Newbie from the Midlands

Hi all,

My name is Tracey and I'm based in the Midlands....

I have a long way to go but having tried all of the other diets, conventional and less so, and have spent the last fiteen years yo-yoing up and down. At my lowest I was 13st (182lbs) and that was the day after I had my daughter who is now 11!!!

As I sit here I weigh 17st 2lbs... (240lbs) and am slowly but surely killing myself!

So I am here with a long term goal of losing 126 lbs or nine stone......look forward to making new friends/support buddies along the way!



  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    Hello from nottingham with about 7 and a bit stone left to lose, but 31 down so far! you've come to the right place to make your goals a reality, good luck x
  • fayelein
    fayelein Posts: 51 Member
    Hi from the Black Country :)

    I want to loose around 7 stone. It's going to be a long and hard journey but I know we can do it!

    Last week I found the pressures of life making it difficult with lots of eating out but I stuck to it and I feel much better for that willpower!

    Good luck!
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member


  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    From London, Essex, already loss 1 stone, looking to lose another one, then reassess! you've certainly come to the right place for support and encouragement. You can do it, good luck. Add me if you wish!
  • soontobeslinkypie
    Hi guys, good to see you all.....x