30 day shred

for those thst have or are currently doing this, how are you recording it on your exercise log? Startd today and not sure what i should record it! Thanks in advance Fi x


  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    Circuit training - or you could change it to your own added exercise with those same amount of calories burned.
    Have fun with 30 day shred!!
  • FionaHawkins
    Fun??? it nearly killed me earlier, and i could feel muscles working i didn't even realise i had, but after i was so chuffed and in some sort of sick way i am looking forward to repeating the pain in the morning. :-)
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    maybe treat yourself to a HRM , then add it as whatever you wish, least then you know its honest result

    good luck
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I just did day one, level 1. Had some good results last time so thought I would give it another go. I used to log it as 25mins circuit training. Did it today with heart rate monitor for the first time and it was 27mins and I burnt 288cals.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    yeah it's a pretty great feeling.

    It is circuit training. she does call each section circuits. But that is the point of circuit training bouncing from one thing to another. good job with getting day one done!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I just started level 2. Oh man I love it :smile:

    I use my heart rate monitor, but others log it as circuit training. Level 2 for me yesterday (immediately after I did level 1, so my heart rate was already kinda up there) burned 243 calories. I'll do it again today alone and see how it goes. Level 1 for me usually did around 205. I had a day at 223 and 215, but both of those days I was feeling crazy good and did extra reps and kept up with uh... I forget their names. I kept up with Natalie instead of the lower paced girl.

    My legs are really changing. I LOVE that. The bottom part of me is a huge trouble area, so glad to see some changes.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    By the way, my heart rate monitor reads that I burned more than what I enter. I always make sure to reduce the number by what I would have burned just by existing anyway. You can find your own by taking number of minutes divided by minutes in an hour, then times that by how many calories you burn per hour (your bmr divided by 24)

    so mine was 27min / 60 min = .45
    and calories per hour for me specifically is 1750 / 24 = 72.91 (I round up to 73)
    so 73 x 0.45 = how many calories I burned during 27 minutes of just existing... 32.8 (I round up to 33)
    my heart rate monitor reads that during the workout I burned 241 calories. So I subtract 33 from that and enter that number into the site.
    241 - 33 = 208

    Totally unnecessary but I like being nitpicky.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    maybe treat yourself to a HRM , then add it as whatever you wish, least then you know its honest result

    good luck

    Best Idea I've heard yet?!
  • GypsyRoaddog
    GypsyRoaddog Posts: 80 Member
    Gotta learn how to have the "Qoute" box display :>)

    For Sarah 44254, I like the way You go about it. While I was just out walking, I was thinking, "I wonder how many people nudge their numbers a little ... (or a lot) ... for whatever reasons we feel inclined sometimes to hide the truth. "

    I often say, "It's not about being right [as in right vs. wrong] it's about being accurate."

    I respect your respect for accuracy :>)

    Eyes On The Prize,
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    By the way, my heart rate monitor reads that I burned more than what I enter. I always make sure to reduce the number by what I would have burned just by existing anyway. You can find your own by taking number of minutes divided by minutes in an hour, then times that by how many calories you burn per hour (your bmr divided by 24)

    so mine was 27min / 60 min = .45
    and calories per hour for me specifically is 1750 / 24 = 72.91 (I round up to 73)
    so 73 x 0.45 = how many calories I burned during 27 minutes of just existing... 32.8 (I round up to 33)
    my heart rate monitor reads that during the workout I burned 241 calories. So I subtract 33 from that and enter that number into the site.
    241 - 33 = 208

    Totally unnecessary but I like being nitpicky.

    I just take off 100 per half an hour, as I have this heart condition that makes everything exercise. I wore my HRM for an hour and sat very still 200cals burnt lol So my exercise calories should not be used for other people, I burn at crazy rates. BUT DONT LOSE WEIGHT grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • FionaHawkins
    Great thankyou all for the advice!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Yeah Bjshooter, I wore my HRM all day once and as opposed to the 'normal' range, I burned like 4500 calories in 10 hrs. My resting heart rate is very high though, so I think that is why the HRM shows such a big burn.
  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    Fun??? it nearly killed me earlier, and i could feel muscles working i didn't even realise i had, but after i was so chuffed and in some sort of sick way i am looking forward to repeating the pain in the morning. :-)

    This made me laugh out loud. I did my first day yesterday and that is EXACTLY what I said. It nearly killed me. I had a hard time just getting up and down from the floor...lol. I'm getting ready to do my second day right now and I can't imagine how I will get through it because I'm so sore from yesterday but I'll manage. I keep thinking of those before and after pictures others posted when they did it.
    Good luck with it!! :smile:
  • brph26
    brph26 Posts: 207 Member
    I completed day 5 today and it does get easier as the days go on. It may not feel like it on day 1, 2 or 3 but it really does. Stick with it. I'm glad I did. I absolutely cant wait until the end to see the results!!
  • swanfam4
    swanfam4 Posts: 41 Member
    I just finished day 6...it does get easier so stick with it! I feel so much stronger in just 6 days. I log it as 20 minutes of "circuit training, general." Keep in mind that everyone burns a different amount of calories depending on their height/weight. For example, I burn about 260 calories doing it, but I know some other people only burn about 215 or so. Don't compare your numbers to other's. Good luck and keep it up!
  • FionaHawkins
    Am still oving th shred, am moving on to level two today, am due a weigh in tomorrow, but regardless of what the scales say, i can see a difference in my swim suit already, can't weight to get to 30 days and see the results!!!!