New to MFP Message Boards... looking for friends!!

I'm new, well at least to the message board side of MFP.

I was in shape in 2001 when I first met my husband. I've since gained 50 pounds and am a diabetic using an insulin pump since I had my son in 2008. I started on MFP back in August 2010 at the direction of my personal trainer but wasn't consistent about using it and then had an injury requiring surgery on my knee. Consequently during my recovery, I gained back all the weight I lost.

I'm now ready to re-commit to a healthier lifestyle... posting on MFP, eating right, and consistently doing cardio and/or weight training. My initial goal is to lose 20 lbs so I can get rid of my insulin pump!!!

I'm looking for some great MFP people who want support while making the change to living a healthier lifestyle.


  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Welcome back to MFP! You'll find many friends on here who are very supportive nd encouraging! Good luck on reaching your goals :)
  • awright278
    Welcome back! I just started using MFP, but I already love connecting with the supportive community.
  • jmiller0115
    jmiller0115 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome back, I've found it very useful in the past month or so...I'll send a friend request!
  • SwissMaedel
    Good for you!! I'm a brand new MFP user, but I'm super excited about it. I just need a little encouragement, like we all do. Keep it up, don't give up. I think it takes a lot to lose that initial chunk of weight..but it gets easier as you go along....this is what I imagine...still waiting to really see a difference in my body, but I only started seriously working out about 3 weeks ago.
  • Princesscutz
    Welcome back to MFP. I am also returning as well. I am on here just like everyone else for the support and motivation. Please know that the support is here for you! Good luck in reaching your goal and I think this is a really good tool along with a great work out program.