stuggling now :(

pinklady86 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there,
im new to all this chatting forums so dont really know where to start,
ive been using my fitness pal since june 2010 and since then ive lost around about 2 and half stone, but im stuck now and havent lost any weight for the past couple of months i fact im gaining weight, ive incresed my exercising nd was still gaining soo ive slowed down the exercising and still havent shifted any weight, really started to get me down now as ive worked sooo hard and still got a long way to go, i want to lose at least another stone and a half,
ive gone from a size 16/18 to a size12/14 i just need some help on what i should do,

any ideals would be welcome,.
Regards Pinklady86


  • pauletteloe
    pauletteloe Posts: 1 Member
    Good going losing stones (how many pounds is one stone?). I suggest that you try eating different foods and eat them at different times. I lost 50 pounds and got stuck also. My WW leader suggested switching around my foods and trying different foods. Also, try to limit carbs and eat lots of lean proteins. Good luck!
  • pinklady86
    pinklady86 Posts: 6 Member
    so far ive lost 21 pounds now as ive gained 6 pounds over the last couple of months :(
    Ahhh thanks i'll give it a go well done on your weight lost :)
  • Agreed. I've been stuck before too. Switiching up your foods, eating at different times, increasing protein and trying different excersizes does work. Don't give up! 2.5 stone is amazing work! BTW, one stone = 14 pounds.
  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    In addition to Pauletteloe's response of changing your foods, also change your workout. Your body will get used to the same exercise. If you add new exercises you've never done before, then you'll be challenging your body once again. And keep drinking your water!! Lots of it!! Best of luck to you and congrats on the weight loss you've already accomplished!
  • It looks like your weight loss has hit a plateau, it happens to everyone and is just a point where your body gets stuck at a certain weight! Try changing your routine, eating different things at different times (for example, a high intake one day, a lower one the next for a while) and doing workouts at different times. Anything to keep your body guessing! Of course, your body will continue losing weight on it's own eventually.. Sometimes it helps to give it a little nudge.

    WTG with the weight loss so far :) Stay motivated!
  • borgi77
    borgi77 Posts: 61
    Awesome work. At the end of the day being consistent day in day will get results, so do not be too hard on yourself, you have done so well!!!! Make sure you try different types of exercise too and try to challenge yourself which I am sure you do!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Have you re-calculated your weight loss goal? You might need to change it now. If you're set up to lose 2lb per week, change to 1lb. And so on. Your body has become more efficient and you have less fat to burn off so now your body is saying "whoa, my fat reserves are getting smaller. I need to slow it down". So your metabolism drops. And diet and cardio exercise cause lean muscle mass loss along with fat loss. Less lean muscle mass means a slower metabolism.

    Change this. It will give you more calories to eat in the day and you won't gain weight from it. It will give your metabolsim the jump start it needs. I went from .5lb per week to maintenance and dropped 2 more pounds in 3 weeks. (My goal was 10lb loss. 130 to 120).

    We all have a tendency to think "weight loss slowed, increase exercise". But too much exercise can have a detrimental effect on the body and weight loss goals (diet and exercise is stress on the body. Too much exercise is too much stress). We can't beat our body into submission. If you are burning too much and not eating that back it can have a detrimental effect (Think 1200 calorie goal. Burn 500 and that leaves you with 700 for the day and that is too few calories). The smaller you get the more important it is to eat back those calories. Changing your weight loss goal will increase you daily calorie goal.
  • smithalcutie
    smithalcutie Posts: 30 Member
    you are probably losing inches and gaining muscle mass. try measuring yourself.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Change it all about. Find a new exercise. Change meals. Change the time you eat. etc :-)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    If you opened up your food diary, we could give you more advice. ;)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Good going losing stones (how many pounds is one stone?). I suggest that you try eating different foods and eat them at different times. I lost 50 pounds and got stuck also. My WW leader suggested switching around my foods and trying different foods. Also, try to limit carbs and eat lots of lean proteins. Good luck!

    MFP gives you 55%carb, 15% protein, and 30% fat. I changed mine to 40/40/20. Getting enough protein can keep your body from digging into lean muscle mass for fuel. And if you aren't already doing some strength training, do it. That will also help and more lean muscle mass will increase your body's fat burning through a normal day and even sleeping.

    Unless you are doing very, very serious heavy weight lifting (we're talking lifting weight heavy enough that you can only get in 8-10 reps before "fail") you are not gaining muscle. It's all we can do to keep from losing muscle while dieting and exercising. It's next to impossible for women to gain muscle. We don't have enough testosterone for that.

    I've had to use protein powders to up my protein. In fact I had a smoothie at 10pm last night (protein powder, skim milk and frozen strawberries and blueberries). I was asleep by 11pm and I finally saw a 1/2lb drop from my weight being up this week. (Having a high protein night time snack can actually kick in the fat burning hormone that turns on at night. I hear low fat cottage cheese is a great nighttime snack).
  • pinklady86
    pinklady86 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone i will give it a go, i reallly wanna shift the last bit its driving me mad!!!! :)

    hpsnickers1 Thanks for your message i'll give that a go i probleley dont eat enough calories a day my goal is tho eat 1350 a day to achieve 2lb weight lost and ive been doing that for ages now, ive since upped my exercise now and do running round about 5.6mph Gentle jogging for around about 40 mins 3 times aday,
    so in what u was saying prehapes i need to change my calorie intake nd try to achive 1 and half pound lost a week so my calories increase a little????
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    I can't really give you any advice as I'm still learning myself, but I wanted to offer encouragement. You've done an amazing job so far, and the fact that you're hear asking for advice means you've gained something in addition to all that fabulous loss. Keep up the great work, and I hope you find what works for you!
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