Help me figure out what to do to lose weight if. . .

my goal is 1200 cals
my food is 620
my exercise is -996
my net is -376
and i have 1576 cals remaining

how would i lose weight? i am so confused.


  • mgreen10
    mgreen10 Posts: 229 Member
    so are you saying that you ate 620 calories and burned 996 calories today?
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    You really should be eating more than 620 calories in a day. Even if you aren't working out that much, that's not even enough to sustain your BMR.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    NET is how many calories your body actually has to absorb after burning all the calories from exercise.
  • Dutchgirly
    Dutchgirly Posts: 57 Member
    so far today that's all i had. what do i need to do? eat what i burn- is that net?
  • Dutchgirly
    Dutchgirly Posts: 57 Member
    so after i exercise am i supposed to refuel to lose weight?
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    follow the MFP program and you will lose weight. If you are on 1200 cals you need to eat them all + some or most of your exercise cals back also.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    so after i exercise am i supposed to refuel to lose weight?

    Exactly. My goal is 1250 for the day, once I exercise that number goes up to anywhere between 1880-over 2000. Once I eat everything my NET is back at 1250. This is what your body then uses to function and burn fat.
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    There have been a number of threads on this; search for AZDAK and I think you'll find a very, very good explanation of why you need to eat all of the calories MFP gives you on days you exercise hard. Try to get as close as you can and don't worry about it.
  • Dutchgirly
    Dutchgirly Posts: 57 Member
    that just seems like a lot to eat
  • skinneemee79
    skinneemee79 Posts: 12 Member
    You need to eat. I am set at 1200 calories a day. If I do nothing all day, no exercise or anything, I need to get 1200 calories of food in my body. If I burn 400 additional calories during exercise, then I need to eat 1600 calories. If you eat too few your body will go into starvation mode and you will not lose and if you do, you will quickly gain it back. Today I am set at 1640 calories because I burned 440 on my bike. My goal will be to get to as close to 1640 as possible with out going over.
  • zoibas
    zoibas Posts: 31
    Yes, your resting metabolic rate is about 14 x current weight. 1 pound equals about 3500 calories. Resting metabolic rate - 500 calories will loose you 1 pound a week, resting - 1000 is 2 pounds a week. don;t let your body go into starvation mode so you do have to eat to loose weight... eat your exercise calories so basically resting metabolic rate calories + exercise calories - 500 calories will loose you a pound a week..... and so on. Also I try to eat about 300 per meal and snacks at 10 and 2....... hope that helps
  • catysthename
    catysthename Posts: 278 Member
    You need to eat. I am set at 1200 calories a day. If I do nothing all day, no exercise or anything, I need to get 1200 calories of food in my body. If I burn 400 additional calories during exercise, then I need to eat 1600 calories. If you eat too few your body will go into starvation mode and you will not lose and if you do, you will quickly gain it back. Today I am set at 1640 calories because I burned 440 on my bike. My goal will be to get to as close to 1640 as possible with out going over.

    Exactly!! It's like a game. Work out, gain more cals. You have to eat the cals that you burn because you have to stay at your minimum cal intake daily. If you don't and go into starvation mode, you will plateau and not lose anymore weight. You have to fuel the muscle you build during the workout somehow!
  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    You need to eat. I am set at 1200 calories a day. If I do nothing all day, no exercise or anything, I need to get 1200 calories of food in my body. If I burn 400 additional calories during exercise, then I need to eat 1600 calories. If you eat too few your body will go into starvation mode and you will not lose and if you do, you will quickly gain it back. Today I am set at 1640 calories because I burned 440 on my bike. My goal will be to get to as close to 1640 as possible with out going over.

    THIS IS THE BEST EXPLANATION of NET Calories Ive seen!!
  • Dutchgirly
    Dutchgirly Posts: 57 Member
    wow thanks so much everyone!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I eat every 2-3 hours to get my calories. I also shoot for small meals that pack a high but healthy caloric load.
  • zoibas
    zoibas Posts: 31
    You need to eat. I am set at 1200 calories a day. If I do nothing all day, no exercise or anything, I need to get 1200 calories of food in my body. If I burn 400 additional calories during exercise, then I need to eat 1600 calories. If you eat too few your body will go into starvation mode and you will not lose and if you do, you will quickly gain it back. Today I am set at 1640 calories because I burned 440 on my bike. My goal will be to get to as close to 1640 as possible with out going over.

    THIS IS THE BEST EXPLANATION of NET Calories Ive seen!!

    Come on, mine wasn't all that bad ha ;-) I'm an engineer give me my math equations lol
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    If your goal is 1200, and you ate 620 - you have 580 calories to eat left. If you exercised 996 calories off - then you need to add 580 to 996 = 1576 calories. This is how many MORE calories you need to eat to net 1200. The reason your net is currently -376 is because you have eaten 620 calories, minus what you burnt 996 = -376.

    Yes you need to eat most if not all of your exercise calories or you won't lose weight. Its a proven fact. Your body will start to burn muscle and feel it is starving and hold onto whatever fat it can get. There are many threads and discussions about this very topic that are very informative.

    Here's an excellent link:
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Go here for a simple explanation of exercise calories and why you need to consume them, especially if your daily goal is at the low end (1200 cals):

    If you’re still confused, more links can be found here:
  • Dutchgirly
    Dutchgirly Posts: 57 Member
    If your goal is 1200, and you ate 620 - you have 580 calories to eat left. If you exercised 996 calories off - then you need to add 580 to 996 = 1576 calories. This is how many MORE calories you need to eat to net 1200. The reason your net is currently -376 is because you have eaten 620 calories, minus what you burnt 996 = -376.

    Yes you need to eat most if not all of your exercise calories or you won't lose weight. Its a proven fact. Your body will start to burn muscle and feel it is starving and hold onto whatever fat it can get. There are many threads and discussions about this very topic that are very informative.

    Here's an excellent link:

    Lona, I trust you- 75 lb weight loss pal can't be wrong! thanks so much!