No control for a week! HELP!

I travel for work often. I have been out of my house for the last four weeks and I am going into week 5. So here is the problem. I am going to a 5 day meeting this week that is all catered, open bar, and banquet food! I will have no control as to what is available to me to eat. Of course I can control what I choose but my guess is salad for 5 days is not going to cut it! I have decided that I will limit myself to two light beers or two small glasses of wine if that but what do I eat!?! It is not like I can pack food with me as it is hard to carry most things on these days. I won't have a rental and there is not a store besides a CVS within walking distance. Usually I drive to the destination and for the most part can choose where I eat so it has not really been to hard to this point. I am terrified of getting off course and not being able to find my way back and I am already on a HUGE plateau! Any advice is greatly appreciated. Note: I already have almonds and veggie crisps ready for snack attacks! :)


  • scomeaujean
    That is a hard one with lots of temptation. My suggestions is to maybe bring a measuring cup, that way if you do eat something that isn't IDEAL, you can control your intake a little better. Or if they have chicken maybe just have salad with a little filler. Good luck :)
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    Please don't get mad. You said it yourself-you control what you eat. You know what is healthy. Your post is one excuse after another of why you can't make a healthy choice and yet the isles of the supermarket are filled with quick things you can throw in your bag and eat. Like tuna and crackers or something like that-or a bag of tuna that you could throw on your salad. Find a way and if you chose to eat there then like I said-you know what is going to be good for you and keep you on your goal. Don't look for excuses-look for solutions. You can do this-you are amazing!! Again I hope I am not making you angry, I am just trying to help. Good luck with your 5 days-you got this!!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I would make sure and get a small salad with every meal when possible. Then get small portions of whatever you like/want and start with the salad to try to fill yourself up some before attacking the main course. This will definitely be a test of your willpower. Find a seat as far away from the food as possible so you have to walk through all the people to get there. Maybe that will be a deterent from 2nd helpings.

    Is there a gym at the hotel? Make sure you use it if you have time and don't get too discouraged if you eat more than you planned. It will all work out in the end. Good luck!
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I find when I travel for work, my best bet is to try to eat only half of what is served to me. That way, I eat half a salad, half the entree and one glass of wine. I try to stay away from anything fried and the bread basket. Packing tuna is fine in theory, but I know I don't like to draw attention to myself and tell the world "I'm dieting!!!" so I try to make due with what is being served. Other things I do if it's a catered lunch - only eat half the bread on a sandwich, use a knife to scrape off the mayo, skip the chips. Try to get up every morning and go for a walk. Even if you come home at the same weight and don't gain, I'd consider that a win. Good luck!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Happily, there is a really nice gym at the hotel so the workout protion is not really an issue! Of course counting the cals and working them off is a given! :) I know I can do this and two of my friends on here are also co workers who are attending so they will help out as well! I know I can do this. I just really wanted to say it somewhere besides my head! There are some great ideas here! I suppose I could always order room service if I need to. Marriotts tend to have a few really nice healthy selections. Thanks.