I just don't think I can do this

I shouldn't have weighed today. I was going to wait until the first. But it's been a week and I have done what I thought was really good this week. I have been under my calories and walked every day. I am up two pounds. I have been stuck at this weight for a while but how the freak did I gain weight?

I just feel like a complete failure. So now I'm sitting here in tears. At least I have no appetite.


  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Don't give up, you can do it! I notice that it takes me more than a week to see results, whether up or down. Just keep with the program and don't beat yourself up.

    I know it's hard, especially if you have a love-hate relationship with food (and I do). I have lost 48 lbs in the past year by focusing on more than the scale (easy for me to say) and paying more attention to how good I feel, how much stronger I am and how much fitter I am. But there were lots of days I wanted to give up, so I feel your pain!

    Maybe you are not eating enough? Check out the info here on starvation mode if that's the case. But please, don't give up!
  • amyd03
    amyd03 Posts: 129 Member
    Nikki it will be ok. is it time for your monthly ? if so you could be holding fluid from that. your body maybe gaining muscle instead of losing weight. Don't give up you have come to far to give up. Maybe change up your walking with something else. Your body may have gotten use to the walking.
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    is it possible it may be water gain from to much sodium?that seems to be why i am not losing anymore because im usually under my calories but sodium is the worst for me ..maybe you can drink more water .i am not that great at giving advice i swear every other day i want to quit seems so dang hard ,but i know this will get easier someday and i want to be around and healthy for my kids if not for them id probably eat myself to death.so think of the positives hun..(hugs)
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    When you say under calories.. are you still meeting your net calorie goals everyday?? It's important to do that otherwise you are looking at starvation mode. Hang in there though! It will be alright.. Look how far you have come already!! it is SOO worth it!!! You deserve it!!
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Don't give up! That sweet little baby in the picture will need you around for a long time! She will need YOU to show her how to be healthy and active. This is more than just about you!

    How are you doing with your water? I had gained almost a pound earlier this week because of sodium, but, I kept chugging away at my water, and I ended up losing half a pound this week (plus the .9 I had gained from salt!). It is slow some weeks, but that is just what it does. Also, is it almost your TOM or something? That can really impact the scale!

    GL, and keep fighting the fight!

    Edit: If you don't track your sodium, maybe you should. I know us Southern Belles really love our salt!!
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Definitely keep pushing. I feel you on this one. I'm actually afraid to weight myself night now. I've been training extra hard with my trainer; I'm doing a lot more treadmill work (cardio) than ever before; I feel new and different muscle soreness each week so I know I'm working every muscle in my body - and HARD; but I'm afraid I'll also get discouraged if I don't see awesome results. It's also hard to see your own progress so soon. Looking in the mirror day-by-day, we see the same face and the same body, but others notice the small changes a lot faster than we are able to. At least for me, if I can't see myself 5 sizes smaller right away, I don't see any changes at all (and we all know such a drop like that doesn't happen so suddenly). You're doing GOOD for your body. Be VERY proud of that, as we all are of you.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you're not already, start measuring yourself and tracking the inches you can track here. You may find that you're getting smaller but not losing weight.

    You might also have just hit a plateau. If what you're doing isn't working any more, try something a little different. Shake things up! Drink a little more water. Try varying your exercise routine if you can. Walk at night instead of in the morning or vice versa. Eat less carbs and more protein. Don't lose hope! You've already lost 26 pounds in just a few months! Did you think you'd be able to manage that when you started?
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Don't give-up, hon! At least on your efforts... perhaps you could give-up the scale for awhile though?! I am currently on a "scale diet" for Lent, and it has magically transformed me into a super-focused health nut! There are so many reasons you could be up, and some of them are actually good (muscle gain!). Drink some water, keep moving, and put the scale away for two weeks or so... pay attention to how your clothes are fitting and how healthy you are feeling in the meantime. Your scale will get the message :wink:
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    Weight definitely fluctuates and sometimes for no apparent reason. I have been at this for over a year, and a couple of months ago (pretty much all through January and most of Feb) I KEPT gaining and losing the same couple of pounds. I would lose half a pound one week and then gain 4. It would take me 2 weeks to lose it again and maybe an additional half pound. I was frustrated beyond belief.

    A couple times I was feeling just as you are now. I would weigh in and not see the results I wanted/expected and think to myself "screw it. I'm doing all this hard work and sacrificing the foods I love and for what? this???".

    But then, I would literally tell myself "stop". Stop thinking like this. If you give up now, what is that going to accomplish? Is that going to get you the results you want? Hell no. THAT way of thinking will get you right back to your start weight. This may take awhile. It may take you a month to lose a whole 'nother .5 pound. But you know what? That's better than gaining back everything you've already worked so hard for.

