My 100,000th attempt to lose weight!

poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
I have had weight issues since I was about 9yrs old...up down and up down again! I didn't become obsessed about it til after I gave birth to my first child.....becoming very disgusted with myself. After 4 1/2 yrs of giving birth I finally got REAL and started working my butt off 4-5 days per week and dropped 25lbs......then I found out I was pregnant with baby #2. So back to square one! It has been lmost 4 months after having baby and I am down 15-20lbs baby weight...flucuates. I work out 2-3 days per week when I can and watch my food intake. Very hard tho cuz I have a husband who eats whatever he wants and jogs every so I the weekends I am sometimes nt so conscientious of my food choices. I just want to be "normal" and not always focus on my weight. My ultimate goal is to weight 175lbs which at 5'7 is perfect for my body type....(I am very 175lbs I wore a size 12) I would love any advice or tips....and maybe a weightloss partner. I want to b a healthy mom not the "fat mom". :noway:


  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I'm glad you decided to join, this has been a really good thing for me. All the support and encouragement keeps me going. I too have done diet after diet and even lost 110lbs one time and gained it all back plus another 40-50lbs. So, needless to say I have 182lbs to lose. But I've done well here. I mean it hasn't been easy and I've had setbacks, but I'm pushing through those and learning from them.

    Sorry to ramble Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! Good luck!!
  • twilks11
    twilks11 Posts: 29
    If you need someone to be your partner i would love to..I also need one..I always thing that with more then one you seem to do better.
  • Codygirlslim
    Welcome to MFP!! I'm glad you decided to join, this has been a really good thing for me. All the support and encouragement keeps me going. I too have done diet after diet and even lost 110lbs one time and gained it all back plus another 40-50lbs. So, needless to say I have 182lbs to lose. But I've done well here. I mean it hasn't been easy and I've had setbacks, but I'm pushing through those and learning from them.

    Sorry to ramble Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! Good luck!!

    Can I be your friend too?! I am very intrigued by your story...and I would love to help motivate you and get motivated by you in return. Please send me a request if you are interested! I think we we would be a great team!! CodygirlSlim
  • kgarza810
    kgarza810 Posts: 37
    welcome! there are louts of mommies here who have trouble finding the time to exercise and with husband who can eat anything! if we can do it. you can do it. good luck! :) you will do great.
  • mdailous
    mdailous Posts: 9
    Hi there,

    1st, I'd like to say "Don't give up!". Hard work and determination do have their rewards... and for some, it's a little harder than others... but it's still attainable. :) So... Don't give up.

    2nd, my fiance showed me this article the other day (irony LOL). It's a health and wellness article specifically for women trying to loose weight by only doing cardio.... It may give you some additional insight, drive or perspective. Regardless, it's very well written.

    Good luck. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask. :)
  • Codygirlslim
    I have a similar story...and now have 4 beautiful children and very little time for myself, but now I am committed and have set a goal for myself to be at 189 lbs by graduation June 4th. I am was 224 at last WI, but my heaviest was in Dec, right before I started at 235lbs. My pre-preg weight was 231. My 4th baby was just born in Nov,so I am nursing too and have to figure that into everything. We love our babies, and give all of our time to serve and take care of them...but if we don't take care of ourselves...there will be no one to take care of, my personal new philosophy is that of Moses (the BL guy...NOT the prophet from the Old Test-lol) "If I fail me, I fail them!" Would love to join forces and help each other out. Welcome to the journey, and I look forward to reaching the destination wit you! CodyGirlSlim
  • Codygirlslim
    welcome! there are louts of mommies here who have trouble finding the time to exercise and with husband who can eat anything! if we can do it. you can do it. good luck! :) you will do great.

    Oh good...another husband just ate 10 Oreo's in front of me (they were grandma contraband as I NEVER let Oreo's near me...we have a love hate relationship...I love to eat them all and then hate myself after they are gone! lol) and they were 75 cal's per an Oreo! I could have killed him! I did allow myself 2 (150 cals), and enjoyed every last bite...but afterward I went and worked out for a second time today to just be sure I didn't undo all of my hardwork today. Turkey of a husband will just go play bball and it will all be gone tomorrow. Grrrrrr
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    100,000th? That's a lot. Roughly 3,030 a year if you started at it right out of the womb. ;P

    haha Welcome! Just follow the guidelines of the site, move as much as you can and ask if you have any questions.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome! My goal is to be under 200 by late summer....I usually set this same goal every year...only to fail. Maybe this is my year?!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome! My goal is to be under 200 by late summer....I usually set this same goal every year...only to fail. Maybe this is my year?!

    You CAN do it! We'll be here along the way to help!! :0)