Weird looks when ordering food???

Ep41382 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Ever since I decided to start a healthier lifestyle (2 weeks ago) I've noticed when I order food without cheese, mayo, or any of the "bad" stuff I get the weirdest looks from people. I first noticed it at Subway the other day when I ordered a sub and when the guy asked what type of cheese and I responded simply with "no cheese" he looked at me like if I was the first person to EVER ask for no cheese. Ever since then I've noticed it more and more to the point where I find it entertaining to an extent. Anyone else expirence this?


  • Hmmmmm go to the grocery store with greek yogurt, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, hummus and water. Stand in line ahead of the person with chips, soda and twinkies. That will earn you some very very odd looks. I agree it is entertaining. :0)
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    Yes, try ordering a salad with no dressing. I have always done this even before getting healthy just because I don't like dressing. People think this is the weirdest thing in the world.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Yep. I've ordered McD's Happy Meals....for me. The portions are just right if I need a burger fix sometimes.I tell them to keep the toy. :laugh:
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    I get the same thing. I am not a fan of any type of dressing on my sub. When you say no sauce they usually do a double-take and say "No sauce?!" in a disbelieving tone. I also find it funny. It seems with how many customers they get each day they would be used to it, but I guess not.
  • Falisha13
    Falisha13 Posts: 311 Member
    I so hear ya, it is diffenately entertaining.
  • marnieinMB
    marnieinMB Posts: 196 Member
    I order pizza with no cheese and I really don't care what people think!
  • I order my salad dressing on the side, and I've even ordered pasta with sauce on the side. My husband rolls his eyes at that one. :) I've also substituted steamed veggies for fries, and the server usually looks at me like I'm crazy. Tee hee!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    To add to the "looks" I also have recently realized I have a HUGE problem with any dairy, so have to inform any restaurant of that as well.
    I think the majority of people really don't care what they put in their bodies so we are rare indeed!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    I rarely go to subway anymore, but that used to happen to me when I asked for one cheese triangle instead of two on 6 inch subs. I don't consider cheese bad though. I could do without the mayo but I choose light instead. :tongue:
  • Yep. I've ordered McD's Happy Meals....for me. The portions are just right if I need a burger fix sometimes.I tell them to keep the toy. :laugh:

    I do this too!! But I want the toy. :)
  • Redheadedsunshine
    Redheadedsunshine Posts: 102 Member
    Being a vegetarian, I've always gotten weird looks... "I'd like the Southwest Chicken Wrap, no chicken" Now, it's even more difficult when I order it healthier. Oh well.
  • Ep41382
    Ep41382 Posts: 13 Member
    I order pizza with no cheese and I really don't care what people think!
    wow pizza with no cheese??? never heard of that.. interesting...might have to give it a try
    TIFnFIT Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, I can relate - ever since my friend and I started MFP, we (she) usually carrys the nutritional info in her purse so we stand at the counter planning our meal out. We make sure we don't hold up the line, but I'm sure those employee's are thinking we are crazy!! Oh well!! We enjoy our lunch - guilt free!!
  • indycello
    indycello Posts: 147 Member
    I order pizza with no cheese and I really don't care what people think!
    wow pizza with no cheese??? never heard of that.. interesting...might have to give it a try

    My best friend is vegan and orders a veggie pizza with no cheese and its actually delicious!
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Yep I get weird looks all the time haha. Every once in a while I will go to Qdoba or Chipotle and order a steak burrito bowl (no tortilla) with just hot salsa and corn salsa. They're cheese? no sour scream? no guacamole? Who is this weirdo haha
  • Johnny760
    Johnny760 Posts: 30
    I go to Carls Jr or Jack in the box and order a chicken sandwich with a side salad instead of fries and even the most serious looking cashier normally smiles.

    At least it's not as bad as my coworker. At jack in the box, he orders a Bacon Double Cheese Burger, Large Fries and a Large DIET coke.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I get it all the time at subway. LMAO! I say no cheese, no mayo- then they proceed to add mustard, I SAY "NO!!!!" And they look at me like I'm crazy. They usually say, "that's it?" with a concerned look. Well funny thing, I went recently and the guy said "I guess the no cheese is helping..." It was good he recognized weight loss.

    Keep up the great work!!!!!
  • Jessicah1987
    Jessicah1987 Posts: 14 Member
    I've never liked cheese. Ever. People always tell me that I'm crazy and my sister is convinced that were not related since she loves the stuff. I always order my pizza light cheese, because no one has ever given me a cheeseless pizza, even when specifically ordered as such. They seem to understand "light cheese" a bit better. Never had a problem at Subway, though. But I will never understand how hard it is to NOT put cheese on a McDonald's McDouble. I ask "McDouble, no cheese". Still get cheese. I suppose my requests are better than the lady that used to come to the Steak 'n Shake drive-thru when I worked there - "Frisco Melt, no meat". That's a grilled cheese on sourdough with lettuce and tomato and Frisco sauce. Guess she would rather pay $7 for a meatless Frisco Melt than a $2 grilled cheese with some fixins'. :)

    Best of luck on your journey!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I'm really picky, so I always order things with substitutions, without things, things on the side, extra this... I always got weird looks, but now, even moreso that I'm trying to make things healthy! So on top of my regular demands, I'm adding things like "can I get plain steamed veggies instead of fries" and "dressing on the side" and all that!

    One of my personal favorite complicated orders is what I get from In'n'Out. I ask for a cheeseburger, protein style, no onions, ketchup and mustard instead of sauce, add pickles, extra pickles, and no tomatoes. Typically, their eyes glaze over about halfway through, and I end up with tomatoes on the burger anyways, which isn't a big deal (if they are gross I pick them off, but I've gotten more used to them now and can handle SOME tomato on my food).

    One of the things I've learned is that on sandwiches, you can get away with no mayo if you ask them to add extra lettuce. All the mayo does it make it more moist, and the lettuce can do the same thing.

    Anyways, the way that I see it is this- you know what you like. It might be complicated and you might have a lot of demands, but you know exactly what you want and you are paying for this food, so you expect it to be done right. And I don't see anything wrong with that... even though my friends hate going out to eat with me! LOL
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I just had this happen tonight! My friend was ordering some pizza from this shop down the street. So I asked for a grilled chicken salad. The guy on the phone asked me what else I wanted. I told him that was all. He was like.... "Ahh you don't want fries or anything?" Nope I told him "So just a salad, with chicken? That's it?!" lol I just laughed.
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