Can't get my butt in gear

Levedi Posts: 290 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I'm trying to do the c25K, but today I just couldn't manage to get my butt in gear. I did the first two little runs, but I just power walked the whole rest of the way. I'm not feeling it this weekend. I want to just lay on the couch and eat Easter candy. Need motivation!


  • You know, sometimes you just have those days. But you did SOMETHING so you get credit for it. Don't beat yourself up over it. Do not get bummed out and lose your drive over an "off" day or two. Power walking is tough, anyway. As for the Easter candy....well, try to be strong. ;)
  • deeltwins
    deeltwins Posts: 16
    All of us have a day when we just want to lay around and eat. Don't beat yourself up. Tomorrow will be a better day. You did exercise today and that is great. Just think hard before you eat to much Easter candy, IS IT WORTH IT?
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