First Day of Spring =)

Ah, the first day of spring.......

To many people, January 1 is the start of the new year, the tme to set resolutions.

People hop on treadmills, starve themselves, and vow that "this year will be the year that I _________" Fill in the blank. Lose weight, get good grades, don't lose my temper.....anything and everything is pledged.

Most wane before the month is out.

The weather sucks, you've got the doldrums because the excitement of the holiday season is over, the sun never shines, you're too busy, you've got plenty of time to do it, so you put it off...excuses come, resolutions go. It's a cycle that happens every year.;

But there's another "beginning" we've been given each year, and it comes in plenty of time to get "bikini-ready" by June:

The vernal equinox, aka the first day of spring.

What better day to set a resolution, to make goals, to start accomplishing what you've been putting off? The days are getting longer and longer, the sun is shining more, the snow is melting (if you're lucky, lol) flowers are pushing their tender shoots up through the soil, and the feeling of promise is nearly tangible in the air outside.

March 20, 2011: The day I decided to stop making excuses and start getting results.

How does that feel? Try it on, wear it around like a shiny new pair of shoes, carry it until it's luster runs out (as all pretty new things do) and when it does,;take 'em off and carry yourself by the strength you have deep in your soul, the strength that's been there all along.

What could you accomplish if you started today?

You'll never know until you take that first step.

Happy spring everyone. I encourage you all to bloom with the flowers now; find your inner strength, build it up, save it up, keep yourself going, and remember that "We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day.” --Richard G. Scott.

Consistencey & perserverence will carry you through anything.

No excuses.


  • shannon3
    shannon3 Posts: 25 Member
    VERY inspiring, thank you for the pick-me-up and Happy Spring to you!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    It is nice having Spring show up.. took a great hike today!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Aw! Thank you for such a great post! So uplifting and motivational. You rawk! :flowerforyou:
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Great post!! Excuses got us all here.
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    Well said. So glad Spring is finally here.