Wii Fit?

does anyone supplement their exercise with Wii Fit, or use it as their sole form of exercise? have you noticed a difference in toning or balance?

i'm asking because my mother-in-law is giving me her Wii Fit as she doesn't use it! i am not planning to use it as my sole form of exercise but hoping to supplement on the cold/rainy days when i don't want to spend too much time at the gym. plus i think the games are fun!


  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    I enjoy the WII Fit. I like the yoga and I notice my overall balance seems to be good when I use it regularly. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    we have the wii fit and we love it. it gets used a lot everyday
  • woodsk1
    woodsk1 Posts: 29
    I use it for yoga
  • deannar417
    deannar417 Posts: 193 Member
    YES I love mine. Although I have moved and havent had it plugged up in a month. But it's been nice enough outside I've taken alot of exercise outside instead. It's fun and will help in places you never thought it would LOL My husband played just a little when I got mine and lost 6 pounds the first week. It does help your balance also. It's a workout and fun at the same time. The "game" part of it will make the time go faster. We got to where on the weekends when snow was on the ground we would play for hours LOL LOVE IT. I like the running part of it too. It goes by so fast. Hope you like it. Have a great day.
  • mblanch
    mblanch Posts: 81 Member
    I use the wii generally to supplement my exercise. Theres some very good games out there for the wii and wii fit that will help with burning cals. For a while I was solely just using a wii game for exercise and it was really good. So it definitely is helpful :) Have fun with it :)
  • JoleenHitsPlay
    My daughter has one and we had it here when she was home (she just recently took it with her) :( I loved it!!! Really motivational and i saw results!! I was also looking forward to not being a chubby doll!
  • ascoors
    ascoors Posts: 7
    I use my Wii Fit about 2-3 times a week for learning yoga (as I am super new at that) and for step aerobics. I think it is pretty good to supplement with other exercises, but that is just my opinion. Good luck!
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    I have several wii games that I use. Golds gym cardio is pretty good. I just got a boxing one that I really like. Regular wii fit and plus are also great. but dont rely on their calorie count. When I first started I only used the games. Now I go to zumba twice a week when I can and walk on wednesdays. I also have a bike and treadmill. would like an eliptical but ouch expensive. Anyway I just finished a wii workout. 40 mins and burned 229 calories. I have a watch that monitors my hrt and calories. It's nice and sunny here today 40f so going to walk dog later. Add me as a friend if you want to.

    Have a great day
  • kugelevich
    It works well, if you will not slack. Use, for example, two or three aerobic exercises to warm-up and then strength exercises. It will not be simple, but try to do them right and increase gradually, in the end doing all of them. I personally am doing aerobic+strength+yoga when I have time and aerobic+some strength+some yoga when I have little time. I rarely do games, I think most of them will not rally help you, because they don't seem to be hard on your muscles.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Some of the games are really fun. The only thing I don't like is that most of the games on the game that comes with Wii fit last a few minutes, so if you are wanting to exercise 30 minutes, it takes some time to build up 30 minutes given each session only lasts 1-3 minutes. Some of the games are really fun though...one of my favorite is the hula hoop. My sister got Zumba and I love that. Now on that you can go longer. Its workouts are back to back and you can pretty much go as long as you can hang in there with it. So, I guess it all depends what game you are playing.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    My mom lost almost 40 lbs mostly just doing Wii Zumba and this website. And she's 5'2 with only 50 lbs to lose total!
  • apollopom1
    apollopom1 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been using the Wii Fit, along with walking, and I think it helped me. I was doing it for 30 minutes about every day and walking 1 mile. The advanced step aerobics no longer gets me out of breath so I might not do it much longer but at first it had me breathing hard. The hula hoop for duration (3 minutes) still makes me sweat and I do the advanced boxing (10 minutes) which will provide a great workout, too. Start out with the beginner levels and work up to the advanced levels. I've now started doing the Wii Zumba because the Fit isn't enough after 2 months. The zumba beginner is killing me but I really lost the weight this week by starting it. I am now planning on walking 1.3 miles every day, Zumba (20minutes) 3-4 times a week and Wii Fit on the days I don't do Zumba. Might give myself a relax date if hectic schedule that week. Eating my total calories and most of my exercise calories has helped me to lose consistently every week. Good luck!!
    DONNALEES Posts: 50 Member
    I have had the Wii Fit for a couple of years now and I absolutely love it! I do believe it helps a great deal with balance. There is also a section where you can make your own fitness routine. The strength training and yoga are pretty decent . I do agree that the games are a lot of fun., I also like that it enables me to keep track of the calories burned on the program. The aerobic step is good ,especially if you use the elevated stand that can be purchased for the wii fit board. Running isn't too bad either. I'm a fan of anything that helps to keep me moving. I love the Wii system for that.
  • fattybumchum22
    fattybumchum22 Posts: 39 Member
    I use wii fit plus and wii just dance 2. at the moment i have a infected foot so its supplementing my bike rides. Im not a keen exerciser so i love my wii fit its helped me loads!!!!
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    I use it to supplement my fitness routine....plus its great to interact with the kids while keeping fit at the same time. Much better than sitting in front of the tv doing nothing. To be honest, anything that gets you moving is great.....I've even found a new enthusiasm for housework as I think of all the calories burnt if I put some effort in :bigsmile:
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    My whole family started off with wii fit, and it's very motivating and fun! It's fun competition that even got my husband off the couch to have his little wii mee in first place. We still use it and love the logging in function and charts. Even the pets can be charted. Eventually you can use that balance board and use it for other things. Our latest obcession that bumped up the exercise several notches (now that we are in better shape a year or more later) is EA active sports personal trainer. That is a huge workout! And so is the Wii Zumba I've been doing obcessively since December. That one in particular has whittled my waist 5 inches!!! We have abandoned none of our wii games!
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    I love my Wii fit :) I also love the fact that there are so many other games out there for the Wii to help you burn those calories and get in shape. I haven't tried the Zumba yet but from what I am seeing it may well be worth the money.
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    I use the Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active II. I often run on a treadmill when running on the Wii Fit Plus. For the step areobics, I put the board on a step bench to increase the workout. Also walk and use recumbent bike.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    wow, thanks for the responses! i have played a few games on the Wii Fit and now i'm SUPER excited for it to arrive in the mail!
  • simplyroni
    Ive been using the Wii Fit Plus. I would put on the Free Run and do housework. Pretty soon Id walk a mile and not even realize it