Getting Acquainted...

clw_888 Posts: 157 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I just found this site and am loving it! I had my first baby 6 months ago and I am working to lose the last 12 lbs of my pregnancy weight. I am determined to do this before she turns 10 mths! I am enjoying the simplicity of the site. I am hoping to find some great support and motivation here to help me reach my goal! :)


  • Congrats on the baby! Yes you're in the right frame of mine, get it done now! My son is 4 and I was still carrying my preggo weight and more, I just finally got under my pre-pregnancy weight LOL.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi and welcome gd luck with ur goals:smile:
  • welcome!!!


    you can do it.

  • mrstrouty
    mrstrouty Posts: 15
    Welcome !!! and good luck. I think you're really going to enjoy this site and the people on it. Very motivational !!! you can add me as a friend if you like. mrstrouty :happy:
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Congrats on the baby and on almost being back to prepregnancy shape! that's an awesome accomplishment! My son is about to turn 1 April 5th... it flies by, but is so so so much fun!
  • Good luck!!! This is a great site. :)
  • Hi, I was invited to this site by a dear friend. I do need to lose weight, but never really knew how to keep it consistent. So I'm going to start with a little exercise over the weekend, pull out my step aerobics dvd's, and the most important thing is getting started. I do like roller skating so my friend and I should make it a point to invest in some skates this spring.
  • jodik11
    jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome! You're going to love this site, it makes losing weight so much fun
  • Welcome ! Good Luck to you on your weight loss
  • amy29fan
    amy29fan Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome to the "family". This is the most supportive group that I have ever met!!!
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