Starting Today Again

emmedix Posts: 1
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Yes I can do this, yes I've done this before, yes I've re-started lots of times, and yes I am addicted to JUNK FOODS.. Now that I got that out there. Hi, I'm Michelle. Live in FL, hate it, been here since 86, way to hot to do much outside. I am married for 18 yrs to the same guy, go figure, and have 2 boys ages 10 and almost 4.

I started to gain weight when I got married, happens to the best of us once we get comfortable with life. We wanted to have a baby, however after years of trying we just finally gave up on the idea. I started Weight Watchers. Loved it. Loved the whole concept of eating whatever you want, as long as you stay at your "points for the day". No one told me NO you can't eat this or that. Sure I could eat it, as long as I had points left. It's like creative shopping. But I also worked on my feet full time so that helped with not eating anytime I wanted too. However they are expensive at 13.00 per week. I stuck with it for 9 months. Lost 95 pounds, even started "jogging". Something I thought I would never do again. I didn't go to a gym to workout, had a manual treadmill and the open road. Then bam, got pregnant. UGH....Gained about 45 pounds with that, he was 9 lbs and some odd oz...I ended up getting high blood pressure during the final month and that stuck with me, never went away. I'm also hypothyroid, so that works against me.

So, I tried to get back on weight watchers, go back to work, however being a "new mom". I had to stop all of that. Gained the weight back, this was 2000. Bam, got pregnant again but this time I wanted to be checked for diabetes early along, so we did the tests and I failed. Add diabetic to my list. I also have bad anxiety so I'm on a pill for that too. Didn't gain any weight w/ baby number 2. I actually started to loose some weight. Which was fine, I had more than enough to loose. Something happened during the 8th month and I abrupted, 2007, both of us almost didn't make it, but we are here to tell about it today. Could of been lots of things that went wrong, the pills I took for anxiety and my HBP was all class c drugs, which is not good but I was better on them then not.

Anyways...last summer I started a membership w/ the local ymca. For 3-4 months straight I was working out at least 5 days a week. I started to feel the "need" to exercise every morning, and If I couldn't go, I really missed it. Never thought that would happen. Well, one thing led to another, one kid back in school, and I'm very active in his school volunteering for everything. Then my husband had to have surgery to fix a hernia in his lower stomach area, so he wasn't allowed to workout for a few months. So, we just stopped going to the y. That was sept. Then in Dec our 3 yr old needed to have his adenoids and toncills out right away, just swelled up for no reason. Again, almost lost him. He re-bled after 6 days really bad had to go back and fix that. He lost a lot of blood and needed lots of attention to his iron levels.

Which brings me to now. I stepped on the's at 260lbs. I've been this weight forever it seems, doesn't go up doesn't go down. Even when I was at the Y for 3 months, I wasn't loosing weight. Everyone said your gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. Dont tell me that when I want the scale to go down. But there is only so much I can do at the Y. I rode a bike for 5 miles, made it to a whole 15 min on the elliptical at a time, dont care for the treadmill. Then there is weights and lots of them. I was doing it all, arms, back, legs.

Last month all the sudden both of my knees at the same time, decided to crap out on me. We were in Orlando trying to celebrate our 18yr wedding anniversary, and had the kids so we could go here and there. Well, my knees didn't want to go anywhere. I had to sit alot. Not to mention how long it takes me to get out of the car and start moving. REALLY? I'm 39 and I need 2 new knees? CRAP.

So, I won a 3 month membership back to the y. We signed back up sat. They have "child care" from 9-noon daily only then in the evening too. So, that takes up to now. An hour before I can go to the Y. Thus far I'm drinking a diet coke. I am thinking I am the reason Diet Coke is now #2 and bumped Pepsi to #3. I'm drinking it like crazy. Now I hear that it can kill me too. Well's my only joy in life is to drink soda, and I've only drank diet now since 2006, dont take away my soda. I've cut back a lot. Had to go through the caffeinated withdraw, that is how much I drank in a day. Now I'm good for just 3 or less cans a day. Yes I know water water water....I drink that too. Found something new too. Unsweetened almond milk. Very yummy. I hate milk, plus it makes my sugar hit the roof. So I just found out I can drink this almond milk, no soy, no lactose, no sugar, even a protien in it, low calories, no fat. LOVE IT...

I dont want to go to the y. Going by myself sucks, and I have no one else to go with. I put a bunch of new tunes on the mp3 and it's charged and ready. Wish me luck. I also threw out any crappy food today. Hopefully its a start in the right direction. I take a multivitamin daily and taking a joint pill in hopes it would help my knees? They pop like crazy. Sometimes I think the knees are mad cause I stopped working them out. I was doing leg presses at 125 pounds, Maybe they miss it? Or I was able to build up the muscle around them and now doing nothing that went away and my knees are like "what the heck?" Who knows.

Anyone want to be a buddy, I'm more than happy to email to keep motivated. I need motivation. Thanks for reading...Wish me luck.:noway:


  • Good luck!! I completely understand about not wanting to do it alone. It makes it a lot easier if you have a workout buddy, or even friends in your daily lives that are dieting with you. Really hard to stay on track when you are with friends and family and they all want to go out to eat, things like that. Very hard to stay motivated. If you need a buddy, feel free to add me! Maybe we'll motivate each other! Give each other a good kick in the rear end when we need it!!
  • mitts1970
    mitts1970 Posts: 56
    Hi! I'm starting back today too - maybe we can journey together! I do well for a while - fall off the wagon and then have to get back on again... oh well - this site seems to help and those I have connected with take me back! I have a gym membership I haven't used since Sept and a couch that is way to comfortable, but now - because of health issues - I HAVE TO do something. Good luck to you and try to keep a positive attitude - it makes all the difference! I am mitts1970 - welcome!

    P.S. My mom lives an hour or so outside of Orlando - I hate FL too :)
  • mitts1970
    mitts1970 Posts: 56
    Motivation is the hardest part for me - I know I need to eat healthy and exercise, but I just can't seem to stick with it! You can add me too if you'd like to help motivate each other :)
  • I too am starting back. And though I live in NC, I was born and raised in Orlando. Actually right outside in Lake Mary. I don't hate it, but I do WAY prefer our weather here.

    Mitts - I'd love a "partner" in this journey. Will keep me motivated and alert as I will feel more "responsible" for holding up my promise.

  • Debzxx
    Debzxx Posts: 14
    I am new here myself..

    We have both made a move in the right direction. We can both do this....

    Good luck girl xx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    WOW!!I know you can do it.I was like you .But I haven`t quit.I`ve lost 104 lbs,it has taking me awhile,But I`M NOT QUITTING,i WANT TO GET TO MY GOAL OF BEING HEALTHY.You`re not alone here.Lots of support and friends.
    Good luck to you!!
    jane::flowerforyou: :
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    Best of luck :) Feel free to add me as a friend -- not sure how helpful I'll be -- didn't even make it two weeks before caving in. But I'm renewed today and ready to start again myself.
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