Scared to get rid of all my fat jeans

Melonmorrow Posts: 11 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I've been doing some spring cleaning and have a pile of size 18 and 16 jeans I know need to go to the Goodwill (which just happens to be a block up the road) I'm having some trouble letting them go. I keep thinking what if I gain all the wieght back. I've lost 19 lbs since joining MFP and and additional 15 before for a total of 31 lbs. But I still think I'm gonna gain it all back. It's so frustrating aaawwwww..some motivation to stop thinking this way please


  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    GET RID OF THEM your not going back to that, This is a success!! Congrats!!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    Send them to meeee! Haha
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Yes get rid of them. Trust me thats how yoo yo yo diet =0
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    get rid of the jeans, stick with the size u want 2 be, and what i do is never buy a size bigger than i am if i put of weight it just gotta go :smile:
  • Get rid of them! That way you won't want to gain weight even more because you would have to buy them all back!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Keep the biggest pair as a reminder of how things were. Every time you look at them you will feel motivated to stay fit :)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Get rid of them!!! I was afraid to keep mine because it was an excuse to not focus on the weight loss....I could always fit into them again. Enjoy your success! :flowerforyou:
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    i think if they are in your closet and available its easier for you to want to put them on if you do a gain a couple ,and then next thing you know you have gained more .Part of putting away that old lifestyle is letting go of things from our past (your fat jeans).when i finally get into a better size i will def donate all of them !!good luck
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    I'd say give them away and use that as a motivation to keep on the healthy lifestyle you're on. I know I'm very motivated to not want to have to go out and buy bigger clothes. And if I don't have bigger clothes on hand, I know I'm less inclined to get to a point where I'm comfortable knowing I'd have those bigger clothes handy. It's much more motivating for me to know that if I gain weight back I'd have to go buy all new bigger clothes--It's not worth all the money I'd spend or all the hard work I've put in. Plus it's so much fun shopping and finding out I need a smaller size.

    (I hope that makes sense, I'm still getting over a wicked cold, so I'm still very foggy in the thinking)
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Cut 'em up, throw some paint on 'em, drop some glue and frame it. You'll have a beautiful collage :)
  • Keep the biggest pair as a reminder of how things were. Every time you look at them you will feel motivated to stay fit :)

    Great idea!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I say get them altered so you don't need to spend a ton on new clothes, that's what I have been doing and as you lose more you can get them taken in again. Once you have them altered you can't go back. I have my tailor take a little out of the waste and get the legs tapered I was wearing some jeans a couple weeks ago that looked like an enormous denim tent. They were CK and cost my $100 bucks I am not planning on throwing them out.
  • superdre
    superdre Posts: 27 Member
    Naw, Girl! Shred or donate those jeans... you won't need them anymore! :-D I recently was able to get rid of mine, and it was liberating :-). Once you start your walk on this fitness journey, your body is used to burning calories.... i'm finding its harder for me to gain weight when I have a week where I don't exercise. I'm happy for you, but don't feel any anxiety about donating or cuttin' up those jeans :-D.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I feel the same way. I am also scared to get rid of them because if for some reason I was to gain the weight back then I would have to go and spend the money (which is tight) to get a new pair. But it is just a crutch. We need to get rid of them and force ourselves to stay thin. Like one of the girls said give them to her. Seriously. Find out how much it would be to ship them to someone on here that needs that size and have her pay the shipment and give them to her. This could be a new clothing exchange thing since most of us are just giving away our clothes anyway. May as well be to someone who we are trying to help to get to there ideal weight.
  • sixxbaby
    sixxbaby Posts: 543
    Get rid of can give them to me if you want..I am in desperate need of pants LOL
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I've been hesitant to get rid of the sizes I've bought as I've gone down in weight. I had a great time sending the 18's and 16's out the door, but I bought 12's at Thanksgiving that are hardly worn, and 10's that are just getting loose, and it feels wrong to get rid of them. I thought it would be a great idea to have a clothing exchange on this site, where, for instance, I would list my size 12's for the price of shipping, and buy someone else's 8's. Just a thought if anyone has the time and inclination.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I feel the same way. I am also scared to get rid of them because if for some reason I was to gain the weight back then I would have to go and spend the money (which is tight) to get a new pair. But it is just a crutch. We need to get rid of them and force ourselves to stay thin. Like one of the girls said give them to her. Seriously. Find out how much it would be to ship them to someone on here that needs that size and have her pay the shipment and give them to her. This could be a new clothing exchange thing since most of us are just giving away our clothes anyway. May as well be to someone who we are trying to help to get to there ideal weight.

    So funny that this was being posted at the same time I wrote my previous post. You know what they say about great minds!
  • gryheyl
    gryheyl Posts: 5
    do it and get ones that fit :) you will be happier if you do you can always buy them back but in your heart you want to never get back there or you would not be scared. :happy:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I've been doing some spring cleaning and have a pile of size 18 and 16 jeans I know need to go to the Goodwill (which just happens to be a block up the road) I'm having some trouble letting them go. I keep thinking what if I gain all the wieght back. I've lost 19 lbs since joining MFP and and additional 15 before for a total of 31 lbs. But I still think I'm gonna gain it all back. It's so frustrating aaawwwww..some motivation to stop thinking this way please

    If you can't bear to throw them out, then at least get them out of the house. Box up all your 'too-big' clothes and get someone else to keep them for you--a friend, a relative, whatever. The walk of shame needed to retrieve them is a good motivational tool!
  • verilla
    verilla Posts: 13
    Nothing is more liberating than tossing them out. Keeping them is remaining in doubt mode; in that "what if" state of mind. Maybe you are frugal - cut them up and use for rags. Do-gooder - give to a thrift store. Sentimental - put them on and take a picture - keep that on the fridge as a reminder and then get rid of them! Then go to the store, anyone, and buy a pair that fits well. If you are in losing mode, you will need to refresh your wardrobe every two months and the thrift store is the best place for that - until you get to the size you wish to be. Far better for day to day self-image to wear clothes that fit, are flattering, and are in fashion, regardless of shape and size, even if you will have to "toss" them in a couple of months!
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