    I just have to keep reminding myself that I am in this for the long haul. I don't beat myself up too badly when I do screw up and go over and I have to constantly give myself that little talk when I feel like giving up.

    You can so do this! You've already lost 26 lbs. Try to remind yourself that it takes time and there will be ups and downs but you are worth every step of it and every heartache you encounter along the way is going to make it that much more of a sweet success when you finally reach your goal :flowerforyou:
  • Vanishing_Gordies
    First - don't worry about that stinkin scale. It likes to sabotage and bring us down. What you need to focus on is eating the right foods, exercising, and telling yourself that you love being you. I know it's a difficult thing to do in our positions, but you need to think about all the positive things in your life. Don't get down because that brings stress and stress brings the pounds. Love yourself first.
    Second - take measurements. I haven't lost much weight, but I can see and feel a difference and others can too because I've lost inches and have gained some muscle. You will too.
    Hang in there buddy. You absolutely CAN do this and we're all here for you!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I shouldn't have weighed today. I was going to wait until the first. But it's been a week and I have done what I thought was really good this week. I have been under my calories and walked every day. I am up two pounds. I have been stuck at this weight for a while but how the freak did I gain weight?

    I just feel like a complete failure. So now I'm sitting here in tears. At least I have no appetite.
    Nikki I am not going to offer you the shoulder to cry on but I can offer you advice that will make a world of difference to you.
    1) Get rid of the scale, it is not an accurate measure of fat loss end of story, its the "greasy car salesman of the weight loss world", it will only tell you half the story my love, the real measure of fat loss is in inches lost.
    2) Small changes over time snowball into big changes, diet tweaks here and there will result in big losses and I mean fat loss not muscle loss
    3) Do not allow negativity to stop you, women in today's society are programmed to think that petite=healthy and that is bullcrap. If you really want true diet advice that works then look at my food diary, I have dropped 25 pounds of fat in under 2.5 mths, and it was easy for me.
    4) Find what mental blocks have stopped you in the past, they are there and you deserve to be happy so start by getting rid of those blocks, they were put there by you and can be removed by you.

    I believe in a non nonsense approach to diet, food is medicine, when taken properly it can heal the body, when abused it will hurt you. Get the body working for you and not against you.
  • sharaleeb
    sharaleeb Posts: 32
    DON'T GIVE UP!! You're worth doing this!
  • getmehealthy
    Nikki - I've been there so many times. DO NOT GIVE UP! Your body changes daily. Stay off the scale - it's not worth being defeated after all your hard work. You've got to give it time. Weight loss is a life change. I've been making my change for 6 years. Slow loss but keeping it off and I"m so excited with each goal met!! You can do this. Look at all the people who have replied to you just now. One day at a time. Now put that scale away, drink a glass of water and get back at it. We're all in this together.
  • anniepants1
    Please don't give up on yourself. I know how discouraging it is when you feel like you've done everything right and are so excited to see those results on the scale then you step on and wham, the number goes up. It happened to me last week and like you I just wanted to cry. I looked at how much sodium I was getting in a day and it was shocking. So maybe take a look at that and make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water. Women especially tend to have weight fluctations just from fluid retention alone. Don't forget, you ARE getting better and healthier every day. The results you want will come as long as you stick with your plan.
  • isaiahxoxoender
    This is so true! Just focus on how good you feel! Thats what keeps me going. I just remember how when I ate junk food and fastfood I felt so tired,crabby and just yuck! I hated who I saw in the mirror. Ever since I started eating right and exercising I have so much energy!!! I feel happy all of the time. Just keep at it!!!
    Don't give up, you can do it! I notice that it takes me more than a week to see results, whether up or down. Just keep with the program and don't beat yourself up.

    I know it's hard, especially if you have a love-hate relationship with food (and I do). I have lost 48 lbs in the past year by focusing on more than the scale (easy for me to say) and paying more attention to how good I feel, how much stronger I am and how much fitter I am. But there were lots of days I wanted to give up, so I feel your pain!

    Maybe you are not eating enough? Check out the info here on starvation mode if that's the case. But please, don't give up!
  • spoiledwifenikki
    hang in there don't give up if I can do it you can do it
  • wanda1956
    wanda1956 Posts: 110
    Don"t give up...Maybe your not eating enough....If you are exercising you need more calories.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    How are you measuring your food? Get a good food scale, and weigh everything for exactness.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I was in your SAME place a few weeks ago. I cried and cried but then I got MAD and made an appointment with a dietcian and guess what. I wasn't eating ENOUGH! Now that I'm taking in more calories I can see that I'm losing inches. Don't go by the stupid scale. It LIES! Also, don't stress about weight loss. Think of it as a lifestyle change and concentrate on getting healthy. The weight will come off. Just please don't you dare give up!!!!
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Dont give up, if it was easy everyone would do it. takes alot of time and motovation to get were you want to be.