C-section fat wont go away!!!



  • deeltwins
    deeltwins Posts: 16
    I had a c-section in 1998 and had a 8 lb 12 oz baby boy. I had another c-section in 1999 and had twin boys, 6 lbs 8 oz and 7 lbs 3 ozs. I have also had a total hysterectomy and my gall bladder removed. I have no feeling in my lower stomach. I do exercises just for the stomach and only lose in my waist. I have lost 53 lbs. and have only went down 1 pants size. They are way too big in the waist, but I have to get them bigger to fit over my belly. Will the belly ever go away? Any suggestions are appreciated.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I haven't had kids but I had to have a bowel resection 2 years ago due to crohns disease its left me with a huge scar running from above my belly button to below my public bone. The bottom part of my abdominals is split into two and looks really unsightly (a lot like this http://www.makemeheal.com/pictures/tummy-tuck/vertical-c-section-scar-p527) and although I want to get a flatter stomach and work my abs when I try to do sit ups or work my lower abs It feels really scary tight and uncomfortable and i'm worried it might be how they stitched the muscles back together. :(

    Sounds like we have a similar incision. I am 3.5 years out. I posted above, but just wanted to say that I can identify with the tightness and discomfort. Traditional crunches feel strange. But the way the abs are used in pilates and yoga feels very different and I can feel the muscles getting stronger. My lower labs are still very weak, but they are much improved since I started in January.
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    bump/ I too had a c-section with twins and another pregnancy before the twins.

    Me too...first was almost 8 lbs and the twins almost 12 together! Mine seems to be flattening out in the middle but the sides still "hang" anyone else with this happening?
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    From what I understand other than surgically -- there is no way to really target an area...fat burns off evenly around and not just in once place. . .My "c-section flap" used to really be a fanny-pack LMAO!! It hung about 3 inches over my scar...i would say it's down to about 1.25 inches now. My last c-section was almost 13 monhs ago (13 mo on the 24th). I really forgot to ask my doc to trip that up for me HAHA . . once I'm down to my goal weight I will address again.. . until then I'm just truckin along...after all, what a big jiggly *kitten* without a fanny pack to go with it :O)
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    I would like to know as well lol altho I've had 3 c-sections!

    Me too! I have a super sexy hang over flap. It sucks! I lost 40# during my first pragnancy and it all sagged and stayed there! Id appreciate any help with this as well!
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    It is abdominoplasty...If you know anyone who is having a c-section you might want to tell them to ask their doctor as this can be done during the c-section itself...If not you are talking about a $6-10K plastic surgery.

    I asked my doctor about it and he told me no because all of the swelling from the pregnancy. Its def. an ultimate goal of mine to have it done. when i lose 75# im going to have it done i think that way all i have to do is tone it from there!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    I also had 3 c-sections and I am struggling with this area too. When I see my doctor next month, I plan to ask for some specific exercises that can help this area. My middle child was 10lbs 12 oz, so I have a lot to overcome!!
  • bethymay123
    From personal experiance, try the following exercises.

    1. Six inches- Lay on your back and extend your legs. Lift them up 6 inches off the ground and hold. This ingages your lower abs. Hold for 30 seconds relax repeat.
    2. Flutter kicks- on your back with legs extended. Lift your legs six inches. Starting with your right leg lift it up another six inches, return to six inches, which to other leg. This is a controled but steady movement.
    3. Reverse crunches- lay on your back with legs extended. Lift your legs past your waist ingaging your lower abs to lift your hips off the ground. Lower repeat.

    These are some of the exercises that I did during military training and they made my baby pooch run away screaming ( saddly it came skipping back home with my last pregnancy)

    Also please note I am not a trainer or dr. I give these exercises as examples of what helped me.