New&Sucking! 8 Week challenge anyone???

fifibox Posts: 69
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay guys so got the shock of my life when I did my food diary on here and I was about 1,600 calories OVER my net! I mean I knew eating a tub of icecream aint good, but how bad, well I never dreamed that bad.

SO at the end of May I have to dress up in a horrible skimpy Pocohontus outfit for birthday so would love to be able to actually wear it with some confidence without it feeling horrible and dreading it!

I defs need to lose minimum a kilo (2lbs) a week to be able to do this, how about you? Anything coming up?

So who's up for a 8 week challenge for end of May to?

I've never done one of these so no idea how to set some minimum requirements or what the deal is with challenges. Maybe minimum 30 minutes cardio a day? Something I won't hate and throw it in is what I'm hoping for...

I'm not in a gym and don't have any buddies to be able to train with so motivation is sooo hard on your own!

Hope you guys want to join me and throw in your 2 cents worth :-)
Fi xo


  • PMaxim
    PMaxim Posts: 11
    Ooh! I'm in! My family goes on a weekend trip for Memorial Day every year, and I'd like to be able to go to the pool and swim without feeling awkward...though I'll still be majorly overweight, I'd have a bit more confidence. I've never done a challenge or anything like this before either.

    I think 30 minutes of cardio a day is good--and I think I've seen that others post their weight as well once a week, besides posting daily their cardio. I don't know if you want to do that or not.
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    Hey Paige
    Let' do it! 30 mins a day now til end of May and we'll post our exercise up with our food diary every day. I will still have more weight to lose after this date to, but like yourself, I will at least feel way more confident if we achieve an 8 week goal :-)
  • azalea30
    azalea30 Posts: 19
    hun we should sit down together and set out challenge out together. you work in the city hey? we should meet up and work out together and all. we can push each other. i would love to loose about 1kg a week atleast then once my bands back in hopfuly 2 kgs a week. just want to get this weight off fast as.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    Okay guys so got the shock of my life when I did my food diary on here and I was about 1,600 calories OVER my net! I mean I knew eating a tub of icecream aint good, but how bad, well I never dreamed that bad.

    Ok, Ummm you don't want to do that :P
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    Wooohooo you're in it then Azalea! You should add Paige so we can encourage each other :-)
  • Ambeee11
    Ambeee11 Posts: 51 Member
    Im in! 8 weeks of dedication- we can do it!!!
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    woo hoo 8 weeks of:
    1/ Being under our calorie thing
    2/ 30 minutes some kind of movement a day
  • Me im in doing the 8 week challenge!!!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Can it be 30 mins of anything a day? If so im In....Holiday in June, i want to be comfortable enough to be 'snapped' as those photos always look bad for me =(
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    woooo hooo bebz!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    What info and how often are we posting?
  • fifibox
    fifibox Posts: 69
    yeah 30 minutes of anything, cardio or strength work, wii, dance, swim, walk dog etc!

    i decided only 30 minutes cos i thought its more likely we'll all do it and not throw it in if its a more acheivable goal rather then something overhelming that we might have ended up dreading every day :-) :drinker
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    Ye, well im in! Just need to know what n when to post :) Also if i could friend some people please? Support would be great....
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Hi! I would love to join your challenge! I'm usually good about exercise, but I was sooooo bad with food on the weekend. Starting out this week feeling very discouraged as I'm not seeing much in the way of changes to my body. Intellectually I KNOW if I just stick with my plan, eventually I will see results. But it's easy to fall in that "i will never lose this weight, so I might as well eat a chocolate bar" mentality.

    Anyway, I don't weigh myself anymore as I'm currently on a strength training program so I'm measuring my progress with pictures. But I would love to join the 30-minutes exercise every day part of your challenge!

  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349
    I feel like I have let you all down!

    Day one.....30 mins exercise? Sure don't sound too bad at all!....How wrong am i!?!?! I have only managed 5 minutes.....I feel really guilty and extremly unfit (I struggled with a MINUTE of exercise....forget 5 :(....I feel like I may push for another 5 now before I run out of time....maybe if i gain some...ill fit in a walk....I am feeling guilty.....but I do have an hours workout planned for Friday....So maybe that could be my missing half hour of the week?

    .....Off to see what i can fit in before time disappears *sigh*
  • PMaxim
    PMaxim Posts: 11
    Good Afternoon Everyone! So happy to see more people joining FiFi and myself!

    I'm doing okay with the challenge so far--I haven't gone over calories yet, and I'm getting my exercise in. What I'm working on for this week for myself though is cutting back on some of my fat per day--it seems to be the one thing (besides protein) that I go over on nearly every day.

    I also settled on my goal for these 8 weeks--to loose 6 pounds. I really hope to loose 8-10, but I know I loose slowly and don't want to put a higher number on there and become frustrated in a few weeks when it's not coming off as fast. I'm going to start my blog on here today, and will post my deets on there for the challenge, and my workout plan for the week. If I post my workout plans somewhere, I'll stick to them better!
  • Lissa40x
    Lissa40x Posts: 5 Member
    I want in!!!!!! Do we just post here or on our page and be friends with everyone ... how to do it?? That is my question!!!!:wink:
  • Lissa40x
    Lissa40x Posts: 5 Member
    Paige... how do I post my ticker to my signature??

    Never mind! :blushing: I figured it out!
  • Hype
    Hype Posts: 349 my earlier confession is no longer a confession! I feel like i have now played my part.....once i posted that for the world to see....I turned of the comp....and felt bad that everyone what did i do? Went n jumped on my exercise bike and made it 31 mins of exercise today :) being as i didnt want to do going to reward myself with a DVD night and my boyfriends company - hehe.

    So proud of myself for fighting against my lazy bones :) I can see the pounds dropping wooooop :)!!!

    Question - haha! How do I work out the Calorie Deficit? (spelling my be wrong im sorry) I want to know if im on track with my MFP plan and dont know how to tell?
  • PMaxim
    PMaxim Posts: 11
    Awesome, Hype! :D I hope you're enjoying your DVD night.

    I'm not having a great day--I'm way over my fat goal, and almost at my calorie goal. I was super hungry tonight, and ate what I wanted. Hopefully I won't want to eat anything more tonight, and will make up some of the calories I ate with my workout tonight.

    Also--feel free to friend me! I'd love to be able to support each other that way as well. Just let me know in the message that you're in the 8 week challenge. Thanks!
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