weight loss discussion ONLY

Are you looking for motivation, encouragement and support, just like me? Are you tired of reading about someones sick cat, or family problems, or work issues etc.....? If so, please join this group! Let's reject any notion of sharing the fact that our cat has fur balls or our children are in jail or our parents are old and ailing! (Yes, I have read all of these and many, many others.)

This is NOT meant to insult anyone by any means. It is for those of us who want to focus strictly on our weight loss journey. If you are so inclined to this type of group, please feel free to join! If you disagree with this concept, then please move on to the next thread. Hope to hear from you soon!


  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    You have my support!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    actually, its not just a weight loss site, its a Fitness site.

    I think it also, besides weight, involves health issues, i.e, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress eating , mood swings that contribute to over eating, guilt eating, and symptoms that arise when people lose weight, ie, irratibility, shortness of patience as well as support and exercise tips for weight loss.

    I dont think I ve read that many articles about cats. I did notice that you just opened this account, but you said that youre tired of reading about peoples cats.? If this is your first post, how can that be?

    Just saying that this site is for Fitness as well as weight loss.........thanks for your time........Lloyd
  • abra526
    abra526 Posts: 213 Member
    I totally understand what you are getting at. One problem with this is that many of us are overweight because of some of these emotional situations in our lives. So many overweight people, me included, tend to overeat and eat the worst possible foods when times get tough. If we can come here, vent a little bit, and avoid sitting down to eat a whole bag of chips, then so be it. If one of your MFP friends is clogging your homepage with their sob stories, get rid of them as a friend. If it's not a friend, ignore them. We all need support sometimes, and I wish you and everyone here luck with their weight loss journey!
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    This site is about motivation and SUPPORT and I agree with abra and Lloyd. Sorry.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    My apologies for being blunt but I have to say that if you don't agree with this thread, you shouldn't be commenting on it. Babs did NOT criticize anyone nor did she state the definition of the website. She simply started a "thread" based on her opinions as others do. This thread is HER way of getting and giving support and if you don't agree with it, then join a thread that you do agree with. There are enough threads on this site that discuss personal issues, but not all of us want to share that information. I think she made that pretty clear in her original post.

    Lloydrt, she has read these things , such as the cat stories because I have been showing her the site for the past month and I too have seen them. That's how she knows. I do wish you much luck with whatever your goal is and hope you find a thread that suits you.
  • abra526
    abra526 Posts: 213 Member
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as is everyone entitled to respond to any thread they see fit, especially if they are adult and polite about it. And, I believe everyone has been. I just want to bring to her attention that, yes, this IS a weight loss/fitness site, but there are many reasons people need to lose weight, and emotional issues are a big part of that. We all need support and motivations in different ways. The way the poster worded the original thread makes it seems as though she dissaproves of anyone talking about anything other than exercise and diet. Don't worry, I won't comment on this thread any more.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I think it's totally fine for you to make such a post. But, just wanted to point out that for most of the time, emotions/life/stress is what has caused people to become overweight/obese. People don't become overweight "just because" - it's a result of something, and often that "something" is life. It helps to talk about it.

    Weight loss can't be an isolated topic. It needs to be integrated into your daily life, along with healthy living and a positive attitude. They're all interconnected. :smile:
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    Join what group? You mean this thread?
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    babushka and mal, the point I was attempting to make, in a polite and courteous way, was to make you aware that this site was designed for Fitness, and there are many factors that contrbute to fitness
    not just the calories in/calories out.

    If a member of this site chooses to post about her cat and the goings on of the cat, that poster may be using this site as an escape , maybe instead of sitting down and polishing off a cake, she or he chose instead, to post.,

    There are many posts that dont deal explicitly with fat loss or pounds lost, ie, some are about the desires of "getting into a wedding dress", "a prom dress, a vacation or cruise coming up this summer" that a member writes about and I dont see anyone going off on this person for their goals that they have to lose the weight.

    For me, a person my age, this site has helped in just more than losing weight. I just learned from Chase who also posts here, about side effects of his blood pressure medicine after he lost weight........which has perked my curiousity ,I have been weened off blood pressure myself. Again, high blood pressure isnt a weight tip, but being overweight leads to high blood pressure, which in itself is a symptom of obesity. There are many health related issues and symptoms that are weight related.

    Again, is just not about pounds gained/pounds lost

    I think that this site is designed for fitness, and that not only involves weight and how to lose it and keep it off, , but also topics related to weight such as, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cramps, TOM, male boobs, lack of energy, too much sodium, hunger panges, impatient kids, insensitive remarks from co workers about members obvious weight loss, jealousy from spouses about losing weight, and tips on buying special deals at the local super market as well as the latest drug dealing with diabetes.........

