working out eating right weight not moving

hadassah86 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I have been working out the past couple weeks really hard. I haven been eating really well with the exception of a few things I shouldn't have eaten. But my weight has not BUDGED in fact I have gone up a couple pounds?? This is really discouraging. I mean if I am going to stay the same weight I may as well just eat bad!!


  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    If you are doing any kind of weight lifting you are building muscle while you loose some fat. So your weight wont go down if you are building muscle
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Are you eating your exersise calories ? Are you drinking enough water? getting enough sleep?

    You might also find the links below helpful...

    This is just a part of it! please read the link above

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle tone, and reducing fat. This means is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode)

    Good luck on your journey
  • I agree with Army Cobra, you have to step up the cardio more than the weight lifting. I was having the same problem thinking the weights would help me lose the weight and it doesn't. So my suggestion is do more cardio and lower the weights and you will see a big change in the weight loss department
  • Watch the documentary "Fat Head" on Netflix, I have had the same problem and I'm going to make some changes in my diet.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I recently posted about this very issue and the mistakes that many women make on here about diet and exercise. Often times although you think you are doing everything right you are in fact making some very simple mistakes. Please read this post;
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    "If im going to stay the same weight I might as well eat bad"

    Then eat bad if your not doing this for you then 1000 people can tell you not to give up not to stop and it will come but it will not matter if your not doing this for you. If your doing it just to see the scale go down then your wasting your time and your effort or lack of. This is not to be critical but more of like a wake up call. This is not about watching the scale go down its about being healthier rather it takes a week or 5 years you do it because you want to feel better, look better, and ect. So if you think its going to take 2 weeks of working out hard and eating right you have been mislead. I do know though if you keep working hard and you keep eating right then all the glory that you are seeking will eventually come and when it does it will taste that much sweeter but as I said before nobody can make you stay with it unless you want to
  • You haven't really given us much back story. How fit are you? How long have you been working out? Were you losing weight and now you've plateaued? Even though you're not dropping weight on the scales, how are your clothes feeling?

    If you've just started working out then often you won't see much of a weight drop since you will be converting fat to muscle. If you've been working out awhile and are plateauing then maybe you need to re-evaluate your cals/day.

    Don't get discouraged, keep at it and check out the links that some of the other members have posted :)
  • hadassah86
    hadassah86 Posts: 9 Member
    My story... Ok, my story is kinda long.
    When I had my first child 4 years ago I gained some weight with her. Then I lost it all I was 138ish. I Got pregnant again a year later. Gained it all back i'm now like 170ish. I also might add to this..which adds to the frustration of losing weight that I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy, less with my second because I was so fit. But now that I am back at the higher weight I am borderline diabetic. A big part of this is because it runs in my family really strong and the other part is because I have not been eating the way I need to be eating. So with that being said I have "borderline diabetes" going against me. I have always done low carb lifestyle. I don't mean all meat. I mean lots of veggies, a couple fruits a day and protein. If I have grains, I try to make sure they are whole grain.
    So I have been going to gym for a year off and on. But this past month I have been hitting it pretty hard. But from what some of you are saying, I should maybe stop the weightlifting. I have been doing a lot of that in hopes that..more muscle means burning more fat eventually. Maybe I should just stick to cardio for now. I am only 24 so having the diabetes this young is really frustrating. I have friends that are waaaay worse then me but don't have it at all! And you are right when you say I need to stop watching the scale and do this to be healthy. And no my clothes actually feel tighter. Maybe due to weight lifting.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I would not lay off the weights, the reason being that you want to build muscle to burn more fat, I would say that given what you have described that there would be a lack of good fats in your diet which has probably stalled your weight loss, do you take omega 3 supplements or eat much wild salmon or tuna? Being diabetic would complicate it but its not impossible.
  • herinsian
    herinsian Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing the same for five weeks. Because I do so much at the gym nearly two hours a day and eat so healthily it is soul destroying. I have between 500 to a thousand net calories a day and according to the predications given 5 weeks ago should now be at 78 kilos when in fact I am still at 83. So I am keeping going. But disheartened at the slowness of the results. I have a thyroid problem which I think affects me but surely it should be faster than this.
    My friends have told me that the gym is building muscle and that muscle weighs more than fat and that is why you will look better , feel better, have smaller measurements but you wont lose the weight in the early days.!
    I hope like me that you will keep going as it is lifestyle choice for good rather than quick results that count.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    "I have between 500 to a thousand net calories a day " If I had a dime for every poor mislead woman who has told me this, for the love of god woman you answered your own question here, please read the link I posted about working out like crazy eating right and not losing.
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    muscle does not weigh more than fat, 5 lbs is 5 lbs, but 5lbs of muscle is much more lean than fat and that is why you look so much better.

    that being said, I would start by taking some measurements (not being so worried with the scale)

    make sure that every couple of weeks or so (3-6) you are changing up the routines at the gym (both weights and cardio) your body can get used to it and then slow....keep it guessing

    make sure that you are doing 5-6 days of cardio (interval is a better way to keep a more efficient calorie burn for the rest of the day)
    your weight training should be 3-5 days with at least 3 exercises per muscle group, with higher amounts of reps (12-14) with a burn at about the 8-10th rep. (ideally, only one to two body parts per day, and dont do legs on a cardio day.

    day 1 back and bi's and cardio
    day 2 chest and tri's and cardio
    day 3 shoulders and cardio
    day 4 legs NO cardio
    day 5 cardio
    day 6 cardio
    day 7 rest
    start all over again

    hope this might give you a little ooomph on getting things rolling for you
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