Just starting again

LibbyF65 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone.

Here we go again but this time I am going to succeed in reaching my goal weight. Until now, the hardest thing I ever did for myself was stopping smoking. But I think that reaching my goal weight may be harder. Food is everywhere and easy and comforting. So this time I am going to be kinder to myself by doing my best and not setting impossible goals. Some self control and a little more regular exercise will hopefully be the answer. But I am going to try to remember that--as is true with stop smoking--if I fall off the wagon, I just need to get back on as soon as I can.

I am so excited about this website. The tracking of food and weight is definitely motivational and I look forward to having an online community of compassionate people to share my ups and downs.



  • Colleen1980
    Colleen1980 Posts: 148 Member
    You can do it! I started January 1st and I've lost 22 lbs (tomorrow is weigh-in for me so hopefully more like 24!). I've also lost 4.5 inches in my waist and 5.25 in my hips. I've tried many times before and quit before I got this far. The difference is the website. My friends cheer me on when I'm doing well and encourage me when I hit a wall. I believe the positive encouragement combined with the logging of food is doing it for me. I read somewhere that people who log what they eat have twice as much likelihood to lose than those who don't.

    Good luck and friend me if you like. Welcome to MFP!!
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    hi libby im emma welcome and gd luck
  • Nomoregut
    Nomoregut Posts: 39
    Hello Good Luck and take it one day at a time
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Congrats on your decision. It takes a strong person to quit smoking and I know you can do this. Just remember that 'slow and steady wins the race'. Don't rush yourself, go at your own pace, and know that there is always 'the next day' to do better after a slip-up. Much success!!!:smile:
  • LibbyF65
    LibbyF65 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all so much for responding to my post. It is really wonderful and inspiring. .

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