
ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok so I lost 10lbs in 40 days... I know I should be happy about this but I am a little discouraged of all the work I have put in and not seeing the results I want to see.... even my sister said that she thinks I should have lost more.... I workout 7 days a week. I just finished doing the 30 day shred and didn't see ANY inches come off??? WTHECK??? I have added the excercise bike this week... so now doing an hour a day.... and I haven't cheated once not even on weekends... don't even have the urge to cheat.... I go out to restaurants and eat the safe things... and still.... I was expecting to be down way more then this.... and at least SOME inches.... I know I am down and should be proud... but I have never put this much effort in the past...... Hopefully things will improve in the comming week.... :grumble:


  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Why do you think 10 pounds in 40 days is not a lot? I think that's great for anybody.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Please don't feel too discouraged over this. Keep focused on your long term goal, but set a short term goal to achieve next. Your food diary isn't public, so not sure how to comment other than to say, be sure you are not eating too much processed food (lots of sodium) and be sure you are drinking 8+ glasses of water a day. Give yourself a break and only work out 5 days a week and mix it up. You are headed in the right direction and you will succeed if you just take it day by day! Be ENCOURAGED that you can make this happen!!!!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Oops! hit enter twice!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I have changed my diary settings.... I was happy with the weight loss until my sister said... I thought you would have lost way more then that... (BTW she is a very petite girl.... she works out alot)
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    Everyone loses weight quicky straight away, then your body starts to adjust and it takes a bit longer to see the results. I cant see your diary so i cant really comment on your routines but ensure you are eating enough to be able to burn...theres no point doing all that exercise if you arent eating enough. Dont go under 1200 cals especially on the exercise days.

    Have you thought about slowing down the cardio workouts and doing more toning...like pilates or some resistance training? i bet if you carry on, you will see a difference in a weeks time. Your body is just adjusting and youll be glad you didnt give up!!

    good luck xx
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    are you measuring your food with a digital scale? That was the biggest thing for me. I also purchased a heart rate monitor to help me better estimate my calorie burn. I think those two tools have helped me the most with my weight loss.
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I entirely understand!! I too was discouraged when I wasn't lose the weight as quickly as I had wanted. Now I'm 10 months in, and I have "only" lost 34.2 pounds. But at the same time, I'm losing it at a HEALTHY rate. I exercise 6X/week, usually am within my calorie limits, drink over 10 glasses of water/day... It's been a LIFESTYLE change, not just a diet. And because I'm losing the weight slowly (and toning my muscles along the way - so let's not forget I've dropped 10% body fat), my skin has time to readjust so I don't have flappy skin hanging around.

    Hang in there and KEEP GOING!! You're doing great!! And losing is losing is losing... no matter what the pace.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good morning....sounds like to me you are right on track. Today was my 40th day on here and I've lost right at 9 lbs. You are doing the work so good things are bound to happen for you. It just takes time. You didn't gain it overnight so just be patient:) Good luck to your continued success:)
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Hard to offer suggestions unless you open up your diary. Are you doing all cardio for exercise? Any strength training? And yes, you should be very happy with 10lbs in 40 days. That's about 2lbs per week! If you lose more than that per week, you would be losing too much lean muscle mass. If you lose muscle mass instead of body fat, you actually make your body fatter even though you weigh less. Slow is the way to go with weight loss!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    First off, 10lbs in just under 7 wks is FANTASTIC!

    I would say chill out a bit. If you are working out 7 days a week- you are doing too much... take a rest day (that doesnt have to mean sit around like a lump, but you know, go for mellow walks, or do active lifey things like go bowling or shopping or something). Don't push so hard.

    Try to find a balance- where you are pushing yourself, you are making healthy decisions (and that doesn't always mean a salad either!). Remember you are losing weight to be able to better enjoy life!! Enjoy the getting there also! :-)
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    I have changed my diary settings.... I was happy with the weight loss until my sister said... I thought you would have lost way more then that... (BTW she is a very petite girl.... she works out alot)

    Your body is nothing like your sisters. my sister is petit and if she wants to lose weight its gone before you know it! she can fill her face with junk food all day long and still be slim and petit. i am totally opposite. if i have a burger youll see it on my *kitten* the next couple of days lol!!

