Tony Little Gazelle?

I am thinking of buying the gazelle edge. Any advice? Testimonials? I never use that much resistance on the elliptical anyway, but am just wondering if this is worth buying. I am trying to build a small home gym so i don't have to find time away from my 18mo old to go to gym. I have done pretty well working out at home so far on treadmill, stepper, stationary bike, but would love to have an elliptical. Unfortunately, I can't afford a nice fancy one. What do you guys think?


  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    I have the edge. I hate it. it has no resistance on it, so I feel like I spent an hour doing nothing at all. no sweat, no achey muscles..nothing.

    If you get one, you must get one with the resistance on it.
  • ukq727
    ukq727 Posts: 50 Member
    I had one and I honestly thought it was a waist of my money after working out for an hour on 3 seperate days and not even so much as feeling a sweat bead I gave it away. I now own an elliptical and I swear by it (get the one with iFit techonology Julian Michaels is a beast)
  • skeene07
    skeene07 Posts: 57 Member
    Agree...does nothing. Not worth the $
  • crazyquilter36
    I had the Gazelle Freestyle given to me. I use it at least 3 times a week. It has no resistance on it. You can use your body weight for resistance and give your arms a nice workout, but as far as the legs go there is not much. I do build up a sweat. Maybe you should look in the paper or online for freecycle and see if you can find one. If you don't pay for and decide you do not like it, it is not so bad ;)
  • JenniferH81
    JenniferH81 Posts: 285 Member
    you can have mine, if you want to drive to michigan for it. ;)
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I have the edge. I hate it. it has no resistance on it, so I feel like I spent an hour doing nothing at all. no sweat, no achey muscles..nothing.

    If you get one, you must get one with the resistance on it.

    Mine didn't have resistance on it. I even broke the calculator on the machine because I was too heavy. It really helped me lose a lot of weight. I did it for 30 min everyday.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    I love mine I got it from salvation army. I use it to get my endurance up on just movinf. Its easy on my joints and my back. I start sweating after a few minutes. I guess it depends on what stage fitness you are at if you are starting out the edge is fine cause you are using your own body for resistance. I'm thinking that once I can be on it again for 30 minutes again I'm going to get his highest level one. Compared to the gym ellipicals I would choose the gazelle I feel safer on it and it feels more natural to me.
  • caribeals
    caribeals Posts: 105 Member
    i have the edge also. it doesn't really work up that big of a sweat, but i like to use it at the end of my workouts. it really stretches my legs and gives me a nice cool down. my mom also has one and uses it religiously every day. its virtually non-impact, so its really easy on her arthritic knees. she has lost about 30 pounds and its pretty much the only exercise she does. (lost 30lbs in about 7 months, 20 mins a day)
  • healthy1215
    I have a tendecy to end up with lower back pain if I overdo and with the gazelle, I can pick up my speed and endurance without fear of strain. I have seen my butt lift, my stomach flatten and my waist reduce,I love mine! It is easy to move around in the house and I can fold it up out of sight if I need in about 2 minutes! It is also silent and you get out of it, what you put into it! :tongue:
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    you can have mine, if you want to drive to michigan for it. ;)

    Haha, I'm in Germany, but thank you very much anyway :) And, thanks everyone for the advice, I definitely have more info now than what I started out with.....
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    It is really quiet and easy to fold up as well. I didn't buy it, my dad gave it to me since he didnt stick with it. He bought it for 450 I think at the time and I think thats a little too much for that. If you can find a used one, give it a shot.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I know this is an old topic. I did a search because I have one of these. It really is true that you get out of it what you put in. When I really work at pushing the pedals as far as I can kick, going as fast as I can, and adjusting my weight(leaning forwards or backwards or just standing straight) I break out in a sweat after ~5 minutes. After ~45 minutes, the sweat is pouring off me. If I'm just not into it or putting my all into it, I don't get as much of a workout from it and after 45 minutes haven't even broken out in a sweat. So if you give it your all, it works great. I like it because I have a genetic bone disease which causes problems with my joints and I need something low/no impact. It was also inexpensive (I got mine through Amazon) and folds for storage easily and quickly. And hell, I've really never exercised before. I figured something was better than nothing. And the fact I've lost over 30 lb using it speaks for itself.

    One thing I don't like about it is the calorie counter, it's laughably inaccurate. It gives me crazy numbers like 2000 calories for 45 minutes.