Need LOW CARB ideas

ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
So for the last 3 weeks I have not lost any weight and I went thru my reports and noticed I take in alot of carbs. Avg 160g a day
Im thinking I need to reduce this. My calorie allowance is 1220 and Im always under and my net calories is around 800. Which is ok for me as I am a gastric bypass post-op.

* There are some things I can NOT eat since surgery :. Avoid: Olives, any nuts, avocados, regular mayonnaise, sour cream, cream cheese, pie crust, whole milk, butter, margarine, peanut butter, granola, muffins, cole slaw, potato salad, whole milk cheese, snack crackers, ice cream, shortening, lard, regular salad dressings,thick sauces, fried foods, bacon, sausage, bologna, potato chips, doughnuts, heavy oils, gravy, regular sodas, raw veggies, veggies that are stringy, fruits with skin that cant be removed, tuna,high fat meats,Chewy meats like steak and all foods that can not be eaten in a soft cooking method. ** In other words salad is something I avoid b/c it just makes me throw up b/c it cant go thru my small stomach opening to digest. I have the same issue with eating more than 2 oz of pasta or bread.
Im sure there are some other items but this is what I had in my notes and know from trail and error.

I seem to eat a lot of processed foods b/c they can be smashed and easier to go down for me. Most my foods have to be to a almost puree stage for me to eat it and not vomit it back up.
I didnt gain my weight back from eating it was from being a heavy drinker of vodka and Mt dew. I have put the bottle down and only allow myself 1 Mt dew a month.

I have searched online for some low carb items but never found a good list of things.


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    My question is What Can You Eat? What types of foods? Maybe I can give you some ideas.

    You look great BTW.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    If your eating alot of processed meals your consuming alot of sodium.. which means you will retain water.. and you net cals should be higher.. If your goal is 1220... than eat 1220... if your exercising and burn 300 cals.. eat an additional 300 cals! Sorry I have no suggestions as to food ideas for you.. maybe you should speak to your doctor on that.
    Good luck!
  • StefBeeney
    Check out the following web site... they have tons of recipies and such that are good for you, and very tasty.... Some of their things specifically say low carb, others don't.... but even the ones that don't are still really low for the most part. All the recipes on the site include all the nutritional information

    My personal favorites so far are the Wine & Tomato Braised Chicken and the Mini Meatloaves, but I have been trying new recipes from this site each week
  • rycry
    rycry Posts: 5
    I am a VSG post op. Check out or both websites have great support and lots of lower carb recipes. Carbohydrates are the key to our weight loss being consistant. My nutritionist says we should keep them under 30 carbs per day. :)

    Good luck to you!!
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    That is an impressive list of foods that you can't eat. I am following a low carb plan and also low sodium, I'm only just into my 3rd week but I do think both help.

    If you can eat cooked, pureed cauliflower then it is a fabulous low carb high fibre food, as well as being comforting and filling. I use cream cheese with mine but I see that is on your list of foods you avoid.

    Breakfast, hot flax cereal is good, very filling, quick, easy and has only 2.5g carbs

    2 tblsp ground flax
    1/4 cup boiling water
    1 tblsp crunchy peanut butter
    sprinkle of cinnamon and splenda to taste

    175 cals/15g fat/2.5g carbs/5g fibre/7g protein.

    soups made with Kale,onion , garlic, herbs and then pureed with some cream or cream cheese. very low carb but incredibly good for you.

    Low carb doesn't normally also mean low fat, just high protein. I hope that you find some ideas that work for you

    I find a really good site for inspiration.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    How far out are you? In the beginning my "list" was quite long, just like yours. (which is why we want to strangle anybody that says to us, "oh, you took the easy way out!" :explode:
    I am now lactose intolerant, so I have to avoid milk products and ice cream etc. (which, by the way is VERY common with us RNY'ers, so you may be too.) But I can use half and half in my coffee just fine. Weird, huh! I can't see your list while answering you, but I will tell you this....the faster you learn to tolerate mushy protein, the faster your weight loss will be. Avoid all carbs, they will slow you down, bad. I learned to eat tuna, made mushy by whatever you can to make it mushy. If you can't do mayo, try lemon juice, mustard or anything else that sounds good. I used to eat frozen shrimp a lot, still do. You can buy a bag at Wal Mart cheap. They come frozen and the small ones (they call them medium) are 5 bucks a bag. Thaw them out and dip them in cocktail sauce. Yummy! Try chicken breast baked or roasted with a gravy or sauce on it. Make sure all your food is covered in juice or sauce of some kind. It will all go down easier. Right now, and until you hit goal, you're main objective should be to learn to tolerate protein. Make it really juicy and saucy and chew, chew, chew. Take small bites and rest for awhile if you have to.
    Cottage cheese is good, I can tolerate that too. I put small pieces of fruit in with it and it's 14 grams of protein for a serving.
    Remember, what made you sick last week or even yesterday, might go down just fine today. Hit or miss, thats just the way it is for us. I'm now almost 7 years out and I've learned to eat most things except: milk, ice cream, anything with a high sugar content (think baked beans) any kind of sweets, anything fried or greasy and most fast food. I learned to eat salads, I have one every day for lunch. Do NOT eat iceberg lettuce. Not enough fiber and it balls up in your pouch. If you're not yet a year out or so, your doc may not want you to start eating salad on a regular basis quite yet. Call and ask. I LOVE my salads. Lots of fresh veggies! Yum! Boy, how my tastes have changed!
    I guess what the bottom line here is: keep trying to eat your protein. Your doc told you protein first for a reason. We need it to maintain muscle mass and since there isn't a lot of room for anything else, eat it first. I still eat 5 to 6 times a day. My pouch (I hate that word, always have...) is still the original size, (i had it scoped awhile back) and I still eat basically the same way I did from the beginning. I've had some gain, but that was from drinking beer and not eating. I know....WAY dumb idea!! But I'm off the beer and making myself eat the way we're supposed to eat and how much we're supposed to eat. I know it's hard sometimes, believe me, it feels like you're trying to stuff 50 lbs of something into a 5 lb bag!!! But, this is the gig we signed up for so...keep trying to learn to eat the stuff we're supposed to and avoid milk products for awhile, cause you may just end up being lactose intolerant. It took me forever, to figure that out! Turns out, it's really common, so eliminate anything made with milk and see if you can learn to eat better. I know it's hard girl.....I've been in your shoes and still am! Shoot me an email, if you need me!
    ETA: I use eggbeaters now too, cause regular eggs make me sick. Who knew there's lactose in eggs? Stupid chickens! Hang in there.....:flowerforyou:
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Also, call your doctor. You make need a scope of your tummy. If the opening to your tummy is too tight (stricture) he can stretch it, no problem. That may be why you are having difficulties. In fact I think it's a out patient thing or maybe even a office visit, not sure. Have it checked out, this is also quite common. Give your doc a call and tell them whats happening. Take care!:flowerforyou:
  • seadog1
    seadog1 Posts: 86 Member
    I call this Roys french toast , not too low carb after you deduct the fiber its about 20 grams carbs. 2 slices of Natures Own 100 percent whole wheat bread 100 calories, 1/4 cup of Egg substitute, 1/4 cup of suger free syurp. Totals about 150 calories, but filling.
  • rachpiper720
    if you go to (which is a primal eating plan-low carb) he 2 free recipe books you can download by signing up for his newsletter. The recipes look awesome! I haven't tried any yet, though, but plan on it soon.