    I think of all these posts as guides that help all of us lose weight, as well as other information offered. A persons cat stories dont bother me, and if a person chooses to post that, oh well, its OK with me , I didnt mean to "crirticize " anyone, just to let babushaka know that this site is a Fitness site, a site that allows everyone to post what helps thme in their goal of fitness. If you are offended, than I apologize.........Good luck on your journey as well...........Lloyd
  • babushka10
    Just so you know, you have , whether you believe it or not, been very critical of me and my original post. I just wanted to start a thread that I was comfortable with and from the onset, I said that if this wasnt for you, then please find one that YOU are comfortable with. There really was no need to respond if you didnt agree with me. This thread obviously wasn't meant for you and your two cents were proof to me that sites like this are simply an outlet for people who just want to their own opinions to be heard. Even it their opinions weren't asked for. Because of that I will not visit this site again so if you want to rant go ahead . Your rants will not be read by me, so have at it. Lloyd, Thanks for your responses. I agree with you on many points however, that does not work for me personally. My question is, why can't others accept things that they dont agree with and just move on to something they DO agree with? It doesnt mean one is right and one is wrong, it just means "different strokes for different folks" as they say.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Babs! Don't let what others say influence your goals! I believe you made your point clear in the first place and agree that some people just want to hear their own voice (or read their own opinions.) I may not agree with everything that is said on these boards, but I respect others needs and if I don't like something, I move on, just as you said. If you need any support or encouragement, feel free to message me. I hope you continue on your journey to get healthy, because, in the end, that's all that matters.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Just so you know, you have , whether you believe it or not, been very critical of me and my original post. I just wanted to start a thread that I was comfortable with and from the onset, I said that if this wasnt for you, then please find one that YOU are comfortable with. There really was no need to respond if you didnt agree with me. This thread obviously wasn't meant for you and your two cents were proof to me that sites like this are simply an outlet for people who just want to their own opinions to be heard. Even it their opinions weren't asked for. Because of that I will not visit this site again so if you want to rant go ahead . Your rants will not be read by me, so have at it. Lloyd, Thanks for your responses. I agree with you on many points however, that does not work for me personally. My question is, why can't others accept things that they dont agree with and just move on to something they DO agree with? It doesnt mean one is right and one is wrong, it just means "different strokes for different folks" as they say.

    I don't think anyone was purposely trying to be critical of you or your goals. It's difficult to offer support or motivation to someone if you don't know why they can't exercise or why they felt it necessary to binge for 5 days in a row.

    Maybe if you'd like to start a "no excuses" group then you might find the motivation/support you're looking for. :smile:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    ...and nothing of value was lost.
  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    WTH?!? Ahahaah!! Only this would make me laugh tonight :/
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    ...and nothing of value was lost.

    I think malias and Babs are one and the same-- just my gut feeling.

    And for the record, my cat had a furball the other night and ended up puking all over my new sofa-- totally pissed me off. Last check, my kids weren't in jail-- unfortunately :wink: -- and my parents are well and living in South Carolina--
  • SafariLara
    SafariLara Posts: 172
    Sorry but I disagree. This is for fitness and health, but it also if for motivation and support. AND making friends

    If certain threads bother or don't relate to you, don't read or respond to them!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    BABS, so sorry you are leaving this site. Its been great for me, kinda the first time I ve ever religiously entered my status in any online site ever, and surprisingly, it works awesome

    Im up to my 203rd day of logging in daily and counting my calories. Its worked miracles for me and from what I have read in other peoples postings, miracles and successes for them as well

    I hope you reconsider your decision. Maybe when you dont agree with a persons rants about their cat, just look at what the site has provided for that person or yourself

    Theres no posting that I have ever read on this site that would make me leave...........thats failure and right now in my life, failure is not an option........Ive gotten healthy, and its because of support from these people and the care that I have received from them

    I get more support here than from my own family...........Sorry to see you go Babuska, hope you continue your journey..........Best Wishes.........................Lloyd
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    To think that we can control others (what they say, what they think, how they feel, what they post) is a fallacy.

    We have absolutely no control over anything except our own decisions and choices.

    I'm sorry you are choosing to leave this site without contributing anything.

    I'm thankful that we have such a supportive, understanding and caring community here.

    It works for me and thousands of others.

    Although you won't read this ... best of luck in your weight loss journey.
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    ...and nothing of value was lost.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Are you looking for motivation, encouragement and support, just like me? Are you tired of reading about someones sick cat, or family problems, or work issues etc.....? If so, please join this group! Let's reject any notion of sharing the fact that our cat has fur balls or our children are in jail or our parents are old and ailing! (Yes, I have read all of these and many, many others.)

    This is NOT meant to insult anyone by any means. It is for those of us who want to focus strictly on our weight loss journey. If you are so inclined to this type of group, please feel free to join! If you disagree with this concept, then please move on to the next thread. Hope to hear from you soon!

    While I share freely about those things on my profile page I try to keep my forum posts more related to fitness etc. My friends page are people who I am building on online relationship with and I think it is important t have a place where I can discuss how my frustrations with my schedule or whatever or my disdain for the holidays etc affects me emotionally...I usually do mention how it relates to my fitness and eating choices but my emotional health is a part of the journey too. On the forums however ,minus the vent pages which are just fun, I tend to stay far more focused on the task at hand. I don't read millions of posts on the forums however as I don't have any interest or it isn't relevent to me. I am not going to do HCG so I don't read the posts...I don't read most of the "eating back calories" posts....so not a snarky comment in any way but filter what you read and you can just find the weight loss support you are looking for.