How am I doing??

My weigh in day is Wednesday, and I would love some tips before that happens, because I've been STUCK for about a month now at my current weight (140.4). I opened my diary up to public, so everyone please take a look and please critique and give it to me straight... what am I doing wrong and what to I need to do to get that scale to budge this week? Please note that I work night shift, so that is why there are days that I eat in the middle of the night, and where I don't eat until later in the day. And if anyone can give me tips on how to lower sugar (I can't seem to get the hang of it!), I would appreciate it. It seems to get up there right after my morning piece of fruit. Thanks!


  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member

    The first thing that popped out at me was the high levels of sodium. Sodium has a tendency to cause water retention, which could cause the scale to stay put.

  • mfergie889
    I agree with the high sodium...I think MFP sets it way too high, I would aim around 1800mg. Also, you eat alot of cheese, yogurt, and fruit. I would try throwing in some vegetables and nuts as a replacement.
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    Agree about the sodium. A couple of other ideas:

    Have you adjusted your goals to account for weight loss?

    Also, if you measure exercise calories using an HRM, then be sure to subjectract your BMR calories from what your HRM reports.
  • PudgeMuffin200
    Great job so far. I would try lowering your carbs to under 100 every other day and lower your sodium to 1500-1800.
  • summerangel0704
    My husband has had 2 heart attacks (before 40) and his cardiologist says for him to cut the cheese out as much as possible. I agree the sodium will help you retain water and that isn't good. Good luck & keep us posted on how your are doing.

  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Great job so far. I would try lowering your carbs to under 100 every other day and lower your sodium to 1500-1800.

    Yes I also heard today that RDA of sodium has been lowered to 1500mg. So decrease your sodium intake and increase you water intake and you might see a budge on the scale. Best of luck!
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I agree with the previous posters...your sodium is awfully high and your diet seems to be lacking in veggies. FWIW, there are better protein shakes out there with less sodium and more protein. I use one that is egg white based, rather than whey based and although the egg white based are typically higher in sodium (mine has 380mg), it also has only 4g carbs and delivers twice the protein...24g.

    Good luck w/ your journey!
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    Looks like your are really working hard to lose!
    Some things you may want to take a look at:

    You may be having trouble seeing progress now on the scale because of your sodium and sugar intake.
    -One thing you may want to think about is reducing the amount of "Low Fat" foods that you eat. They are filled with a lot more sodium to help with the taste. Cheese especially is a lot of sodium for a little bit of the food.

    -As far as your sugars, cereal tends to be high in sugar and carbs. The combination of the two will cause you to retain instead of lose.

    -Peanut butter or almonds might be a good alternative to try in place of the cheese. They are both high in protein and will help you from retaining as much water and the protein helps balance the sugar. You end up gaining more energy per calorie intake.

    -I have a feeling if you can avoid the high sodium and sugar for one week as a "test" you will really see that you got over the "stuck" mode.

    Good luck with your weigh in!
    Oh, a trainer i will be working with told me that more strength training then cardio will also help me from retaining water. I will find out as he is working up a strengthening routine for me. He said that any more than Cardio 3 times a week will actually cause your muscles to retain water. I look forward to the changes in my work out routine to see if it helps me lose faster!
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    Thanks for all the great advice! I will definitely incorporate this all and hope for a good weigh in on Wednesday! :happy:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member

    Oh, a trainer i will be working with told me that more strength training then cardio will also help me from retaining water. I will find out as he is working up a strengthening routine for me. He said that any more than Cardio 3 times a week will actually cause your muscles to retain water. I look forward to the changes in my work out routine to see if it helps me lose faster!

    Oooh thanks for that info! Very interesting please let us know if it works!!! :)
  • turkfoster
    Here is what I'm thinking....

    I'm in a similar boat as Im in an office biggest looser contest right now and have been battling it out for first place with an evil (actually she's about the nicest person I know) girl who posted a 5 pound loss this past week....7 weeks into the contest. UG! only 1 more week left so I've been researching everything I can do to win...anyway.....

    1. Way to much are holing on to a lot of water and haven't been going berserk (like me) on the low side of calorie intake (this is the root of my issue by the way). From everything I've read the body has symbiotic relationships between sodium,calcuim,potassium and magnesium. These are the electolytes that keep the electrical system working properly. t can be dangerous if you cause a whacky imbalance but with sodium it could take a while. Continue your exercise and knock your sodium to about 1000 per day.

    2. To flush out excess water eat foods that have diuretic properties. Though I'm on h\the verge of popping lasix to win this contest (kidding) you can eat and drink foods that will help to flush out some water. The best of all of these is water itsself...from what I've read distilled is the best because the minerals in spring water impede the process to a small degree. Some other fluids that are good are crainberry juice (100% with no sugar) and green tea.

    3. Eat foods that increase your metabolism. The whole weight loss thing is calories in and calories out....BUT...if you dont watch it you can screw up your metabolism and make it much slower which is what I've done. Eat foods to help kick it up a notch like lots of potein...staying away from refined sugars and carbs. Also, apparently grapefruit is some sort of wonder fruit as it affects blood sugar in a positive way so as to help with weight loss. Other metabolism boosters I found on the net include broccoli, brussel sprouts, tomatoes and hot peppers....all for different reasons.

    4. Work out like a fiend.....lots of cardio if your concerned about doing it quickly or...if less concerned with loosing quickly...high intensity interval traning and working with weight. When I'm done with this stupid contest its what I plan to do but for now its run run run.

    Anyway...hope some of this was new to you and good luck!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    please take the time to read the first post in this post; it will be a benefit to you, in the meantime I can take some time and go through your diary and see if there is any help I can offer you.
  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    Hi Blondie,
    I just saw and accepted your friend request. I'm glad I could help you with some suggestions.

    I will definitely let you know how the trainer's program he sets up for me works. He has seen how hard I have been working at the gym and actually offered to help me free of charge since he knows it is all I can do to scrap together the monthly gym fee. He will be working with me starting next Saturday, since he covers the weekend hours at the gym and has to be there anyway. (he sees his paying clients during the week) I am really looking forward to learning/training with him.
  • turkfoster
    sorta off topic but 1 thing that confuses me about what the trainer said.

    I know that whenever I've started on weights I retain tons of water.

    Also true, but to a lesser extent, in my own experience with cardio too.

    I think that as muscle heals and builds it needs fluids to do it. Also...the water content of musce is high so as you build more muscle you become more to speak. It was my thought that with cardio you're focused on burning fat and I'm guessing this uses less water but I know it can be complicated with hormones/glucose levels and all the chemistry related to anabolic vs. catabolic states.

    I'd be curious to know what the trainer says is the reason for water retention being higher with higher amounts of cardio than weights as I would think this would be the opposite.

    Anyway...good luck