A case of feeling sorry for myself

feelingalone Posts: 24
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
O.k. here it goes...Have you ever had a case of feeling sorry for yourself? I have, for the past several years...since junior high and I'm in my 40's!
My family doesn't come from money, but we never went hungry or without clothing or items we needed. They might have been out dated, but they worked.
Kids in school were VERY cruel to our family. When my dad had open heart surgery, kids were saying my dad needed a brain transplant~That got me kicked out of school for fighting that day.
Now that I am older, I keep feeling like no matter how hard I try to help others, I am not worthy of their friendship and their thanks as the only thing I keep thinking is...I wonder what I am going to get out of this~as I am doing the favor or work for them. I love helping the people that I help(sort of an adopted family of mine) but I can't help but wonder if GOD sees what I do and thinks that I am not doing enough because I always seem to think there should be something in it for me and then I feel like I am lower than a snake for feeling this way. I hate feeling like I am not being accepted so I find something to eat.
I know all of this is in my head and I have put it there, but I don't know how to kick it outta there.
Can anyone tell me how to get over the selfishness and the feeling of being lonely and not accepted, when I know darn well there are people who love me and accept me for who I am.
That being said~Thanks for any support and advice.......


  • hi there =)
    I don't have any words of wisdom to help you through your dilema other than I know exactly how you feel!
    I have added you and together we can nip those bad thoughts in the butt!
    be strong... do this for you
    Hayley xx
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    This sounds like a lot of depression. My best advice would be to seek therapy so you can work through childhood (and later) issues by talking about them. If you don't have a friend or family member to talk these things out with honestly and openly, try a psychologist or a therapist first before a psychiatrist (a doctor who will prescribe drugs for treatment). Depending on where you live, these services can be very affordable (or free) based on your income or if you live near a college/uni with a psychology major. Good luck in your search... I'm bipolar and have dealt with a lot of eating issues because of my disease, but you are strong enough to work past it -- you just may need a little help.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Definitely sounds like a depression of some sort. And most certainly a lack of self-confidence. Kids can be so cruel and don't realise that the impact of their taunts can remain with their victims for ever. I had it too - being called 'cripple' or 'spastic' cos I walked with a limp (and still do).

    You're most certainly not selfish - just in need of some helpful advice & counselling. First step - I'm sure others will add you as a friend.......you will get so much support from here. Unfortunately turning to food is not the answer, as I'm sure you have discovered.

    With the help of counselling and your friends here on MFP you can turn your life around.........others have!

    Take care xxxxx

    Sue :smile: x
  • Thank You Hayley!
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