Mommy of 2 that wants to feel good about herself again...

JenniferWalden Posts: 13 Member
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself

I am 26 years old and weight about 192 pounds. This is the largest I have been since having my first child 8 years ago. I managed to lose the weight...about 20 pounds of it by doing Slim Fast and Pilates. Then I met my husband...then like with any relationship you get "comfortable" and then you've gained 10-15 pounds. Well...then we decided to have a baby. He will be 2 years old next month. After I had him I told myself I was going to join the local YMCA and get myself into the best shape of my life, since I had always been on the 'pudgy' side! Well...I joined...and I went...and got really excited when I started to see some results...but then of young newborn was attached to Mommy at the hip and would throw a terrible fit when I would leave him with the childcare to get my workout in. Well..I would get through my strength...but then when I got to my cardio, not more than 15 minutes into it someone from the nursery would find me and say that I needed to come get my child becuase he would not stop crying and that they were very sorry. It started to become harder and harder. Then my husband and I despartly needed a new mattress since when we tried to sleep at night we were always rolling into each other! LOL Guess what expense got cut? The YMCA membership. plan has fallen apart ever since and I've done nothing but gain...and gain...and gain! I am bound and determined that this time, I'm not going on a "diet". I am going to make the lifestyle change that is nessecary for me to be happy with myself again and for me to have more energy like I use too! Because with 2 boys I will take all of the engery I can get!!! :wink: I have a hard time finding motivation or someone too give me motivation so any motivation I can get along the way will only help even more! I honestly wish I had enough money to hire a drill sergant to whip my butt into shape! LOL So that is me and why I am here! Hoping to meet some great people along the way and would love to hear from anyone! WE CAN DO IT!!!!! :happy:


  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    wow...seriously...are we twins?!?!?1 My story is almost exactly the same. I have 1 girl, who I had at a young age. The I got married and had 2 boys. Also got sick of looking at myself so I joined the YMCA. Was doin well and seeing results, then my boys started acting up when I went to leave them. I know a lot of people will say that I should have just left them anyway, but thats not my parenting style. If I had to go to work or something it would be different, but I just felt the Mommy Guilt. So I quit. And gained. And now I am running at home and doing Jillian Michaels DVD's. I LOVE the kettlebell workout. And I will be starting Zumba soon. Welcome and I will be adding you as a friend!!
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    welcome. I myself am a mother. This is the biggest I have ever been and decided yet again that I need to lose some weight. I really like Myfitnesspal. I love being able to track everything I eat. It makes me think twice before I swing through a drive thru because I start thinking about how it will screw up my whole day. I have only been at this for a week, but am taking it one day at a time. I bought zumba fitness for my wii yesterday and boy it is a workout. I am so out of shape. Anyway, I just wanted to say welcome and good luck on your weight loss :)
  • JenniferWalden
    JenniferWalden Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! LOL We kinda do sound like twins! I want to take Zumba soooo bad! I love dancing and would love to do it, but I don't have the money right now since I'm trying to start my own business...which the stress from it is encouraging my sweet treat eating habits to come back out! LOL I HAVE to stop!!! I watched an informercial for it the other day and almost ordered, I'm thinking I probably will becuase I'm kinda burnt out on the pilates, its a much slower pace, and tends to get boring at times.
  • Hey :)

    I'm new on here too. Been on for one full week! I joined for the same reasons as you. Want to feel better and lose baby weight (3 1/2 yrs later, lol). You CAN do it. And yes, it is a lifestyle change. I joined the gym and love it, but as a single mom...that is always the first expense that gets cut. My main thing has been learning to eat differently (which I used to do but got very much out of the habit of doing.) I'm limited to the types of exercises I can do for physical reasons, so I love to put on music and dance with my little one. I also keep up with all of my housecleaning on here, hahaha. It actually motivates me to clean, which i hate to do, hahaha. Last, but not least, my 3 lb weights are my bff's, lol. I box when I dance, do actual reps with them, walk with them, run in place with them...My arms are looking so much better! I had already been working out daily for 3 months before I started counting calories. Eating less and exercising wasn't working very well. Now, I'm eating plenty, exercising still, and voila! It's amazing how eating different types of foods can make that big of a change! I'm excited to finally see results. You will too!!! Let's get started and see where this take us!

    Good Luck!!! :D
  • JenniferWalden
    JenniferWalden Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Michelle! After entering my food in for just the last two days I'm REALLY starting to think about what I eat now alot more. But the strange thing is, is I don't eat a whole's just choosing the right things to eat that I'm struggling with, like drive thru food! That gets me everytime! I'm horrible about fixing my lunch, so I'm always guilty of that! I never realized how many calories I was actually eating until I started looking alot of them up. It blows my mind!
  • Hi Jennifer,
    I can feel your pain! I too was 192 after 2 children and could not loose it. My doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and better get my act together. A friend of mine introduced me to Herbalife and I got on the program. Since May of last year I have gone from 192 to 141 (to date) and a size 14 to a 6! I can't even remember wearing a 6 in my life. I am now an Herbalife Distributor and Wellness Coach. My customers tell me it's the easiest diet ever! Well, it's not really a diet - it is a life change but it IS easy if you are truly ready. The best part is I am no longer pre-diabetic and my energy is through the roof!

    The gist of it is this. 2 shakes a day and a colorful dinner. It's a protein based diet which helps you stay full longer and regulate your blood sugars. I know, I know... I have done the slim fast shakes too. It's nothing like those. Those are crap compared to this stuff. This product is packed full of 24 vitamins & minerals and actually tastes great. No kidding! Some of the recipes you can make are:
    Strawberry Cheesecake, Blueberry or Cherry Vanilla Almond, Butterfinger, Pecan Sandie, Tagalong, Snickers, Reeses, and the list goes on and on. There is a whole book!

    I would love to tell you more about it if you are interested. You don't even have to be local. I can figure a plan for you over the phone. I can send you a before & after photos and even referrals if you like so you know that I am legit.

    Wishing you all the best in your journey back to health!
    Heather Shelby
  • JenniferWalden
    JenniferWalden Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you purpleday!!! We CAN do it!!! I'm getting pumped up about it now!!! You ladies are so awesome! I'm so excited now!!! I want this sooo bad. I just hope that my 2 year old will understand! LOL I work retail so finding time between my full time job and my part time side business...there just never seems to be enough time in the day, but with summer coming and the nice weather...I can get him out in his stroller more so...that is my goal! Park here we come!!!
  • aleximas
    aleximas Posts: 2
    I want to take Zumba soooo bad! I love dancing and would love to do it, but I don't have the money right now since I'm trying to start my own business...
  • Welcome! Glad to have you. I was reading your post and so much of what you said resonated with my own situation. I got to my highest at 199 and vowed then and there that was where the scale stopped and started in reverse. I did well for several months, losing almost 25 lbs to just gain it back over the past year. Crash dieting NEVER works. I find myself semi-obsessed with this website because for once, finally, I am semi-obsessed with my health and truly changing my life. MFP really makes you think about everything you put in your body and what you expect out of it. Best of luck on your journey - you CAN do it. If I, the queen of NO will power can do it, you can do it too!:happy:
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