
2004Jessica Posts: 113
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
:grumble: I got over excited and started trying on pants at the store--- WAY TOO SOON, I think. I've lost 6 pounds. But only 1 inch in the waist. WHERE IS THE WEIGHT LOSS?!!!!!! I feel like I really haven't done anything so far. I know- a great Journey begins with one step. But it's such a loooong journey!!! *pout*. I have to break through this mental brick wall and get excited again. :ohwell: I know it will all be worth it- I guess I'm just a little impatient. (VERY IMPATIENT!!!!)


  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I can relate to that, I have a closet full of clothes that used to fit, and it is so convenient to try them on ( I'm there, they are there....:wink: ) Then I get discouraged ... that is when it is most important to pick myself up and find something to do to burn a few more calories!
  • Dear Jessica,

    Me too! I lost 9 lbs. in three weeks when I first started in January then gained three back and have plateued at six lbs lost. I loved the quick loss but ineveitabley some would come back. It demotivated me and after aabout two weeks I go a "why bother" attitude. Then my husband and I got really bad colds and "treated ourselves" to lots of donut binges. How crazy is that?

    Well at least the initial weight loss shrunk my appetite or stomach and I ate less of those things than normal. We also did not feel well enough to exercise.

    These ups and downs are part of life. We should go to our cupboard and choose several cans of food to equal sis lbs. and put them in a sack and walk aroung for a minute. I bet we will both feel better about what we've accomplished so far! I'm going to do that now.

    I'm also going to start tracking my food again and compare what I'm consuming to my goals. I know that will help me get back on track. Let me know what helps you. Janis:flowerforyou:
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 240 Member
    @Xandi -- Nice Laurel Thatcher Ulrich quote in your signature -- have you read her book "Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History"? (Or any of them, really -- they're all amazing lol.)
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    Dont let the mental block stop you! Everyone gets discouraged sometimes but it is all in how you respond to it! I also have lots of clothes that used to fit and now they are in the closet just waiting for me to come back to them. :) You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Don't be discouraged! First - this is not a race but a healthy lifestyle change. Calories in - calories out - FOREVER. You did not gain it in a short time and it will take a long time to lose it - and to keep it off! It WILL happen - keep the faith!
  • Hi Jessica,

    I just got back from carrying around a sack full of canned goods weighing six lbs. Now I know we have done well to lose it - it is very heavy. who cares where it disappeared from, I'm glad I don't have to lug it around on my body anymore.

    I challenge you if you will accept it, for both of us to keep tracking our food to meet our goals each day for one week and see how we do, or two weeks. even if we stay plateaued we will be eating the right amount. Janis
  • Congratulations on your weight loss, it is awesome! Janis:flowerforyou:
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Hey there! Don't get discouraged. 6 pounds is great, but this is a journey not a sprint. I didn't start looking at other sizes until I saw my clothes being baggy and having lost more than 20 pounds. Also remember that different brands sizes will fit differently so keep that in mind. I know what you mean about being impatient. It's really hard to stay motivated when you know it's a long journey. That's why you should set small, easily attainable goals (lose 10 pounds, walk a mile, etc). After you meet those you should celebrate those milestones then build up to bigger ones. As you start to feel better and better about yourself, I think you will see your motivation and your general feeling of well being (energy, strength, etc) also imrpve. Stay the course, keep tracking food and doing exercise and you will start to see the changes.
  • tauns
    tauns Posts: 29
    The pants you have been wearing for the last 4 months - how are those feeling on ya? Look and think about that and those pair.

    You will ALWAYS be able to go into the store and try on the size smaller and not have them fit (even when you are a size 4,6, or 8)...but the current pair that is the tell-tale sign! Are they loose? Do they fit better now than they did? Then you have made progress! Be excited that where you are at is better than it was!!!!!

    I know that sounds silly but you can always look at the future and where you want to be or you can take where you are at now and see the progress and be happy with what you have so far.

    I have lost around 160 pounds and I always had the "next size down mentality". Guess what...I now still have that attitude. I wish I would have looked at it from the here and now point of view all along because it is REALLY hard switching views. My husband looks at if from the here and now and he doesn't get the discouragement and low lows that I had to deal with. When the current pants no longer fit he says, "Here and now I need a new size" and it is even more encouragement. He always sees the positive in the here and now (and even more excitement when he does move to that next size). I STILL get discouraged with maintenance and I wonder if I would get discouraged less if I had taken the here and now and been content with my progress rather than looking at where I should/wanted to be like he has.

    My husband is about half way to his 60 lb goal and mentally struggles less than me.

    I am not saying you are doing it wrong...just maybe if you are able to celebrate here and now maybe that will help forever! I wish I had done that in the beginning. I see his battle with the bulge and wish I had take the more positive looks.
  • 2004Jessica
    2004Jessica Posts: 113
    Thank you everyone. I feel better now- I just guess I want people to be able to see what I have done. But now that I think of it- that doesn't matter as much as my pride in myself. I liken the six pound loss as slightly more than a 5 pound bag of sugar. Or how about a newborn baby? I have carried a 6 pound baby around for a while and yes, he got incredibly heavy after about 15 minutes. It felt so good to finally put him down. So even if it is 6 pounds- it just means I am 6 pounds healthier! I have to remember it's not just all numbers- it's my lifestyle. Thanks again everyone. God Bless!!
  • 6 pounds is weight lost all over the body. I have lost 10 pounds and I can notice my very tight pants aren't quite as tight but I haven't dropped any sizes yet. Be patient, it will come. I have several pairs of pants in various sizes...those are my goals. 6 pounds is great...just keep it up and in no time you will be in smaller sizes :)
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