i feel like giving up on my mini goal

last thursday when i weighed in i gained weight. I now have 6 pounds (give or take whatever i have gained or lost since then) to lose by april 3rd (2 weeks) when I was at a point to where i only needed to lose 1 lb/wk to reach my mini goal. i now have to lose 3 lbs/wk.

is it possible?! what could/should i be doing to lose these 6 pounds in 2 weeks?! im feeling really discouraged and have fallen off the wagon a bit. (which yes i know, that is not helping anything)

i just feel like its already a lost cause.


  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    Could it be water retention? There will be little disappointments all along the way. You need to keep your determination and keep going however. Even letting the words giving up in to the conversation can drag you down. *hugs* Keep your chin up.
  • purpleday
    Don't be discouraged! Try something new. A new exercise, maybe, that you haven't done before. Or change up your foods for a few days. I just started counting calories, which I have never done. Back in December I (re)started exercising every single day, weight training (which I used to do regularly), and had cut way back on my food intake. For three months I didn't lose a single pound, and had even gained a little (which I am blaming on building muscle, lol.) I started counting calories (which was something totally different) and started eating different kinds of foods. It's working! However, I know I will plateau again, gain some here and there. You just have to stick with it..and maybe change things up a bit...try something new :)
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    OK, I'd think about it like this: What do you have to gain from giving up on your mini-goal? Nothing! So just plug away, troubleshoot your eating and exercise, DON'T FORCE IT, and on the goal day, just assess whether you've reached or missed it, by how much, why, and what your next mini-goal should be.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Just see what your pattern is over time. That has happened to me and since I was being honest with both my calories and exercise I thought there was no way. Well, there wasn't, the weight dropped off shortly after the "gain." So give it a try and if you don't make the mini goal then that's okay! You have an overall goal, this is just one! Maybe set a few more MGs based on nonscale victories...i.e. work out goals, getting a certain number of veggie servings.