Not gonna be easy this week (ladies)

Terri73 Posts: 238
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I always have problems at the TOTM a week before i get incredibly tired and an extreme case of the munchies. Then i just feel so crappy that its hard to get motivated (probably due to the fact that previously always gave in to the munch). Plus im not very well just a cold but i am trying to push through it this week. Tried my best to curb the munchies and its like my body is now at war with me but im vowing not to give in!!!!

Anyone else have this struggle at that time??


  • xoCaseyox
    xoCaseyox Posts: 19
    Yeaa I have this problem, its like my body just needs sugar when its TOTM. Its soo hard, sometimes I just give in and have a little chunk of chocolate and then the craving stops. x
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    For my chocolate fix I eat Special K Protein meal bars.... 180 or so cals and 10 protein. Keeps me on track. Also VitaTop double chocolate. 100 cals and YUM
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    I eat Kellogs fibre plus or alpen light choc and fudge bars as a sweet treat.
  • zahra2011
    zahra2011 Posts: 4 Member
    I just give in to the cravings and earn the calories back with exercis. In fact that's been my philosophy since I started mfp - whatever the time of the month! It works for me as I don't actually feel as if I'm depriving myself and yet i'm losing weight. .:smile:
  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115

    Im up early today dealing with Aunt Flow myself.... I gave up sugar for lent and didnt have any cravings at all until yesterday....I was up at midnight making hot apple cider trying to ward off the craving....While Im up, Im taking 2 Tylenol-PMs and will eat my normal oatmeal breakfast.....
    After my 1st nap Im going to the store for some sherbet and jello to hopefully keep the keep the sugar cravings at bay...

    my biggest problem will be eating enough calories today... I usually am very sick, ( throwing up) and this will not have an appetite....

    any suggestions on what to eat that wont be a jillion calories??
  • shellywelly123
    shellywelly123 Posts: 159 Member
    this past week or so i have found that i have been craving anything that is sweet, not good. i had a little find when went to the shop and found snack a jacks chocolate chip. They are amazing! Each large cake has 62cals and the advantage is the rice in them keeps you full up for so much longer to.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I struggled last week with all of that and gained a couple of pounds from it. But all you can do is try to fight the urge and move on.
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    Yes always get the munchies but I will say it has improved as my weight has gone down and I have got fitter.

    Another side effect of the weight going down is that my weight fluctuates less hormonally as well.
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    Try the 100 cal packs... they have brownies and chocolate cookies and such. It still has the sugar but with 100 cals it might just take the craving away...
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    crisps are my biggest weak point! So now i get the kids ones they like and i dont so even if i want some i wont as i dont like em.
  • 100 Calorie packs work great and i also like Fiber One 90 cal chocolate peanut butter bars. Those snacks mixed with lots of water and Aleve get me through those tough times :)
  • Melly1606
    Melly1606 Posts: 79 Member
    I feel your pain! I get so tired that I usually trade the treadmill in for my bed. I am always trying to find new healthy snack ideas for my munchie craving, I like to eat a bowl of the Special K ceral with chocolate. That helps most of the time. Good Luck and never give up! :wink:
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    During that time, my Iron dips significantly low, so I crave meat meat meat and more meat. Problem is, I cant have steak >.< So, I break out the ole crock pot for some 12+ hour slow cooked pot roast (usually paired with my favorite potatoes).

    SmartOne has awesome 100 Calorie Pack Popcorn bags too.
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