30 Day Shred question...

I know you need a HRM for an absolute read, BUT I don't have one yet...

How many calories do you typically burn doing the whole thing of Level 1??

Estimates will be just fine...

If it matters...I definitely BROUGHT IT!!!!

PS... I am 5'2 and 130 lbs.


  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    bump - I want to see the answer to this too. I guesstimated based on my friend's HRM that said 150 and the fact that I weight a LOT more than her. I put 230. But I can't wait to get my own HRM to know for sure.
  • RedE4Change
    I'm interested in this too. I just enter in 20 mins of Circuit Training, so it says I burned 223. But man, it is TOUGH. And I push hard through the whole thing. So I secretly hope it's a lot more than that. Haha.
  • keylareed
    keylareed Posts: 27 Member
    I just got "30 Day Shred" today! I would love to know too! Good question!
  • StPattysGrl
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 140 lbs. I burn anywhere from 130 to 160 doing the 1st Workout of 30 Day Shred.... and I'm really sweating and out of breath.... but that's usually all I get. I was disappointed on how low it actually is.
  • StPattysGrl
    And I am wearing a HRM to get those numbers....
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I'm 5'6" and weigh 140 lbs. I burn anywhere from 130 to 160 doing the 1st Workout of 30 Day Shred.... and I'm really sweating and out of breath.... but that's usually all I get. I was disappointed on how low it actually is.

    Yeah...I'll say!! That would definitely be a disappointment!!

    Shoot...I burn 100 calories doing 20 minutes of walking...It's not that many more calories burned doing 30DS for no where near the effort of walking.

  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    I usually burn between 300-400 with my HRM. Sometimes over that, depending on how much energy I put into it. I'm also fairly overweight and my HR is up around 180 the whole time. Hope that helps, but it all depends on a lot of factors :)
  • vickuli
    vickuli Posts: 7 Member
    I also wonder, so I give myself 250, if I am pusing it hard sometimes 300. If your getting a good burn and can feel it, and your eating right that is what really matters.
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I'm 152lbs & 5'5". I've only done Level 2 since I got my HRM, but for the 30 minutes (includes Jillian's warm-up, the actual workout and the 5 minutes of post-shred collapsing where I forget to stop the monitor) I'm averaging 300 calories burned. My heart rate usually gets up to 183ish.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I am 146lbs and 5ft 6. Last few days:

    Thursday - last day of Level 2 of shred - 203 cals, average h/r 134, max 149
    Friday - day 1 of Level 3 - 182 cals, average h/r 125, max 149
    Today - day 2 Level 3 - 197 cals, average h/r 133, max 158

    Tend to burn off about the same cycling only much higher h/r - today it maxed 170 I think! I have a Polar FT4 which seems pretty accurate. I would definitely recommend a HRM, as for the same exercises MFP was giving me about 50 calories etc each time...!!
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    I'm waiting on my HRM so I had the same question. However I'm 5'8 around 200lbs. Today was my first day doing it and I thought is was really tough but I liked it. I sweated more doing this than I do after walking briskly for an hour. I kept thinking about all the before and after pics I've seen to get me through it. Good luck!
  • kajunchik86
    I did Level 1 Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred yesterday with my HRM on and I burned 226 calories. I am 5'4" and 115 lbs. I know I am not overweight but I am totally out of shape so my heart rate gets pretty high. I actually burned more calories walking fast today for 35 minutes than doing the shred but I sweat more doing the shred. Now I know that the hrm may be a little off due to the strength training, but I guess as long as you feel the burn and are challenged then it must be good!!
  • NanoReefDiver
    I usually burn 140-160 for 20-24 minutes and I'm dripping in sweat. It's still a Great workout, the weight portion simply drops my HR lower than pure cardio would.
  • bethymay123
    I am 5'3" and weigh 172. For26 minutes of 30 day shred I burned 386 calories. Got this with a HRM.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    200 when I was pooped
    220 when I BROUGHT IT~!!!!

    Keep at it guys, it's a great system :)
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I didn't have a HRM at the very begining of 30 day shred. And I don't do it daily. By day 6 I had a HRM but was already getting used to the workout and on average I burned around 225 calories. I am 5'3 and at that time I was around 136 lbs.
    The easier each workout becomes for me, the less I lose and minus the plank twists at the end of Level 2, I think I could probably move on to level 3.
    Begining of level 2 I burned 268 (literally thought I was going to throw up) and now it averages around 230. For level 2 I'd say my weight was where I'm at now, 134.4...

    So, I am probably the closest to you for calories burned...
  • MissDwood
    MissDwood Posts: 108 Member
    I burned 166 calories doing 30 day shred and today was my first day doing it. Level One :)
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I burn 165-180 and I definitely give it my all!

    I'm 5'11" and 248.

    Even though 30DS totally wipes me out, I burn a lot more calories doing other things that don't feel like they're killing me....