
MrsCC2be Posts: 5
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all!

Im basically just looking for some friends to help me stay motivated and encourage me! Im good at sticking to a diet and exercising for so long then lose the will when I am not seeing results!

I feel im not great at this losing weight business and MFP really does help. For example there were certain things I used to eat lots of thinking they were good for me but not realising how high in calories they actually were.

Anyway I get married next March and I am desperate to lose my love handles, some fat from my stomach, arms and thighs (basically everywhere then!). I bought my dress last year and it did fit well. i tried it again yesterday and it was definately tighter. I know I have gained weight since I bought it and I am in fact now the heaviest I have ever been!

I would love to lose a few pounds for my holiday in September and also my wedding next March and it would be great to have some people add me so we can help and motivate each other if anyone else is feeling this way.

Claire :-)


  • Hi hun,

    I know how you feel, we both seem as bad as each other! I do well for a few weeks, lose 1/2 a stone or so, then fall off the wagon and put it all (and more) back on again.

    I think we both really need to knuckle down and get working hard. I'm feeling really de-motivated as I don't eat a lot, and I don't eat much food that is bad for me, but yet the weight is coming off sooooo slowly.

    My aim for the next 3 weeks (up until my sisters hen do) is to lose 6lbs, then I want to lose another 6lbs before her wedding in May. I kn ow we can both do it!

    I think we both need to give each other a kick up the backside and start to do this properly, not half-heartedly like I have been doing!

  • MrsCC2be
    MrsCC2be Posts: 5
    Laura you are so right. We can definately do this!

    I keep making excuses like oh maybe its my contraception hindering my weight loss where is in reality I switch off to the diet at the weekend and that more likely the problem. I eat too much rubbish and drink wine which is full of calories I know!
    No more!! :-) I will be good at weekends and if I fancy a drink its back to vodka and you tell me off if you hear me mentioning wine or chocolate hehe!

    I will try for the same goals as you if you dont mind me being a copy cat!

    Im sure we can do this together hun :-) x
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