HRM and Calorie Counter

I really want to buy one of these so i know I am getting an accurate reading of calories burned. I don't mind spending some money if its accurate. I need suggestions on what to buy!


  • jfer1977
    jfer1977 Posts: 139
    I love my bodybugg. After lots of research this is what my husband found to be the best with the best ratings. It's the same thing as they use on Biggest Loser. If you get one I highly suggest getting the digital display with it.
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    I love my Polar FT4, it was about $90, there are higher priced ones but this does it all, well except tracking online, but I don't need that, I have MFP :laugh:
  • lisaking869
    lisaking869 Posts: 43 Member
    Im a fan of Polar! They have all kinds of versions- from simple to very sports specific. Ive had a Polar for 6 years now- I just replace the batteries when needed. And I just replaced the chest strap/receiver recently.
    I did hear of someone who bought a version of one at Kmart or wallmart for under $30- and for the sake of tracking calories burned- they love it.
    If you are a die hard- I recommend the body bugg- worn on th arm- all day (except sleeping) It tracks steps and also calories burned. You can use the online toool to track your food intake- or buy the wrist band receiver to just receive the data.
    Hope this helps! Happy tracking!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    DO NOT GET THE DUOSPORT 1010. IT STINKS!!!!!! I'm curious on these responses as well!!
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I've gone through 4 different brands and my favorite and EASIEST to use is my Bowflex Hybrid Plus Combo. It comes with a strap and when you find it on sale, it's less than $30 but sometimes retails as high as $130.

    Lots of neat features that I thought I would never use but actually came in handy on different occasions. Hope this helps.
  • akgrl1020
    akgrl1020 Posts: 179
    I have a Polar FT4 as well. LOVE IT! I paid about the same on Amazon, when I got mine back in December. I discovered I wasn't pushing myself nearly as hard as I thought I was!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I bought 2 HRMs and then found BodyMedia Fit. It is like the Bodybugg. It's worn 24/7 and measures calories burned, steps taken, sleep efficiency (ratio between lying down and sleeping).

    The Timex HRM sucked (I was burning 4 cal per minute at rest - NO!). The Polar HRM was much, much better. But the BodyMedia Fit even gives a different calorie burn then both HRMs. It has more sensors and collects more information from my body so I have to go with the BodyMedia as the most accurate (lower calorie burn but not far off from Polar).

    But it cost me over $200 (on Amazon) for the band and the display (optional but nice to have up to the minute steps and calorie burn). The you have to upload the info to the website. It's free for a year and then $6.95/month after that.

    I found out a lot of info about my calorie burn and just how much it changes on a daily basis. And what too many lazy days in a row can do to the metabolism (it gets lower each day).

    But if you go with an HRM invest in a Polar or better and make sure you get one with a chest strap.
  • raelynnjordan
    raelynnjordan Posts: 135 Member
    POLAR!!!!!! Best HRM ever!
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I bought the polar FT4 off of for $80. I love it and it seems pretty accurate.
  • sm26davis
    sm26davis Posts: 52
    i have a sportline that I got at wally for I think it was $30. I just wanted one that did HR and calories burned. It also givs you the percentage of your heart rate that you are burning. Like when you workout and your HR is at 50% ect. very easy to run to. It just depends n how much you want to spend and what you want it for. I have heard lots about the body bug.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I have the BodyMedia Fit also I have the bluetooth option it allows you to see nearly at the monment burn and allows you to set workouts and see how you are doing during the workout.
    I like the sleep monitor as well because I struggle with sleep apnea and this really opened my eyes to how often I wake up and dont realize it.
    BodyMedia is the manufacture for BodyBugg also.
  • Chica650
    Chica650 Posts: 14 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 as well. LOVE IT! I paid about the same on Amazon, when I got mine back in December. I discovered I wasn't pushing myself nearly as hard as I thought I was!

    Yep. I just got one of these and I LOVE it. The strap is very comfortable (in fact, I don't notice it being there) and it tracks very well.
  • Chica650
    Chica650 Posts: 14 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 as well. LOVE IT! I paid about the same on Amazon, when I got mine back in December. I discovered I wasn't pushing myself nearly as hard as I thought I was!

    Yep. I just got one of these and I LOVE it. The strap is very comfortable (in fact, I don't notice it being there) and it tracks very well.

    I forgot to add, that I got mine off amazon for around $60.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    polar is the way to go do not buy a Timex reading are way way to high If you dont choose a polar what ever you do choose has to have a chest strap. Good luck
  • ChadsKitten
    Ok so bodyfit or bodybug? The accurate calorie count is most important to me.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    they are both very accurate I like the Bodymedia Fit for the sleep info and bluetooth link to data from my smartphone
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I have the FitBit and I love it. Similiar to BodyBug where it's worn all day and counts steps and calories burned. It's targeted specifically for walkers/runners though. I've heard it doesn't count biking or spin classes very accurately (not a problem for me since I don't do either). It was also a lot less expensive than the BodyBug. I've had mine for about a month now and have had no issues and quite happy with it.