Two-a-day workouts starting March 21st



  • InternSherry

    I think its admirable HLRoberts, if you feel great, JUST DO IT! I am down for 3 days a week, two-a-day challenge!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    It has nothing to do with you being a woman. It's not a matter of gender, but perception of the situation. I'm not concerned for your well being because you're "a fragile little girl that can't take care of herself." I'm concerned because you're a human being.

    As I said, at one point in my life I was a competitive athlete participating in two-a-days. The purpose, in my particular sport (swimming) was to have a high amount of activity to come down from, otherwise known as "taper."
    From my experience, which may be limited compared to some, I don't think you'll see better or faster results doing two-a-days to "get in shape." Whether that means "getting in shape" by the broad definition or by your own.
    After competing in swimming, I also coached swimming. I would never suggest anyone, male or female, do two-a-days unless they were training for a very specific event. And depending on the event, I still wouldn't suggest it.

    Good luck and take care.

    Thank you for your input on the situation. It took me two months last summer to get into the shape I was in and I am further now than I was last year when I started the whole 'getting ready for bikini season' I do not think I will be ALL the way where I want to be BY summer But I will be closer than if I were to work out a couple times a week. I am not looking for a 'fast fix' for getting more toned I just think doing something a little extra (like two a days..of course one workout will be easier than the other) will mentally make me feel better. Most of this crap is all mental anyway. I am glad to hear your input always like hearing other people advice. Thanks :o)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member

    I think its admirable HLRoberts, if you feel great, JUST DO IT! I am down for 3 days a week, two-a-day challenge!

    That is my plan :o) I probably will not do it 6 days a week but I will at least do it 4. Like I said in my last post is it will mentally make myself feel btter because alot of this workout/eat right/ loose weight/confidence thing is mental anyway. Might as well do something for myself (that will not harm me because I WILL take care of myself and eat right.) :o)
  • mommy3girls
    I would love to join in :smile:
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I would love to join in :smile:

    Awesome. I will add you as a friend and Message you on like the 20th..Starting on March 21st! :o):o)
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I've been doing two-a-day workouts since January. A walk/jog in the morning and a dvd at night. This week I added a more moderate walk on my lunch hour. So I guess I'm doing three-a-days. ;-> In my opinion some of the concern about two-a-days is misplaced.

    Unless I misunderstand you, you are not talking about doing the kind of super intensive workouts that elite athletes do to get ready for their sports season. I took you to mean instead of doing your usual 30-60 minute you will do two.

    People who have highly physical jobs continue to work every day for 8 or more hours and keep it up for years and years. I don't think taking two walks per day and a 30-45 minute dvd are going to do me in!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I've been doing two-a-day workouts since January. A walk/jog in the morning and a dvd at night. This week I added a more moderate walk on my lunch hour. So I guess I'm doing three-a-days. ;-> In my opinion some of the concern about two-a-days is misplaced.

    Unless I misunderstand you, you are not talking about doing the kind of super intensive workouts that elite athletes do to get ready for their sports season. I took you to mean instead of doing your usual 30-60 minute you will do two.

    People who have highly physical jobs continue to work every day for 8 or more hours and keep it up for years and years. I don't think taking two walks per day and a 30-45 minute dvd are going to do me in!

    Totally agree with you. Could not have said it better. Only you can decide what's right for you. Listen to your body. I've slowly introduced two a day into my routine. I'm currently doing it 3x /wk now. Just have to challenge, myself to do 5 now.

    When I was in shape before I got sick. I did 2 a day for a long time without any problems or injuries.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    I'm in! I really need to start training for a 10k and want to strength train as well. Spring is the perfect time to start and this will be great motivation to get me up in the mornings! Friend me if I don't friend you first. :smile:
  • nemed
    nemed Posts: 8
    I would like to join this challenge also. I can probably to 2 a day for 4 days a week, that is probably the most my schedule will allow.
  • catycee1
    catycee1 Posts: 29 Member
    add me I also had been thinking about doing two a day, Sometimes a couple hours after my intense workout I'm ready for a little more of something. I'm willing to do 2 a day for 5 days starting n march 21. please sent me a reminder so I can post my personal goals
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I started tri training so I do alot of 2/days just to get in min of 3x swimming, running and biking..I need to do some yoga and weights..

