stomach fat loss

hi im looking for tips and advice on what foods and exercise are best to shift my belly and love handles for a more toned look to my stomach :)


  • Smcnie
    Smcnie Posts: 12
    General cardio will give you inch loss all over but you need to target your abs & obliques with crunches, sit ups etc at least 3 times a week. Just go on you tube and type in abdominal exercises for ideas.
  • Trish_Harte
    Trish_Harte Posts: 1 Member
    Low carb / high protein diet will shift the fat, then you can work on the excercise's. Give it a week, take measurements from around your belly button and you will be surprised at how quickly your stomach shrinks and love handles disappear
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Cardio will work, but crunches and sit ups are a waste of time. Crunches don't shift fat at all. You have to do something in the region of 750,000 sit ups to shift 1lb of belly fat.

    Your diet needs to be looked at and eating foods that keep your metabolism high. High protein low carb is the way forward as the carbohydrate is turned to sugar in the body and insulin is released which turns it into fat.

    Doing weights will help with your losing the weight also. Muscles has a higher metabolism than fat therefore you will burn more calories, even at rest. Concentrating on the legs, which are the biggest muscle groups, therefore more calorie burn.

    What I will also say is that you cant be selective as to where the fat comes off. You need to keep working hard and the fat will come off where it feels like, but don't be disheartened. Changing your fitness routine every 6 weeks will keep your body guessing too.

    Good luck.
  • salad37
    salad37 Posts: 30 Member
    great advice above, also, watch your sugar intake, including beer and alcohol, as it go,s straight to your belly, read this short article, some one else on here reccomended these tabs, and i can say they do help!!! cinnamon capsules x
  • chrisallcock
    thanks every1 :)))))))))
  • TRACYW2002
    TRACYW2002 Posts: 33 Member
    Dr. Oz did a show on foods that help your belly fat turn into "belly flat." The site is

    It is really interesting..

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    fat loss can not be selective, we can not take it from one place and put it where we would like unfortunately, look at it like an ice cube melting, the center of which is the muscular slim you, the rest is the fat, you have to start with the last place you gained, meaning the last place you put it on and work in reverse order so for men that is normally the mid section. To lose that mid section all the core exercises will not make it lose that fat, general fat loss will and take it from a guy who wishes he could lose it there first I am down to just under 20% bodyfat now and still have a bit of a muffin top that is slowly going away. Women the same thing, hips and butt are usually the last place to lose the fat.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Your diet needs to be looked at and eating foods that keep your metabolism high. High protein low carb is the way forward as the carbohydrate is turned to sugar in the body and insulin is released which turns it into fat.

    Doing weights will help with your losing the weight also. Muscles has a higher metabolism than fat therefore you will burn more calories, even at rest. Concentrating on the legs, which are the biggest muscle groups, therefore more calorie burn.

    Good luck.
    I would recommend that you best elaborate on the low carb as low carb is not as effective as slow digesting carbs with weight loss. Remember that carbs are not the enemy here, refined carbs are the enemy slow digesting carbs have a much more positive effect on weight loss.
  • bonbon1472003
    bonbon1472003 Posts: 31 Member
    The trainer at the gym where I go said the Plank was the best for that roll of fat
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Options shows the most effective core exercises. Plank is good but not the most effective.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Your diet needs to be looked at and eating foods that keep your metabolism high. High protein low carb is the way forward as the carbohydrate is turned to sugar in the body and insulin is released which turns it into fat.

    Doing weights will help with your losing the weight also. Muscles has a higher metabolism than fat therefore you will burn more calories, even at rest. Concentrating on the legs, which are the biggest muscle groups, therefore more calorie burn.

    Good luck.
    I would recommend that you best elaborate on the low carb as low carb is not as effective as slow digesting carbs with weight loss. Remember that carbs are not the enemy here, refined carbs are the enemy slow digesting carbs have a much more positive effect on weight loss.

    For me, i would say 50 - 150g of carbs per day. you are right, slow releasing carbs are good, just dont overdo them. have a look at the GI index. any food that score between 0 and 69 are considered low to medium and will provide a consistent amount of energy without messing up the bodies balance and cause the food to be stored as fat.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    As stated by some, you can't site reduce. You can't choose where the fat will go from first. Nor can you move fat around. Your body can do two things with fat. It can increase it and it can burn it. When it burns it, you body will pick fat from wherever it wants to usually the last place you put it on will be the first place it will come off, and the first place you put it on will be the last place it will come off. I have that right now where my fat layer that used to be quite even is not rather uneven. Thankfully most of it is gone.

