HOW MANY CARBS in a day?

nomex Posts: 142 Member
I am sure there are a tone of variable to figure out the right amount. Is there a good way to figure it out. What is a good % of daily intake or number of grams. I see HUGE ranges in suggestions from 30 g to 180g for my size, caloric intake and goals!

I am not sure what is correct. I LOVE bread. It is definately one of my weaknesses. But the good thing is that I LOVE "birdseed" bread as my kids call it. So it is not HORRIBLE carbs. But still carbs. I would love any info you may have to offer.


  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I would say nothing over 200g. Some days I go up to 200g, but I try to keep it around 150g and lower. :)
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    Unfortunately there are so many options out there..and it is all so damn confusing. The first thing you have to look at is the type of carbs and what they do to and for the body. There are 3 types... fibrous (veggies), complex (grains (not processed flour)) and simple (sugars inc fruit). You could get away with eating as much fibrous carbs you want, they don't break down into sugars therefore will not make you gain weight, and in fact help you lose fat. Complex carbs are good for you, but only second best to fibrous carbs....these need to be watched and could probably start with a gram per pound of body weight. (as a guide), you will need to try a few variances out to see what works best for you but its a place to start. Now simple carbs (including white flour), these should be avoided all together but if you MUST have them, choose ones with lots of fiber and keep it to a bare minimum or have as a treat once a week. Make sure you don't forget about proteins and essentials fats, these are just as important....Good Luck!
  • rachellepilcher
    the more active you are the more carbs you need per day. MFP has mine set at 13.7% of my goal cal. Just make sure most is from whole grains and you should be ok. I have also heard that to help our body absorb and process dietary fiber we need a small amount of healthy fat with olive oil or nuts.
  • EdwardCPT
    EdwardCPT Posts: 37
    good info guys..i take in around 200 grams. and take the carbs in that order fiber, complex, and if i have to simple. I heard simple is okay to take right after a workouts.since it restores your gylcogen supply. but if u are very active you might need more carbs..because carbs equals energy
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    My diabetic dr says 30-40grams per meal and <20 for a snack. On days where I don't have low blood sugar or pasta I eat 200 or less but then when I have low blood sugar or pasta I might go over. (Like today.)