15lbs-20lbs to go...Need all the encouragement I can get! Pl

Hello MFPs :)

I started my journey Aug.2009 when I stepped on a scale and saw that I had reached 200lbs. I freaked out. I had been 198, but I always used the excuse, well as long as I don't hit 200 I'm okay. That day I made a vow to NEVER see that number again! I started off slow...I quit drinking pop (it was diet) cold turkey and dropped 4 lbs the first week. Started exercising and really started losing weight over the summer of 2010. I am currently down 40lbs. I started learning to cook while I started to lose weight which was great because I heart making healthy tasty meals. I am finding that losing the next 15-20 lbs is excruciatingly(sp?) hard! I would love to have support/friends while I continue down this path of weightloss. My matra is, "this is not a race, this is a lifestyle change". Thanks in advance for the support and I hope everyone is doing well in their journey as well!



  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    I am having the same problem I dropped 20 pounds pretty quickly but the last 10-15 is driving me crazy!
    I will definitely be here for ya! I am struggling with the same thing.
    Maybe cutting out the diet soda will help me as well...
    Feel free to add me if you want! :laugh:
  • MiniHaha636
    MiniHaha636 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi KB

    Well done so far! You've done brilliantly!

    I too have 20lb to lose, I would love to achieve it by the end of June for my holiday.....

    I have been a serial dieter, getting down to target and then reverting to my bad habits.....savoury snacks and wine!

    Its so good to be able to support each other on here, so keep on going!

    Tracey x
  • galaxysue
    galaxysue Posts: 83 Member
    Hello MFPs :) My matra is, "this is not a race, this is a lifestyle change".

    This is exactly what I think we have to stick to our new lifestyles and never go back to our old ways. Well done and you CAN lose that final 20!!!
  • bmcmforfun
    I like your matra! That is a good one to live by. It sounds like you are focused. I have learned over my life time that you can say you want to loose weight and actually go through the process but if you are not fully focused and have a goal to work towards, you will not be successful. YOU are successful! Proud of you! Keep up the good work!
    One thing that may help is to shock your system. Do something different in your exercise program to mix things up. You will start to see more results.
    Best wishes,
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Totally in the same boat as you. I've been plateaued for three weeks now & it's killing me! :sad:

    Hang in there. Maybe change up your exercise routine?
  • rwash0904
    I know exactly what you mean. I had reached 192 and did not like howe I looked so I started on this journey and decided to try and lose it fast. It hit me that this is a journey toward achieving a lifestyle change. MFP is definitely assisting me in achieving that goal!! I am now aware of the foods I am choosing to put in my body. I find that when it gets hard it is because I am becoming impatient to reach goal. Being aware that time is going to past and at that time I will have reached my goal or not is helping to me. A tool I have found helpful is reading Dr. Herman Amens book, " Change Yout Brain, Change Your Body". I found it to be priceless. Good luck and keep moving toward goal date.
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    Those last pounds are the hardest. Good luck and stick with it! I love your attitude!
  • Tencie0615
    Tencie0615 Posts: 72 Member
    I too am having the same problem...i started seeing a nutrtionist in aug 2010 and lost about 30 pds...ive been in a rut since dec and cant seem to get the last 22 pds off to reach my goal... i found myself hitting that 200 pd mark and it scared the crap out of me..i had never been that heavy not even both times while being pregnant...but i found this site yesterday and im hoping with this i can finally reach my goal this before becoming a "grandma" in july.