Major loss of appitite, losing weight too fast

katie192 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I have lost 5lbs in the passed 5 days, i have almost completely lost my appitite and i am only eating when i am really hungry and then only eating things like fruit, yoghurt, cereal bars and carrots...lots of carrots!! Having about 600 calories a day and still doing some walking on some days. Is this dangerous and what can i do???


  • karilynn27
    karilynn27 Posts: 190 Member
    YES this is pretty bad you need to be eating at least 1200 calories, 600 calories a day plus exercise is very unsafe. You aren't fueling your body enough! You might have to force yourself to eat.
    Ensure shakes are very good for this, its like a meal in a shake so you can drink your meal instead of forcing food down your throat.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    We tend to go from one extreme (unhealthy calories) to another (only eating fruits, veggies, etc). You're going to have to balance this out. 600 calories a day is not something you can maintain for life so you need to be careful not to let your body get used to that small amount. It'll only cause you problems later.
  • wykesp
    wykesp Posts: 4
    Yes that is not enough food. Are you sick at all? You body has a certain number of calories that it must have each day to just do the things that keep you alive. For example, hormones, enzymes etc. This number is your Resting Metabolic Rate. This number is usually around 1600 calories (that is only a guess every person is different) . If you consistantly take in too little calories your body will view that as a threat and will try to store anything that you take in because it thinks you are starving. The weight loss you are seeing is not sustainable and is most likely attributed to water loss andyour body breaking itself down to maintain your body systems. Try eating less amounts much more often through out the day. That may help, also try and take in at least half of your body weight in fluid ounces of water each day!
    Good Luck!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I will reiterate what others have said. YES, 600 is way too low and YES it is unhealthy. Unless you are sick or something, you should be eating more.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    The great thing about MFP is that you can trust the process. Whether your tendency is to overeat or undereat, if you make a commitment to stick to what MFP tells you to do and be consistent with it, things will begin to fall into place. Please, for the sake of your health, trust MFP and not your appetite to tell you how much you need to eat. Good luck!
  • katie192
    katie192 Posts: 18 Member
    thanks, i will try to eat more, i haven't been ill, but have been a bit depressed think that might be part of it.
  • dt1167
    dt1167 Posts: 1
    I know when I get really stressed my appetite goes down dramatically. Just try to remember to eat even if your not starving. I find small snacks help a lot.
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