How Much Cardio

So I have been at this- calorie counting w/consistent exercise going on four weeks now. I am at the same weight. I have always worked out, this is the first time I am also being mindful with my calories. I seem to go over my 1200 calorie limit by 100-200 calories a day. I always eat my exercise calories, because I am usually famished.

anyway back to my question, I exercise 4 days a week. I spend 30 minutes on the treadmill ( run /fast walk combo) or elliptical, and two days a week I add strength training. I am working out hard those 30 minutes - sweating, heart rate is up. I am beat by the end of these sessions, but have been wondering if I should be adding on more time.

I do have a thyroid/pituitary condition that I am battling and being treated for, but it is frustrating to be working so hard and not seeing results:cry:

should I be doing more cardio?


  • momtobe06
    momtobe06 Posts: 81 Member
    So I have been at this- calorie counting w/consistent exercise going on four weeks now. I am at the same weight. I have always worked out, this is the first time I am also being mindful with my calories. I seem to go over my 1200 calorie limit by 100-200 calories a day. I always eat my exercise calories, because I am usually famished.

    anyway back to my question, I exercise 4 days a week. I spend 30 minutes on the treadmill ( run /fast walk combo) or elliptical, and two days a week I add strength training. I am working out hard those 30 minutes - sweating, heart rate is up. I am beat by the end of these sessions, but have been wondering if I should be adding on more time.

    I do have a thyroid/pituitary condition that I am battling and being treated for, but it is frustrating to be working so hard and not seeing results:cry:

    should I be doing more cardio?
  • stationone99702
    You might consider adding 15-30 minutes... Some people need longer to work out after they have hit a plato like this. You may wish to try a 45 minute work out... I know this is working for me. I get to my target HR and once I see it start to fall off at my set WATTS I have to increase the intensity or the time to get my HR up... Also, your eating habits, my be key, are you eating before or after working out... I would suggest after if you are not already... I usually eat fruit after...

    Keep up the hard work... I am trying to loose inches myself. I have 1" to go!:smile:
  • stationone99702
    BTW, you do not need to do all your CARDIO at one time!! Do two sets cardio during the day... 30min morning, 30 min afternoon.
  • haleyk
    haleyk Posts: 58
    Try some weight training too. Sometimes this can be a slow process....I know.
  • lnjwilliams1432
    I would try increasing your speed...your body might be adjusted to your routine. You should switch it up often. Add some incline and speed. I am big on interval training lately. Its great cuz you can do it on a treadmill or eliptical.

    Also, I have taught myself, that pounds isnt the only thing to consider! You could be gaining muscle (which we all knows weighs more than fat!!) Its hard to take in and accept cuz ultimately you want to lose pounds...Have you noticed a difference in inches being lost?? That to me is most important!!

    Hope that helps!! :happy:
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    I was in the same situation. I have always been commited to exercise, diet not so much. After I joined MFP I realized how much my diet was effecting my progress. It did take almost 2 months for me to see a noticable difference.
    I also added more exercise, my normal amount in the morning and little in the afternoon. This has help quite a bit.
    Keep at it. You do not have a significant amount to lose so it will take long. Hang in there.
  • rethun01
    rethun01 Posts: 167
    I would also suggest buying a heart rate monitor (HRM) as relying on websites or the cardio machines themselves aren't always accurate. For me they were always way under-estimating. For my mom they were always way over-estimating. And, because this usually leads to a price discussion, go ahead and spring for one of the good Polar HRMs that has the chest strap and seperate watch. We've had this topic on MFP many times and the consensus is usually that you get what you pay for with the cheaper ones.

    Keep at it! And add a little variety! I love spinning class! It totally kicks my butt!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    My guess is that you are losing weight with all the cardio, but also gaining muscle with the strength training. If you are famished try bumping your cals up to 1300-1400. Sounds crazy but it works for plateaus. And the HRM's are very helpful to know exactly how many cals you are burning. Exercise machines tend to overestimate.
    Keep up the good work!:drinker:
  • FattieMcFatterson
    Alot of times because you are strength training you will see a steady wieght because you are gaining muscle mass. I would make sure to switch up your cardio, do not always go for 1/2 intense segments. Try alternating your work out with 45 min-1hr of moderate cardio activity ( body likes this one!). Then see if you see a shift in your weight!
  • momtobe06
    momtobe06 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks everyone.. those are some great ideas... I am trying more cross training.. I did 20 min on the treadmill ( running ) and then hopped on the elliptical for a hard 15 min w/o
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    Good to know I am not the only one :) I was convinced my metabolism shut down the day I turned 40 :)