feeling overwhelmed

I've just completed week 1 of mfp and was doing really well eating the right things and exercising regukarky for the first time in years...until I had a splurge last night. Now I feel terribly guilty and although I'm lacing up my shoes to get back to the gym today I'm suddenly daunted by the enormity of what I've got to do. I have to lose 70lbs if i want to look like my old self. How do you stay onthe straight and narrow? any advice greatly appreciated.


  • EmmaRankmore
    One day at a time. Thats how I do it :) Keep your goal in the back of your mind, but don't let it overwhelm you :)

    Make small goals. And I mean SMALL!!! :) That way when you reach them you'll feel a nice sense of achievement :)

    Planning helps too - that way the task isnt huge, just little ones :)

    And be kind to yourself!! :) We are all our own worst critics. :) You didn't 'stuff up' - you just had a day off - tomorrow is a new day :)
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    If I may, step one: stop feeling guilty. It's the worst advisor you could have.

    Step two: get out there in the gym, and do your thing. Sweat, suffer, sigh and tear the place apart. In a couple of months, it will already go a lot easier. But the tough start is necessary.

    Step 3: commit to going at it step by step. Your 70 pounds just won't drop off your *kitten* overnight. It'll take time, but as you trod along the results that you see are going to make all the difference.

    Hope you made it to the gym...?
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    Never feel guilty. What's done is done and can't be changed again. So accept it and move on. You can only live in the here and now. Try to make good choices, give it your best and work hard on getting to your goals. One day now and then can slow you down, but it should never stop you.
    70 lbs seem to be much, but it is still achievable. You just need time. And you have to be patient. It's a learning process. And it gets easier with time, no worries. Good luck.
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    Just one foot in front of the other, and create smaller goals for the journey to your ultimate goal...Ask yourself, do i want that biscuit, extra portion more than i want to be fitter/healthier/slimmer. I find the answer is 90% a resounding NO!!! however sometimes it's a yes and thats ok, leave the guilt behind, you're in control of you, and you can do it , you really will get there, use the site, lean on others when you need to, share your success, we all love to share , you'll find the support second to none...wishing you a lot of luck....:smile:
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Like others have said, accept it and move on. For me, I've learned the best thing for me is to allow myself to splurge for one day or one meal once per week. Yeah, in a way it's technically "cheating" --- but you know something? It works for me. I get to craving something, I eat it, and then I move on. You can do the same thing.. guilt is just tempation laughing at you. Don't let it. I learned that my first couple weeks. Been with MFP 30 days today and have lost 13 lbs. :)
  • carolyne2
    carolyne2 Posts: 109
    Nothing to worry about hun, these things will happen along the way from time to time. Best thing to do is to recognise that you have done it, put your hands up - guilty as charged - and then just get right back on your plan and move on. Everyone has a blow out now and again, even the so called normal slim people, thing is, they don't dewll on it or feel guilty, they just carry on, and thats all you need to do. No guilt, no beating yourself up just get back on track today. :flowerforyou:
  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    First of all welcome!! If you look at the amount you need to lose,you will be totally overwhelmed. Try not to. I took it 10# at a time. When 1 was (for instance) 320#,I reached for 299. Then 289,279 and so on. Don't give up. And if you mess up or maybe gain a lb or 2,set your goals higher. You'll get there by the Grace of God. Depend on Him. He'll help you and so will your MFP friends. If any of your pals discourage you,defriend them. You only need positive feed right now. God bless you on this new journey:)
  • PPJO
    PPJO Posts: 5
    Thank you so much everyone I am really moved by your support. It helps so much just knowing there are others out there supporting me. Well i did make it to the gym and although step aerobic hurt like hell i feel so much better having done it - I just need to keep going. Thanks again, its good to know there are such good people out there. Have a great weekend.
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    Yep, we're here to motivate each other and share experiences.

    And you got some amazingly consistent responses so that's a good thing for you to start!