Planet Fitness

I am trying to lose about 20 pounds in the next 4 weeks and I go to Planet Fitness. Does anyone have a routine that they do or know using what they have to lose that much weight that fast?


  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I don't have any exercises for you, but I think the biggest key to losing that weight in that time is what you eat! Make sure to load up on fruits and veggies and cut out as many processed foods as possible! If you do that and burn more calories than you eat then you should be able to do it! :)
  • pinksoldier
    its something like 80% to weightloss is what you eat. make sure you log your diet on here and watch your calories. best thing i've ever done! also, cut out all soda and fruit juices. if you are a regular soda drinker, you'll be amazed the difference in your body once you've stopped putting that stuff in it.
    a work out routine? my friends and i are doing the Body for Life program, its a 12-week program, but even 4-weeks can show improvements! also, the 30-day shread seems to be getting amazing reviews.
    good luck to you!