40+ lots to lose - ADDITIONAL small group? (20 max)

Drat! I just saw the notice for the new group -- 40+ and lots to lose. Since I'm new here, it seemed like a good idea, but it filled up in a flash! I really don't know how to create or manage a "group" here, but is anyone else interested in forming another one? Anyone know how to organize things? :smile: Come on gals -- I know you're out there!


  • balston2010
    balston2010 Posts: 62 Member
    i can start one?
  • MissTizz
    MissTizz Posts: 39
    I don't know how to do it either- but I'd love to be in it!
  • ckg2
    ckg2 Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to this and not sure what I'm doing but i have 60 to 70 lbs to lose and need all the help I can get please help me through this process
  • Bronwyn9
    Bronwyn9 Posts: 17
    OK that's 4! Any one else out there? balston, you think you know how to do this? We can just keep collecting names, and surely we'll get the hang of it! Does anyone know if all of the groups are public on this site, or do some go private?