Farewell MFP... for now :(

Hello everyone,

I have been diligently logging my food here since August of year when I began P90x. I was successful in gaining healthier eating habits and losing weight :)
However, I think I've developed an eating disorder of some sort... I constantly obsess over the numbers. Before I made certain I stayed under 1200 even after exercise, which I usually didn't log because I didn't have a reliable HRM.
But now, I feel like my calorie, fat, etc. goals restrict me... and I have this thing about feeling restricted. So for the past 3 weeks maybe I have been averaging probably 800 cals higher than my goal numbers due to binges. And of course I'm too ashamed too log them, so what's the point?
I just felt I had to get all of of this off my chest.

You have all been soo wonderful. I hope to correct my problem and return with a better mindset.



  • Go_Lise
    Go_Lise Posts: 151
    I completely understand what you are feeling and going through. Sometimes I wonder about MFP and my mental health and dependency on it. I've heard of quite a few members who have bid farewell with MFP for those reasons.

    I encourage you to do what feels right. Good luck!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    best of luck Dont wait to get real (professional)help if you need it.
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    I wish you the best of luck! Remember if you ever come back you don't have to make your diary public, it can be something only you can view. I'm glad you found the site helpful in ways and you changed for the better eating healthier and exercising!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its so easy to get addicted.

    Good luck xx
  • Yesterday was my first day on the site, and I binged and it was bad...Embarrassed as I was, I still logged everything I binged on and it's been great having a support system tell me I can still move forward from this!
    I'll be praying for you. :)
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Aww Man! Im gonig to miss you dear!, but i understnad! get your mindset better and we will celebrate you coming back on the wagon!I can see how you would fall into the obseswive catergory, that's what was happening to me too, and i took a long break, then i came back, and now im back on again after serveral attempts... Ill talk to you soon sweetie! feel betterrrrr!!:cry::flowerforyou:
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    Good luck!
  • i can relate there are times when i binge bad and not log it. but i still move forward . i hope you feel better. if you ever need anything message me i have aim my sn is angelinchains07.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Best of luck to you!!!
  • hrgarry
    hrgarry Posts: 10
    I found myself obsessing over "actuals" too. If I didn't have an accurate calorie count I felt like I blew it and binged... figured what the hell my day is off anyway. With that I found my weight creaping up and up and up... so I found a way to make best guesses and force myself to accept the calorie count. I still prefer to eat foods with accurate numbers but I'm not opposed to a casserole where I can guess about how much bread, meat, fat, veg is in my serving.

    I've actually recently gone back to square one being ultra strict. The weight is coming off and I'm not mentally distraught about my recording...

    Hang in there... shake off what is holding you back... and when you are ready - start again. This really is a good tool to keep you in check.

    Best wishes,
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I think the problem is that you were staying under 1200 all the time and then would work out and not log those calories burned. You ended up not getting enough calories and now you are real hungry trying to make up for it. You body was starving and it is telling you this by being so darn hungry. You have to follow the program correctly for it to be successful. I am sorry this didn't work for you.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i sometimes wonder if this place is good for me too.
    Im a bit inclined to get obsessive