can edit what shows on your daily intake sheet. I took off the sodium and sugar. You know if you're eating bad sugars. By the by, I found a multigrain bread, Little Nichols, for 35 calories a slice. fyi.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Sugar: Don't worry about natural sugars found in whole foods like fruit and milk. As long as you're not eating refined "added" sugars you're fine.

    Sodium: Yes, you're eating way too much. Much of your sodium is coming from the vegetables you're eating. Switch to fresh vegetables and steam them. Or if you must buy frozen, skip the ones that have "sauce."

    Fat: Vegetables contain no fat, so again it's the cheese. How much olive oil are you using to prepare the chicken? Cut back if possible, it only takes a tiny bit to cook 6oz. of chicken. Eat fewer almonds if you want to meet your fat goal. I usually eat 10 grams (10 nuts) as a snack.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I will work on it.....I would like to see more green numbers than red ones!!!!
  • steph5565
    steph5565 Posts: 36
    I would say more veggies and less processed foods. The cheeses contain lots of sodium (Laughing Cow is not even real food, just considered a "food product") and deli meats are notorious for their sodium. Swap out the second cheese at lunch for some veggies and you'll cut sodium and feel better!