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Hey Everyone, I've been doing Insanity -->> How do I log them into the exercise part of MFP? Haven't figured that out yet.

I'm on Day 18 of Insanity. It is hard, but I'm getting stronger and steadily losing weight. Not sure if the weight is from breastfeeding or insanity, or both, because I still don't look any better than when I started, but I definitely feel better and stronger.

Anyways, anyone else doing Insanity and is around the same day as I am? Would love to encourage one another.

I'm a mom who just had baby #3 in Dec...and gained too much that pregnancy and also let myself get way out of now I'm paying..gotta work hard to lose the midsection fat.


  • SaraCakes1
    I'm doing insanity workout....I couldn't figure out how to enter it either so I just put down how many mins from the video and log it as cardio...I'm very new at this tracking my calories but feel its important to keep myself accountable!!! Insanity is the toughest workout I have ever done!!! Good Luck