    As to losing fat. The best fat burning exercise is Interval training of one sort or other. Everything from standard Interval Training to High Intensity Interval Training, to Metabolic Resistance Training will do far more for burning fat than Cardio. I lost most of my weight and fat before discovering that, but since switching my training away from long duration steady state cardio to various forms of Interval training there has been noticeable reduction in the fat on my body. In fact a study done comparing long duration steady state cardio (think jogging, aerobics classes, cycling on a stationary bike) and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The results where showed not only did the HIIT group lose more fat based on the use of skinfold calipers, but when the difference in training time (HIIT usually takes about 20 minutes more or less) HIIT burned 9 times the amount of fat. I read that and decided that normal Cardio is just a waste of my time and moved to all Interval Training either HIIT or Metabolic Resistance Training.
  • chrisallcock
    when u say interval training do you mean say sprinting for some minutes then slow down for say 1 minute then sprinting again and so on?
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Yeah, anything like that. You increase your work rate for short bursts, up to a max of 2 minutes I would say to get the best benefit, then jog to recover and once your breathing is back to normal, go again. Fartlek is a form of interval training. You may go for a 5k run, but every now and tehn, you pick an object in teh distance and you up your pace to it.

    It can be a killer, and is a total lung buster, but has proved to be brilliant for shifting fat.
  • chrisallcock
    well ive just started the "interval training" as you call it at my local gym as i have been told before its better for the weight loss so it has confirmed it even more by you guys on here so im gunna get stuck in....last week i ran a steady 7mph for 20mins to warm up then sped up to 8mph fpr 2 mins then down to 6.5mph for 1min then back up to 8-8.5 for again 2mins, i did this for a further does that sound?
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Yeah, thats pretty much a "Fartlek". Good stuff, keep mixing it up with weights also and you will see results very soon.
  • zoibas
    zoibas Posts: 31
    Yeah, anything like that. You increase your work rate for short bursts, up to a max of 2 minutes I would say to get the best benefit, then jog to recover and once your breathing is back to normal, go again. Fartlek is a form of interval training. You may go for a 5k run, but every now and tehn, you pick an object in teh distance and you up your pace to it.

    It can be a killer, and is a total lung buster, but has proved to be brilliant for shifting fat.

    so would you say, for a non active guy that never worked out a day in his life and is 52 years old, my elliptical hill climb (it varies the rpms and resistance over timed intervals) and a few sets of hanging in the door stomach crunches (yes I bought that thing lol) would be a good start? I started february at 195 or so and am down to 176.2 (5' 9") and my mid roll is smaller but still "jiggley". Target weight is about 165.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    Yeah, anything like that. You increase your work rate for short bursts, up to a max of 2 minutes I would say to get the best benefit, then jog to recover and once your breathing is back to normal, go again. Fartlek is a form of interval training. You may go for a 5k run, but every now and tehn, you pick an object in teh distance and you up your pace to it.

    It can be a killer, and is a total lung buster, but has proved to be brilliant for shifting fat.

    so would you say, for a non active guy that never worked out a day in his life and is 52 years old, my elliptical hill climb (it varies the rpms and resistance over timed intervals) and a few sets of hanging in the door stomach crunches (yes I bought that thing lol) would be a good start? I started february at 195 or so and am down to 176.2 (5' 9") and my mid roll is smaller but still "jiggley". Target weight is about 165.

    Yeah, definitely. Interval training can be done outside or on a machine that allows you to go up and down the speed settings like an elliptical, stationary bike or treadmill. Make sure you are eating the right foods to 1) keep your energy reserves up and 2) that aid in weight loss. Finding the balance is key to losing the "jiggly" part as you put it.
  • chrisallcock
    well as for food i eat lots of chicken and veg and sum fruit, ive knocked alcohol to the side lines for now much to my dismay lol
  • chrisallcock
    well as for food i eat lots of chicken and veg and sum fruit, ive knocked alcohol to the side lines for now much to my dismay lol