    Are you doing them everyday? certain amt of days? any rest days?
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I've been doing two-a-day workouts since January. A walk/jog in the morning and a dvd at night. This week I added a more moderate walk on my lunch hour. So I guess I'm doing three-a-days. ;-> In my opinion some of the concern about two-a-days is misplaced.

    Unless I misunderstand you, you are not talking about doing the kind of super intensive workouts that elite athletes do to get ready for their sports season. I took you to mean instead of doing your usual 30-60 minute you will do two.

    People who have highly physical jobs continue to work every day for 8 or more hours and keep it up for years and years. I don't think taking two walks per day and a 30-45 minute dvd are going to do me in!

    Totally agree with you. Could not have said it better. Only you can decide what's right for you. Listen to your body. I've slowly introduced two a day into my routine. I'm currently doing it 3x /wk now. Just have to challenge, myself to do 5 now.

    When I was in shape before I got sick. I did 2 a day for a long time without any problems or injuries.

    Yeah I totally agree. Very well put!!! I am starting on March 21st and I cannot wait. Last summer I worked out moderately hard and got where I wanted to be. And so I know what my body and mind can handle. Yes I am just going to do workout twice a day. Its not really like 3 hour worksouts twice a day. Like Mon, Wed, Friday I will do Cardio morning and weightraining with a little mroe cardio adn then Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat. I will do more cardio those days. Get my heart in shape and my lungs...Now of couse all of this is give and take all depending of course on different variables but this is my plan :o) i cant wait to keep in touch with you guys to help motivate me to keep pushing :o)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm in! I really need to start training for a 10k and want to strength train as well. Spring is the perfect time to start and this will be great motivation to get me up in the mornings! Friend me if I don't friend you first. :smile:

    Okay very cool. I will send you message or soemthing probably on sunday march 20th or another post and let everyoen know I posted a post :o) cant wait!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I would like to join this challenge also. I can probably to 2 a day for 4 days a week, that is probably the most my schedule will allow.

    Okay that will work its will just be nice to have other people who are going through the same things as matter how many days it is. Awesome I'll add you as a friend and talk to you on march 20th
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I started tri training so I do alot of 2/days just to get in min of 3x swimming, running and biking..I need to do some yoga and weights..

    Are you doing them everyday? certain amt of days? any rest days?

    I am going to start March 21st and if you look at my above post/reply I am going to do to it 6days a week and probably rest on sunday. Its usually my 'lazy day' might do some light stretching that day but for the most part its rest rest rest that day.

    I am most def ready to start. If I wasnt going out of the country this week for spring break I would be starting this monday buuuuuut it just didnt workout that way so its the 21st :o)
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    add me I also had been thinking about doing two a day, Sometimes a couple hours after my intense workout I'm ready for a little more of something. I'm willing to do 2 a day for 5 days starting n march 21. please sent me a reminder so I can post my personal goals

    Okay I most deff will do... :o) talk to you in a week :o)
  • InternSherry
    I think its Great!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in! I'm a full time student, work 25+ hrs a week and am an active member of my sorority.. but I think I can make it work. I'm starting turbofire today and also want to start training for some 5ks and incorporate some weight training.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    tsosbe - That is how I am I work full time go to school and will have to make time to workout between studying....I know I can do it :o) and so can you just have to figure out a shedule and stick to it :oi)

    you might have me convinced :) I'm a full time student taking 15 hours a week, and working 20+ hours a week. Let me think about it. I'm not sure 7 days a week would work, maybe 5? Thats 2 showers a day haha :)

    You can for sure do this! I work full time, go to school full time on the weekends and have two kids. If I can do two a days anyone can! I just got Jillian Michael's ripped in 30 dvd for the mornings and am doing an advanced 5k training in the evenings. That's 30 mins in the morning and about an hour in the evening. Totally doable! Friend me if you want more support. :smile:
  • Jm522
    Jm522 Posts: 7
    This sounds like a great idea!!! I have not been motivated to exercise even once a day. I am going to try to attempt this. It shouldn't be hard to do. My only question to you is, how long should each session be? I think your cardio/strength training should work for me. I will do the cardio in the morning and the strength training at night. Vice versa the next day and so on. I will alternate sessions each day. Looking foward to starting. I will weigh in before I start the week and weigh in after the week and let you know how it went. Good Luck to you and have fun.