Curves - any pros or cons?

Grldisney Posts: 6 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
:smile: Interested in joining....any thoughts or experiences?


  • grrl77
    grrl77 Posts: 108
    Personally, I really found it to be an overall good experience, but I found that each facility is run a little different. The first one i went to was awesome - pumpin music to get you motivated was my huge plus. They wound up closing that location and moved it, and when they moved, some other folks took over and the music wasn't ever up very loud. That's totally just a personal preference though.

    The workouts were great. I loved that you could combine cardio with weight training. I saw results pretty quickly, and since it's all laid out for you, you just kinda zone out and do your thing and not have to worry about not working a certain body part enough. :) The only downside was, after a few months, I got bored, since it's just the same circuit training. Really, though, for three times a week, it wasn't bad. :) I'd say go for it!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I used to work at a curves, and I will tell you right now to save your money! It is good for people just starting to work out, but only for about 3 months. From what I have learned about working out, sitting on your butt while you do it is just a waste of time. Yes you do a bit of cardio but you could get as much from walking. Most people who go only put about 50% energy into it , so they do not get a very good workout. I was there working for about 6 months, trying to push people and kept the music bumping, but I can tell you the most I saw anyone lose was 10lbs, and that was usually because they started to diet along with it. If you want a quick and effective workout , try the biggest loser or jillian micheals dvds..

    This was in oxygen magazine- "For beginners, maybe. A recent American Council on Exercise study took a close peak at the popular Curves program. The researchers found the 30-minute Curves workout - including 5 minutes of stretching and a cool-down - burns a measly 184 calories, making it a good moderate intensity workout for those who are not very active. The cardiovascular equivalent to a half hour at Curves is walking at a speed of 4 miles per hour on a level treadmill."

    If you do decide to sign up, do it only for like 3 months, you need to swtich up your routine every few weeks anyway.
  • justineknight
    justineknight Posts: 6 Member
    I burn 350-550 calories during my 30 minute Curves workout. If you dont push as hard as you can and give it your all, you won't see results. That applies to any workout program you follow. Curves is amazing if you have a busy schedule and you want to get your cardio and strength training done at the same time, and you want to track your results. The CurvesSmart system tells you the number of calories you burned and details on each muscle group, each machine, and challenges you to work harder each month.
    Tynkaluk, no offense to the ladies you worked with, but they obviously didn't try very hard. I've seen women lose over 100# at my Curves location. They come in, work out hard, follow the weight management program, and reach their goals. There is even an olympic athlete who trains at Curves during the off season.
    It won't work unless you put your full effort into it. If you get bored, ask your Curves trainer for tips and help getting the most out of your time.
  • Hello! Just started using this site and wanted to add that I have been with Curves for 2 months and have lost 20 lbs. I really really like it! I absolutely LOVE the diet and their recipes! (Go in with a couple of phone numbers from friends that don't mind saying "Sorry not interested." Then they give you a book with 2 diet plans that are created to kick start your metabolism and it has really great recipes... )

    After the first month I started on the Curves Smart workout. It is really nice because it tracks how hard you personally can work and then tells you when you aren't working hard enough. It has really made me push myself, I am starting to see muscles I haven't seen in years!!.... and it is super cheap too... I would also suggest it to anybody that has a hectic schedule because it is only 30 minutes and I only go 3 times a week.
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    Here's my two cents LOL I would go a little "harder" and go to a co-ed gym and one that has a wider range of things to do. I'm on about month 8 at golds gym and LOVE it. They have ciruits set up for you, mine has a women's only room, a wide range of classes, a cardio cinema...and they have little skinny girls walking around which is a HUGE motivater for me..even though I hate seeing them. My mom and mother in law both joined curves and both stopped going ... not saying it's JUST b/c they went to curves but I think it's kind of a very "soft" approach at weight loss and fitness...I feel like if all I did was look around and see overweight women and be one of them I wouldn't really push hard...Best wishes either way!
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    Let me just say, this is the first time I've heard of a cardio cinema. I googled it, and what the heck! That is awesome!

    About Curves--I went "balls to the wall" for 30 days, 4-5 times a week when I was 20 or 21 years old. I was easily the hardest working (and youngest) person in there, and was pumping the strength-training machines to their limit. The strength training machines are based on resistance, so the harder and faster you pump, the more resistance and "weight" you'll get. I was not in shape in any way (about 215 pounds), had no upper body strength to speak of, and it was still too easy. I have a lot of trouble believing that anyone could burn 500+ calories in 30 minutes, when every other station is walking in place (or it was back then). Maybe as a starting measure, to get yourself into the habit of working out, but not for a long-term solution.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have been a member at Curves for almost one year. I lost additional 8 lbs since April of 2010 but since I also go the gym 3 times a week, do Pilates twice a week, dance twice a week and I have been a member of MFP for over 8 months, I don't know if my weight loss is because of Curves or because the combination of "all of the above."

    I agree that curves smart is the way to go because it registers the exercise intensity at each machine and gives the amount of calories burned at each work out. But honestly, I didn't see any improvement in body building or definition, which is what I was more interested in getting. I have reached my goal and I am not interested in loosing more weight, unless is fat weight.

    My other problem with Curves is that it doesn't take into consideration the cardio activity done at each station, unless one is using a HRM, one doesn't know how many total calories were actually burned. The calories burned shown by the Curve's computer are only for the use of the machines.

    The studio that I attended had Zumba classes for a while, but the classes were cancelled due to lack of attendance and interest and the studio is closing at the end of the month.

    I agree with other statements that after awhile Curves turns to be boring and there is not opportunity to change the workouts. It is good for people with little time to workout or without a huge interest in exercising or going to a co-ed gym (not my problem), so I will not join another Curves studio in the future.
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    Let me just say, this is the first time I've heard of a cardio cinema. I googled it, and what the heck! That is awesome!'s frickin' awesome..when I first joined the gym and I was 233lbs working out in a dark room where people are watching (or looking at) the movie it let me loosen up and really focus. . . I hardly ever actually pay attention to the movie, but I enjoy the distraction even with my mp3 player on (I'm ADD so I need distractions to focus...silly I know)'s just wonderful. Gold's has so many classes too...i took Body Combat for a few weeks (aka cardio kickboxing) and I've managed to make it to the Body Pump class (weight tranining)...I really love it and the fact that they have a huge daycare area for my kids--which they LOVE is what got me to stop the excuses and do the damn thing! Oh, and they have a dry sauna...ahhh..great for stretches and crunches after a workout!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    All I know, is that most the people I see working at Curves has the wrong kind of curves.
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