    Just checked your diary....why dont u have a look at whats using up your sodium intake and cut that down. this will be a factor of bloating and make you feel and look bigger than what you are. youll be amazed how different you feel without all that bread at breakfast and lunch. :o)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Ask yourself at the end of each day - am I doing everything I can to lead a healthier lifestyle and improve my overall health and fitness? If the answer is yes, then you CANNOT allow yourself to be disappointed by the scale. And by "everything I can" - I do not mean you should go to extremes - if you're eating sensibly, tracking calories, getting regular exercise in (that is challenging/pushing yourself), drinking your water, getting enough sleep, etc., then you should be proud of yourself. Sometimes the body does not follow the plan we have laid out - we all wish weight loss were as straightforward as calories in/calories out, but there are tons of factors that are difficult (if not impossible) to quantify.

    Do what you know is healthy and be proud of the healthy habits you are creating. 10 lbs in 40 days is NOT anything to shrug off - it's fantastic, and you should be proud. Don't worry about what you "should" have lost. It may take longer than you'd like, but if you maintain your healthy habits and keep on going, your health/fitness will improve (including weight).
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    At a glance of a few days of your diary, I see that you are consistantly under your calorie goal. Try to eat close to all/most of your calories. Not enough will actually cause your body to hang on to body fat because you aren't providing it enough fuel. So, your body stores it instead of burns it.
  • First off, ten pounds is freakin' awesome!
    Every body is different, I have friends on here that have about the same weight loss goal, started when I did, aaaaaand have lost a good 8+ pounds more than me. Kinda sucks, but I just have to keep in mind that it takes time, my body loses at its own pace, and that I'm also doing it for my overall health.
    Also, I glanced at a few days in your food diary, maybe you shoudl try eating back at least some of your exercise calories (search the forums for posts on starvation mode/eating back calories for better info), just a thought :smile:
    Best of luck to you!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    thank you all for your replies! I appreciate the comments and suggestion.... as for eating all my calories in a day I find that hard to do and scarry all in one... but I will try to do this... also will try the 'rest' day.... and see what happens... I am happy that I am down don't get me wrong...and 10lbs down is better then 10lbs up.... which I probably would be if I didn't find this site!!! Thanks again guys! :flowerforyou:
  • BreeWilder
    BreeWilder Posts: 133 Member
    Don't be discouraged! 10 pounds is AWESOME! I'm losing at about the same pace as you and while it might not be as quick as I would like I can tell my body is getting stronger! And I'm sure your is too. And as much as I would love to just snap my fingers and be done with my journey I know doing it this way is teaching me the proper way to live. So keep going! You can do it!
  • Smokenmirrors
    Smokenmirrors Posts: 71 Member
    You are doing great. Stay the course. Stay the course. You should allow yourself a rest day from all this training. Keep up the good work. We're all pulling for you.
  • Firstly, well done on your 10lb loss so far, that really is a lot in a short space of time. It took me approximately 6 months to lose my 25 lbs ( I did it very slowly so it will stay off). It was a couple of months before I saw any real inches coming off too, so please don't be discouraged, you have to think of it as a way of life as opposed to a quick fix. You are doing GREAT, please just keep on going the way you are and ignore the haters :-) be proud of yourself, we're all here for you for real support x
  • Kimber2336
    Kimber2336 Posts: 131
    Thanks for posting this thread and for all that commented on it... I've been feeling the same way today and reading all these posts have helped me put some things in perspective. thanks again!
  • Kimber2336
    Kimber2336 Posts: 131
    Thanks for posting this thread and for all that commented on it... I've been feeling the same way today and reading all these posts have helped me put some things in perspective. thanks again!
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