It's A New Day

I'm not actually new to the site. I joined/started my 'weight loss journey' about two weeks ago but never thought to introduce myself until now. Maybe I was nervous to fail like I have done so many times before. Instead, things have been going great these last two weeks. I've been extremely motivated; Eating the right things (with only a couple slip-ups) and going to the gym 4 times a week. I have a lot of support from people around me who are either trying to live a healthier lifestyle as well or who just want the best for me.

I've found that the best way for me to stick with the working out and healthy eating is to talk about it. I finally feel like I'm on the right track because I'm doing it for ME and knowing that everyone around me is encouraging and supportive and also being supportive to them in return feels great.

I would definitely like to know what motivates all of you to stick with your goals and I'd definitely like some friends on this site who will help keep me going. I've got a long way to go but I'm excited by my progress so far and I want to wish everyone good luck on their journey! :wink:


  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Hope the program works as well for you as it is doing for me.
  • brayaddie
    brayaddie Posts: 101 Member
    Best Wishes! Feel free to add me!
  • vnmw121212
    vnmw121212 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello!!! Glad you're here!! Add me if you need a friend!!
  • jcd708727
    Things that motivate me...
    1. I feel much better...more energy...all that...
    2. Gotta get in to a tuxedo in August...
    3. Cooper River Bridge Run (10K) coming up next month...
    4. I get to buy new clothes as the inches come off...
    5. Just a feeling of accomplishment...

    I could go on for a while, but those are the big ones. Good luck to you.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Welcome! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you.

    I totally agree that talking about y fitness has helped tremendously! Knowing I have to log what I eat helps keep me in check. I know I don't have to exercise but I know if I do I can eat more...and who doesn't want to eat more?!
    Even when I'm having a trough day, I've found so much positive support here. I love it!
  • dawn454
    dawn454 Posts: 42 Member
    :smile: I completely agree!! This is the first time in years that I am finally doing it for ME!! And it feels great!!! I was also worried about failing at first so I didn't do any pics or measurements and now I am so wishing that I did!! Stick to it and remember that you need to take care of yourself!