I have to do this!

Hello ~ Just introducing myself here! My name is Carla and I need to lose 100+ lbs. I've vowed to myself to exercise and eat right. I need to do this the right way. Before I had my daughter I lost about 40 lbs and was doing great. Then I found out I was pregnant and decided I needed to eat for 2. I gained 70 lbs during the pregnancy and lost about 45 of it in a couple months after having her. Then I got a pretty bad bout of PPD. I've come out of it a much stronger person, but much heavier as well. I am now about 10 lbs heavier than I was the day I walked into the hospital to have my baby girl and that is very disappointing to me. I have a long road ahead of me I think, but I hope it will be a great journey.


  • swanfam4
    swanfam4 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm right there with you. I've lost 17 so far, and I'm still about 5-10 over my day-of-delivery weight. We can do this! So glad you're on here...We're all here to help each other!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    You can do it!
    I did the yo-yo too, I was over 200 when I got married. Went through about a year and a half of some serious depression episodes - first told I couldn't have a baby, then told likely I would have to do in-vitro, then told Clomid... after 3 miscarriages had a baby girl - bounced back and wanted to lose weight, ended up pretty much maintaining my weight, then had a bad infection, gained weight, then found out pregnant again, lost weight during pregnancy, but after having 2nd baby girl, I relied on too much fast foods. Gained about 40 after having 2nd baby. Decided at the first of this year, I want to be healthy and spend time at parks and running and playing with my girls this summer, as my oldest will start kindergarten in the fall. So my #1 commitment is to my girls and for a fun summer.

    Key is to log everything your eat - get up and exercise - don't worry if the first time you last 10 minutes - push for 11 the next day - 12 the day after and keep going until you are happy with your exercise program. Mix up the exercises too. Also fluctuate your calorie intake, so your body doesn't start adjusting to a set amount - example, my amount according to this site is 1360, I fluctuate between 1200 - 1400, occasionally going higher.

    You don't have to give up everything you like - BUT you do need to learn portion control, that is the main key. Also, I find it helps to pre-plan foods and use MFP as my tool to keep me on track. I never prepare dinner without knowing how many calories I have left for the day.

    Good Luck!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I hear you there. Add me as a friend if you want to. :)
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    I hear ya! MFP has been a great tool for me so far! Be honest and log everything! I only gained 21 pounds when I was pregnant with my son (although I was way too heavy to start) and I lost it all 8 weeks postpardum but I gained it all back...pretty sure it was just due to the lifestyle change and maybe some PPD. 2-1/2 years later and only 3 months after starting MFP I have gotten back to my pre-prenancy weight! =) I still have a long way to go but I'm off to a good start. Add me if you want...I love the motivation and support that my MFP friends provide!
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    You will get loads of help and support on here. It is nearly 8 years since I had my last child and I so wish this tool had been around then.

    You can do this, but remember its a life-long change not a diet so remember not to be disappointed if the scales dont always move. Measure yourself now as inches are often go quicker than weight.

    Good luck
  • GeekMomma42
    Welcome. I want to echo the "I hear ya's" that you've already received. There are a lot of us in your boat. I've gained weight during both my pregnancies, lost it, gained it back plus some. My youngest is 3, and I really need to get this under control. Logging my food has really been the eye opener for me, helping me to realize just how much i snack (cut off the crusts of a PB&J and eat it, slice too much fruit ... eat it, extra pretzel ... you get the point). Now all I have to do is figure out how to get more exercise with a preschooler running around, and I'll be good. Please feel free to add me if you would like another member of your support team.

    Good luck on your journey!